Media: Gender - Theorists Flashcards
Deborah Cameron
Diversity Model: Any contrasts between each gender are due to dominant societal expectations. EG. Way in which women and men think they are supposed to speak is called ‘Verbal Hygiene’
Dale Spender
Argued that social world is described using language biased against women. She says how men are the ones who have made the rules of language and that’s why we have terms such as ‘Mankind’
Dale Spender 2
Language changes with perception of the world
O’barr and Atkins
Features of ‘uncertain speech’ aren’t based on gender but power relations.
Robin Lakoff
Women deploy a distinct ‘Woman’s speech’ using:
- Hedges, empty adjectives, super-polite forms, tag questions, indirect requests, apologising more, speak in italics, hyper-correct grammar and speak less frequently
Zimmerman and West
Men interrupt more, proved through investigation see notes
Zimmerman and West
Dominance theory: ‘women have an inferior position in social society and that men dominate women’. And that men deny equal status as women in conversation, feeling a need to lead
Paul Baker
Found that over time found there had been a reduction in amount of male-orientated terms but a steady number of female marked terms being used to put women down. Eg ‘girl’ in contrast to ‘boy’
Jennifer Coates
Theory that a woman’s language was more supportive and thus women use hedges in order to express epistemically modality in an attempt to respect face needs
Jennifer Coates
When men introduce topic accepted but when women usually rejected. Male topics usually typical: politics, sport etc.
Deborah tannen
Difference Theory - Difference starts in childhood where parent use more words about feelings to girls and used more verbs to boys.
Deborah Tannen - Status v Support
Men grow up in a world where conversation is competitive and strive to ensure they dominate the conversation but women use it to gain support
Deborah Tannen - Independant v Intimacy
Claims men are more focused with status therefore they focus more on independence. Whereas women think in terms of intimacy seeking support and closeness to find a connection
Deborah Tannen - Advice v Understanding
Men like to find solutions whereas women like to give understanding and support
Deborah Tannen - Information v Feelings
Men communicate and exchange information quick and effectively however women will spend hours talking about feelings and emotions
Orders v Proposals
Men make orders using direct imperatives whilst women suggest things in more indirect ways
Conflict v Compromise
Men are more likely to voice their opposition to a suggestion in the workplace or home and women are less likely to object and assert themselves