Med term: Vocational Counseling Flashcards
According to our book, where do people go most often when seeking help with life’s problems?
Religious beliefs and practices have been found to be helpful for older adults when facing the psychological stress of ill health and disability. True or False
Religious beliefs and practices have been found to be helpful in the lives of various family members throughout the life span. True of False
Religious beliefs and practices have been found to be helpful for parents who have lost a child. True or False
The authors of CFALS state that relationship is a key element in counseling. What else did they add about relationships?
Relationships are not merely a condition for healing, but a moral imperative
Our authors mentioned a survey of Methodist clergy who had some training in counseling. What percentage felt confident about working with families in a counseling setting?
2 out of 5
Which list is the three legs of a helping ministry identified by Clinton & Hawkins?
Pastor or church staff, professional clinician, and lay leader or minister
Married people live longer. True or False
Married people are generally healthier. True or false
Children from a stable, committed marriage do better in life. True or False
At a time of widespread concern about the demise of the family, it is especially important that pastors and their colleagues in ministry …
understand how to help guide families through the passages of the life cycle
The ability to depend on one another and a desire to spend time and energy with one another is what?
Expressing care and concern that foster trust and confidence is what?
The capacity to endure and grow in response to a crisis and the challenge is what?
The ability to talk and listen effectively and to negotiate when problems occur is what?
Effective communication and conflict management
One of the social reforms suggested by the authors of CFALS is to…
Reducing the workweek hours
The authors of CFALS suggest that the United States is becoming:
a multiracial, multicultural and multilingual society
According to the authors of CFALS, religious groups usually don’t get involved in social rights issues of minority populations. True or False
The group within the Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders who are doing the best financially in this country are:
Chinese, Japanese, and Filipino-Americans who have been in this country for several generations
The degree to which a minority group has learned the majority culture is what?
The idea that there is only one set of cultural values and assumptions is what?
Cultural encapsulation
An individual’s psychological orientation membership in both the dominant and nondominant cultures of the US is what?
Identity issues
Key informants from the congregation member’s culture are what?
Culture brokers
Clergy should not use interpreters when working with people from different cultures. They should refer them to appropriate resources. True or False
What is the percentage of Americans that will suffer from mental health symptoms during their lifetime?
1 out of 5
How many American suffer from mental health problems now?
45 million
What is the second most commonly prescribed medication in America?
John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrim’s Progress, was a Puritan. True or False
The Puritans were the first to write down their ideas about the care of souls or pastoral counseling. They addressed a variety of issues such as anxiety, depression, and stress. True or False
Soren Kierkegaard was a Christian philosopher. True or False
During what decade did the process of ‘deinstitutionalization’ begin? (This means that people with mental health problems stopped being put into long-term mental asylums and were returned to the community for care from local providers).
Who talked about a case study involving Doritos and Tom Cruise.
Dr. Powlison
Who described a case study involving Martin Luther and a man who thought he was a rooster?
Dr. Powlison
According to Powlison and Kellemen, a pastor’s counseling role has got to be embedded in the entire life of the body of Christ. True or False
The best way to gain experience working with groups is to work with someone who can supervise and guide you. True or False
Paying full attention to the person who is communicating with you is called?
Active listening
The ability to convey the essence of what a person said so the person can ‘see’ it is called what?
Focusing on key underlying issues and helping the person sort out confusing and conflicting feelings is called what?
Fostering a climate that is safe, positive, and supportive, yet strong enough to, at times, withstand highly charged emotions, challenges, and interactions between members is called what?
Essential leader behavior
What are the two most important characteristics of group leaders?
Personality and character
Who developed the theory known as the ecological theory of child development?
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Intellectual ability is measured by the score one gets on an IQ test. There are ones specifically designed for children, which were mentioned in this week’s reading. Average intelligence scores are 100. For a person to be diagnosed with mental retardation (remember, now called intellectual disability) their score would have to be below what number?
70 or below
What did Clinton & Hawkins write about the role of parents?
Raising a child is a high calling from God.
After getting a picture of family life by asking some general questions about their parenting techniques, some ‘action steps’ suggested by Clinton & Hawkins include:
Planning how discipline will be handled, determining what is negotiable and what is not, setting aside family time, and planning who is responsible for household chores.
In middle childhood, children need encouragement and exposure to a variety of experiences. According to Erikson’s theory, they are trying to develop…
a sense of industry (failure will mean they may develop a sense of inferiority)
All cultures offering formal education for children begin at ages 5-7. This is because…
A cognitive shift begins around age 6, and children begin to ‘reason’.
About how many words does a 6 year old know?
6,000-14,000 words are in their vocabulary.
Depression can never occur in a real Christian. True or False