Media Literacy Assesment Flashcards
Celebrity/expert endorses a product
Connects feelings about something to another unrelated thing or person
Snob appeal
Uses a high social status as a reward for buying the product
Glittering generality
Uses a general claim with no proof to support it, links positive words to values concepts, demand approval without thinking
“In defense of democracy”
“Ours is the best”
Everyone is doing it! Appeals to feelings of loyalty and the desire to be on the winning side
Name calling
Linking a person with either a positive or negative connotation to someone else (terrorist, crook)
Other name for card stacking
Card stacking
Only presents information that is positive to an idea or proposal and omitting information contrary to it
Plain folks
Convinces the public that it’s views reflect those of the common person and they are working for the benefit of the common person
What does SOAPS stand for
Subject, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Speaker
What is SOAPS for
Analyzing media and looking for rhetoric
Ethics, build credentials and trust
“Proceeds go to saving the planet”
“As you’ve come to expect”
“98% of doctors say…”
“4 out of 5 costumers agree…”
“From 1987 to 2001,…”
Appeals to emotion
people smiling in a commercial
descriptive language
What are the authors purposes?
To inform, to entertain, to persuade
What is mood
How the reader feels when reading the text
What is tone
The authors attitude toward the topic
What’s diction?
Word choice
What’s formal language
Academic language
What’s informal language
Everyday language
Common expression whose real meaning differs from literal (raining cats and dogs)
Used by members of a group; colorful; out of style quickly (yassss, slay, groovy)
Specialized language used in business/profession (GPS, IEP, QCC, SST)
Pictures created in readers mind using the 5 senses
Sound of work based on writers vocabulary, sentence structure, and figurative language
Using other people’s statements without citing them
Modern Language Association
General Knowledge
Facts everybody knows so do not need citation; basic rule: 3 or more sources
Works cited pages must be
Media literacy
Ability to access analyze evaluate and create media in a variety of forms
What are the 4 Rs
Relevant Reliable Recent Representative