Medea (reverse) Flashcards
Exodus speech / chorus’ final message to the audience
“what men expect does not happen; for the unexpected heaven finds a way”
Tutor about J
“No-one loves his neighbour more than himself”
Tutor about J
“Is he so different from the rest of mankind?”
Creon to M
“my children win more love from me than my country”
M to A
“Aegeus, you have a noble heart
Aegeus to M
“the fate awaiting mortals who offend against the gods”
Chorus after J breaks oath
“uphill flows the water of sacred rivers; nature and all things are overturned”
J to M when holding the corpses of his children above the stage (on a chariot)
“In heavens name, let me touch my children’s soft skin”
J to M when holding the corpses of his children above the stage (on a chariot)
“you have robbed me of life”
J to M when holding the corpses of his children above the stage (on a chariot)
“you have destroyed me lady”
Stage directions
“Medea suddenly appears above the stage in a chariot drawn by dragons. Visible to the audience are the corpses of children”
J being hubristic
“she will prefer me to wealth”
J to M about Glauce
“If she’s a women like the rest”
when M agrees with J’s plan
“sensible women should behave”
when M agrees with J’s plan
“superior way of thinking”
Jason to M (being misogynistic)
- happiness
“You [women] think your happiness is complete when love smiles down on you but, should some misfortune mar that love, you take all that is good in life and turn it into ground for bitter hatred”
M to nurse, E = implies struggle is universal
“say nothing if truely you are a loyal servant and a woman”
M to chorus (masculine)
“offends his fellows by his lack of finer feelings”
M to chorus (men)
“no justice in the eyes of men”
To Jasons unquenchable desperation of oikos
“have fallen victim”
M’s reason
“my passion is the master of my reason”
Jason thinks he is more superior than M
Jason being misogynistic
“like a seasoned helmsman, I must trim my sails to run before the temptest of your noisy protestations”
Jason being misogynistic
“should have been some other means for mankind to reproduce itself, without the need of a female sex; this would rid the world of all its troubles”
Medea to women of Corinth
Medea to women of Corinth
“good man or bad”
Medea to women of Corinth
“of all creature that have life and reason, we women aee the most miserable specimens”, “must buy a husband” + “master to play tyrant with our bodies”
Jason justifying to Medea why he abandoned her
“my advantage”
Jason justifying to Medea why he abandoned her
“ensure my prosperity”
Jason justifying to Medea why he abandoned her
“raise my sons in a manner worthy of my house”
Nurse during prologue
Nurse during prologue
“[Medea] seeks to please her husband in all she does”
Medea’s boldness allows her to commit act
Chorus to M as she reveals her plan to murder the children
“We beg you not to murder your children”
Chorus to M as she reveals her plan to murder the children
“I tell you from a heart that wishes you well yet would not break mankind’s laws, do not do this”
Chorus becomes radicalised
“it is just” + “I will do as you ask” + “take revenge on your husband”
Nurse Re Medea
“anger will grow” + “grief like a gathering cloud” + “kindled by it and burst into storm”
Nurse about J+M’s situation
“where love was once deepest a cancer spreads”