Media Regulation Flashcards
Hypodermic Needle. (1920-1940)
(Passive) The hypodermic needle theory is the theory that the majority of audiences are passive and uncritical to messages and values espoused by the media that they consume.
An example is in Orson Welle’s War of the Worlds hoax broadcast accepted as real to much hysteria.
Two Step Flow (1948)
(Active) The theory that media flows from the source of media to an opinion leader and then on to followers of said leader as a large source of the masses media consumption leading to the resultant media consumption being influenced by the leaders opinion. An example is the celebrity endorsed Kony 2012 despite criticism from journalists and experts.
Reinforcement Theory (1960)
(Active) confirmation Bias-people seek out media that validates already held beliefs. Example are anti-vaccination.
Agenda Setting function Theory (1972)
(Active) Media’s ability to influence masses by devoting more attention to specific stories to focus attention on them. Example large amount of attention given to President Trumps tweets however inconsequential leading to the idea that they are important.
Types of reception theory (1973)
(Active) Dominant, negotiated and oppositional
Define dominant reception theory
How the producers wishes the text to be received. Godzilla (1954) carried an obvious and primarily accepted message in regards to the horrors inflicted by nuclear war.
Define negotiated reception theory
Audience accepts some of producers views but has views on product themselves. A person may accept that it’s realistic for a character to use racially charged slurs in a period appropriate setting such as in Django Unchained (2012) but still find it distasteful.
Reception theory-Oppositional reading
Audience rejects products meaning and substitutes their own. Fight Club (1999) intends to present Tyler Durden the narrator’s split personality as an embodiment of toxic masculinity, sociopathy and not an example to be followed and yet many celebrate the character with some people having made their own fight clubs in real life inspired by the movie.
What year was hypodermic needle theory founded?
Agenda setting function theory year of founding?
Reception theory year?
Reinforcement theory year?
Two step flow theory year?
Pros of regulation media?
Aids in prevention of religious conflict, triggering,violence or sexual content showed to children.
Cons of censorship?
Controls flow of information, stifles creativity, interferes with free speech.
Define cultivation theory(1970’s-1980’s)?
(Passive) Media contributes to audiences perception of social reality.
Define Spiral of silence?(1974)
(Active) Mass media plays a significant role in defining dominant opinion. Opposition minded people are afraid to speak out fearing social isolation.
Define propaganda model?(1989)
(Passive) Mass media is controlled and owned by powerful organisations serving their own interests.
Define uses and gratification theory?(1974)
(Active) People use the media to gratify a variety of needs.
Define semiotic constructivism?(1970’s)
(Active) Theory suggesting media is constructed using a shared code with the goal of using this code to influence the consumer.
Define encoding/decoding (1980)
(Active) Audience derive own meaning from media texts. Dominant negotiated or oppositional.