Med Surg 2- Cardiac Exam Flashcards
Stretch just before systole
blood ejected from ventricle
mitral/tricuspid closing
aortic/pulmonic closing
Cardiac cath performed for R side
PE, vagal response
Cardiac cath performed for L side
MI, stroke, bleeding
Cardiac cath perform for L and R side
edema, cardiac tamponade, hematoma
Cardiac cath post-op
bed rest, watch insertion site, VS, bleeding, pulses (pedal)
protein released when heart is damaged
increased means that there is damaged muscle
released by ventricles in response to fluid overload
Over 900 is severe!
CAD, HTN, smoking, obesity, sleep apnea
HF Compensatory mechanisms
Sympathetic NS, RAS activation, BNP increased, myocardial hypertrophy
HF labs
hypovolemia, check K, increased BNP, urinalysis (protein in urine), ABG’s (hypoxemia)
Echo- shows blood flow, how the heart is doing
CXR- fluids
L sided HF
used to be called congestive HF, affects the lungs!
L sided HF causes
HTN, CAD, valvular disease
not all types have fluid accumulation
L sided HF S/S
dyspnea, fatigue, weakness, arm heaviness, CP, palpitations, cough worsened at night, tachypnea, cyanosis, pulmonary congestion
L sided HF severities
Severe L HF leads to pulmonary edema (crackles, dyspnea at rest, confusion)
Pink, frothy sputum is a life-threatening emergency!
R sided HF
R ventricle can’t empty completely
R sided HF causes
L ventricular failure, R ventricle MI, pulmonary HTN
R sided HF s/s
Peripheral edema, increased abd girth/ascites, dependent edema, hepatomegaly, JVD, weight gain
R sided HF interventions
Take a daily weight in the morning
O2, Is, TCDB, sit pt up with pillows underneath arms, reposition frequently, never massage pt’s legs
Lisinopril, Valsartan
Lowers BP
major s/s to stop is swollen lips, can cause coughing
Get pt up slowly due to hypotension, avoid pregnancy
Beta Blockers
Lowers HR and BP
Start slowly for HF and don’t stop abruptly
Calcium CB
Nifedipine, Cardizem
Lowers HR and BP
Lowers HR
Therapeutic levels -.5-2.0
Hypokalemia leads to toxicity
s/s- blurred vision, mental changes, fatigue, anorexia
Dilators- Nitroglycerin
Lowers BP
Common s/s is headache, low NP
NO Viagra
Lasix, Spironolactone
Lowers BP
Spironolactone SPARES K, furosemide WASTES K
HF education
Diet- low sodium, 2L fluid/day
Risk for falls, change positions slowly
BP and BNP should not increase
Elevate legs with pillows
Daily Weights in morning
Sex only if 2 flights of stairs no SOB
Stockings daily
No canned/packaged foods or OTC
Acute pulmonary edema
LV fails to eject sufficient blood, increased pressure in lungs
fluid leaks across pulmonary capillaries (lungs airway)
Acute pulmonary edema s/s
crackles, dyspnea, SOB, tachycardia, cough with frothy, blood-tinged sputum, confused, cyanotic, agitating, increased RR, lethargic
Acute pulmonary edema interventions
High Folwer’s with feet dangling, hemodynamic monitoring, IVF’s, foley
Acute pulmonary edema meds
morphine sulfate
sublingual nitro q5min, max 3 doses
furosemide/ bumetanide IV push over 1-2 min
VS q30min-1hr
chronic disease of heart
Dilated, hypertrophic, restrictive
Cardiomyopathy s/s
orthopnea, crackles, edema, dyspnea on exertion, nocturnal dyspnea, a-fib in som
Cardiomyopathy interventions
palliative care, possible heart transplant, digoxin, diuretics, vasodilators, ACE
Cardiac Tamponade
fluid accumulation in pericardium that puts pressure on heart, sudden decrease in cardiac output
Medical emergency!
Cardiac Tamponade s/s
JVD, paradoxical pulse, tachycardia, muffled heart sounds, hypotensions
removes fluids and relieves pressure on the heart
Mitral Stenosis
narrowing of valve L-side
rheumatic fever!
Mitral Stenosis s/s
orthopnea, dyspnea on exertion, dry cough, palpitations, paroxsymal nocturnal dyspnea
Mitral Regurgitation
opening/valve that doesn’t flow, blood goes back into atrium
Mitral Regurgitation causes
mitral valve prolapse, rheumatic heart disease, MI, endocarditis
Mitral Regurgitation s/s
fatigue, extra heart sound, chronic weakness, anxiety, A-fib, RR changes
Mitral valve prolapse
valve leaflets enlarge and prolapse into L atrium during systole
confirmed by echo
Mitral valve prolapse s/s
Most people asymptomatic
CP, palpitations, exercise intolerance, late systolic murmur at apex
Aortic stenosis
narrowing of aortic valve, disrupts flow from L ventrilce
disease of “wear and tear”
can develop R sided HF
Aortic regurgitation
backflow into L ventricle, results from rheumatic conditions
Aortic regurgitation s/s
Can be asymptomatic for years
dyspnea, angina, tachycardia, palpitations, fatigue, syncope on exertion, orthopnea, murmur
Aortic regurgitation DX
CXR, echo, ECG
Aortic regurgitation meds
Prophylactic antibiotic, diuretics, beta blockers, digoxin, O2
Aortic regurgitation management
Nonsurgical- drug therapy, rest, anticoagulant
Surgical- heart valve replacement, autograft
Inflammation INSIDE the heart
Endocarditis causes
Dirty needles, dental visits, heart surgery, untreated strep throat
Endocarditis s/s
Clos in heart/brain, development HF, splinter hemorrhages (clots under fingernails)
Lungs have fluid (crackles)
Overheated (fever)
Too little O2/cardiac output, clubbing fingers
Roth spots (in retina), Osler’s nodes (palms/soles), Janeway lesions (nontender red spots)
Endocarditis treatment
Antibiotics (PICC)- penicillin, cephalosporins
Valve repair/replacement/drain
Chordae tendineae