Media Language Flashcards
Who made semiotics?
Roland Bartes
What is semiotics?
Semiotics is the idea that texts communicate their meanings through a process of signification. They can function at denotation (literal) and connotation (meanings associated).
Who made structuralism?
Claude Levi Strauss
What is structuralism?
The idea that texts can be best understood through an examination of their underlying structure (dependent upon pairs of opposition).
Who made Genre Theory?
Steve Neale
Who made narratology?
Tzvetan Todorov
What is narratology?
All narratives share a basic structure that involves a movement from one state of equilibrium are separated by a period of imbalance.
What is Genre Theory?
The idea that all genres abide by a set of codes and conventions, and are dominated by repetition, variation and difference. These are familiar to audiences and established over a long period of time.
Who made the post-modernism theory?
Jean Baudrillard
What is the post-modernism theory?
Idea that in postmodern culture the boundaries between the ‘real’ world and the world of the media have collapsed and that it is no longer possible to distinguish between reality and simulation.
What is a long shot?
Where in a frame you can see the entirety of a subject - whole body is visible.
What is an extreme long shot?
Whereby the shot is from a greater distance and the people look fairly small and the setting rather vast/wide.
High angle shot?
same as long shot but from an angle - to represent vulnerability of a character.
Establishing shot?
The camera shot to establish the location and often occurs at the beginning of a film/tv show or at the start of a new scene.
Panning shot?
Football match - moves at a 180 degree angle.