Media Revsion- Deck 1 Flashcards
50 Media Questions
What are the 4 features of New Media?
Convergence, Interactivity, User power, Accessibility
Which sociologist wrote Global Village?
Name 5 news values identified by Gatlung and Ruge
Frequency, familiarity, negativity, unexpectedness, unambiguity, personalisation, meaningfulness
What term do Marxists use to describe institutions such as the media?
Ideological State Apparatus
Name three forms of traditional media
Newspaper, radio, analogue TV
Which media model suggests that the audience are passive puppets of what they watch?
Hypodermic Syringe Model
What was the Leveson enquiry?
Government enquiry into the hacking of mobile phones by the News of the World
What term is used to mean that the media determine what is significant in terms of the news?
Agenda setting
What is meant by cultural homogenisation?
Whole world becomes the same
Who first used the term symbolic Annihilation in reference to women and the media?
Tuchman et al.
What did Baudrillard mean by simulacra?
Boundaries between reality and media become blurred.
What is meant by the term horizontal integration?
Cross media ownership- companies owning lots of different types of media.
Who argues that competition between the media companies is healthy and creates a balanced range of media products?
Name 3 stereotypes of children that are seen in the media.
Cute, consumers, little angels/devils, victims, prodigies, accessories.
Define mass media.
Forms of communication which reach a larger audience.
What terms means 2 or more related businesses work together e.g to promote and sell film, toys etc more effectively than they could individually.
Identify 5 common representations of disability in the media according to Barnes.
Pathetic, object of violence, sinister, mysterious, super cripples, object of ridicule, their own worst enemy.
Who talks about retributive masculinity?
According to Gan how do editors act as gatekeepers?
They decide what is new and what is not.
Which body regulates the press in the UK?
Independent Press Standards (IPSO)
What term means the uncritical over-reliance by journalists on ‘facts’ produced by government spin doctors and public relations experts?
What term means owning all stages in the production, distribution- and consumption of a product?
Vertical integration
What are the three filters before media affects the audience?
Selective filter, selective perception, selective retention
Who linked the moral panic about gangsta-rap gun crime?
Give one example of public broadcasting media
Which sociologist is associated with the cult of feminitity?
What are the four main perspectives of media ownership?
Marxism, Neo-marxism, Pluralist, Postmodern
What term means including a limited number of minority group members only because it is felt that it is expected?
What are the 4 main functions the media performs for individual audiences according to Blumer and McQuail
Diversion, Personal Relationships, Personal Identity, Surveillance
McQuail, Blumer et al suggested that the media is consumed by people in what 4 ways?
To entertain, to understand, give a sense of identity and social solidarity.
What is meant by popular culture?
Cultural products liked and enjoyed by the mass of ordinary people. Associated with mass culture.
Identify 4 ways that old people are stereotypically represented as in the media.
Grumpy, a burden, infantile, demented or confused, second childhood.
Which sociologist associated the idea of moral panics and folk devils created by the media?
Which sociologist is associated with the concept of Churnalism?
What is the role of the BBFC?
To review films and video games and give age recommendations.
What is the cult of femininity?
The promotion of a traditional ideal where excellence is achieved through caring for others, the family, marriage and appearance. Ferguson claimed that teenage girl magazines traditionally prepared girls for feminised adult roles.
What are the 6 media models?
Hypodermic syringe model, selective filter, two-step flow, uses and gratifications, cultural effects, reception analysis
What is the disinhibition effect?
Effect of media violence where the audience believe that in some social situations violence is acceptable.
Who is the owner of the News Corps media group?
Rupert Murdoch
Name 3 stereotypes of teenagers that are seen in the media.
Sullen, criminal, over-sexualised, anti-authority.
What term means relieving tensions e.g screen violence provides a safe outlet for other people’s violent tendencies
Who are the digital underclass?
A group of people mainly from the lowest social classes who are increasingly disadvantaged in comparison to those who have full access to the internet and other digital media effects.
What area of the media was the focus of research by Greg Philo?
Media Effects
Give one criticism of the cultural effects model.
Impossible to measure, suggests audience passivity.
Who talks about the working class being demonised by the media in their book, “Chavs”?
Owen Jones
In what ways does Van Dijk suggest that black people are represented in the media?
As a threat to the majority of the population or as invisible.
Which sociologist is associated with the Two Step flow model of media effects?
Katz and Lazarfield
What term does Curren and Seaton use to describe those who are positive about the new media and its benefits?
What are the Glasgow University Media Group?
A group of academics who have carries out extensive research into television-based news coverage.
What term does Curren and Seaton use to describe those who are negative about new media?
Cultural pessimists.
What term means the belief that media owners will actively look to shape media content by controlling editors and journalists?
Manipulative Approach
Which theory of media effects suggests that the function of the media is to meet individual needs of each member of the audience?
Uses and gratifications model
Who suggests that media concentration is highly detrimental to the public because it gives increased control of the minds to people of the bourgeoisie.
What is meant by the fallacy of choice?
Although we have more channels to choose from we have the same thing or channel.
Who suggests the new media isn’t new at all but instead is old media adapting to modern technology?
Cornford and Robins
Give 2 impacts of globalisation in the media.
News papers are no longer limited by national boarders, advertising happens on a scale, westernisation of cultures, ownership of the media is no longer national.
Who conducted the Bobo Doll experiment?
What did McCabe and Martin mean by the Disinhibition Effect?
Normal rules of behaviour can be suspended if required.
Which sociologists are associated with the idea that media violence can be cathartic?
Fesbach and Sanger
Which theory of media effects is associated with neo-marxism?
Cultural effects model