Media Language Terminology Flashcards
You will be shown a piece of media language terminology which you must define.
Something which communicates meaning (e.g. colours, sounds etc.). The meaning of a sign can change according to context.
Binary Opposites?
A pair of related concepts that are opposite in meaning & values.
Brand Identity
The association the audience makes with a brand that has been built up over time and reinforced by advertising campaigns and their placement.
A larger newspaper that publishes more serious news.
The meaning attached to something.
The coming together of previously separated media industries, often as a result of technological advances.
Cover Lines (Magazine)
These suggest content to the magazine reader and often contain teasers and rhetorical questions.
Cross-Platform Marketing
A text that is distributed and exhibited across a range of media formats or platforms.
Consumers categorised based on age, sex, income, profession etc. Categories range from A to E with A and B being the wealthiest and most influential members of society.
The description of what you can see/hear.
Diegetic Sound
Sound that can be seen, coming from within the world of the media text.
Enigma Code
A narrative device which increases tension and audience interest by only releasing bits of information.
Feature (Magazine)
The main story.
Four Cs
Cross Cultural Consumer Characteristics - A way of categorising consumers into groups through their motivational needs. The main groups are Mainstreamers, Aspirers, Explorers, Succeeders and Reformers.
A collection of related films in succession that share the same fictional universe, or are marketed as a series.
The people responsible for deciding the most appropriate stories to appear in the newspapers.
Grouping media texts with similar features, codes and conventions.
Hegemonic Male Representation
The idea that the dominant social position in society is taken by men.
Horizontal Integration
Where a conglomerate is made up of different companies that produce and sell similar products.
A large organisation that has interests in a number of different businesses or industries.
The strategies used to release, market and promote the product.
Vertical Integration
A company owns most or all of the chain of production.
Mainstream, High-Concept Film
Easy to sell to a wide audience as it delivery upon an easy-to-grasp idea.
House Style (Magazine)
The colours, layout and design, font, content and general ‘look’ that makes the magazine recognisable to its reader.
Hybrid Genre
Media Texts that incorporate elements of more than one genre and are therefore more difficult to classify.