Mechanisms of Translation Flashcards
- mRNA threads through subunit interface + is decoded
- 3 tRNA binding sites (A,P,E)
- Antibiotics
Recognition of the tRNA + mechanism for correct amino acid
- Apart from tRNA initiator, all aminoacyl tRNAs interact w/ the ribosome + elongation factors in the same way
- 2o structure (RNA PolIII, 5’ end removed by RNase P, CCA added to 3’, short intron removed, bases modified)
- 3o structure (Non Watson-crick bp, triple base interaction, type I and II)
Charging tRNAs
- Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase recognise both aa + tRNA
- Each tRNA has own E
- Mutating genes for tRNA → aa linked to wrong tRNA
- Mutations = in anticodon, D loop or acceptor stem of tRNA
- Freq of error rate = 10^-4 → 2 recognition steps
- 2 steps as recognition of aa by synthetase involves non-covalent interaction btw aa + E but some only differ by 1 methyl
- 2 steps separated by irreversible step to make frequency multiplicative
Example - isoleucine tRNA synthetase
- Isoleucine binding in 1st step: binding of Ile + forming Ale-adenylate 10^2 x better than Val binding
- Rate of hydrolysis in 2nd: valyl-adenylate hydrolysed by E ↑ faster than isoleuc-adenylate, x proceed to tRNA
Comparison of 30S + 50S subunits
- RNA domain fits together that determines 50S
- In AS + 30S interaction face = no proteins, ribozyme
- +vely charged tails on 12 proteins make interaction w/ RNA, stab
- 50S = monolithic
Experimental evidence
- Free cell system, buffer and varying conc of soluble extract
- Yields ribosome carrying polyPhe-tRNA, ribosomes washed
- Incubated w/ puromycin
- 50% of ribosome release 14C labelled polyPhe-PM → ribosome itself forms peptide bond, x need E-supplying material
- Then was ribosome, add GTP, remove PM
- Remaining 50% of ribosome release 14C-Phe transferred → ribosomes have PM-reactive site + PM unreactive site
Association of soluble factors to aa-tRNA
- Non-ribosomal = EFT/EFG
- EFT = EfTu (binds GTP) + EfTs (GEF, removes GDP from EfTu)
- EfTu = ↑ abundant, affinity is higher for GDP, only EfTu-GTP complexes w/ aatRNA
Matching codon to anticodon
- Correct = 6 H bonds, incorrect = 5
- ‘wobble interaction’, even in correct orientation = imperfect
- G=U = acceptable at 3rd but not 1/2nd
- Wobbles take up ↑ space but little difference in binding E
Different conformations of tRNA
- Ternary complex
- A*/T conformation (both cognate and non-cognate)
- A/T (only cognate, 30o bend in tRNA)
How does the ribosome maintain accuracy?
- Mutations in ribosomal protein (S4,55+12 = close to decoding site)
- S4/5 = ram mutation, faster than WT
- S12 = Str mutation, slower than WT
- Ribosome has 2 conformations (open conf, E site is strong, A weak, alternative = opposite)
- Only cognate tRNAs cause closure of 30S
Overall structure + maintaining accuracy
- Ribosomes decode mRNA codons by selecting aa-tRNAs delivered by Ef-Tu
- Both cognate + near cognate explore A of open 30S
- Initial codon-independent binding of ternary complex, codon recognition, GTPase activation
- G530 stabilises codon activation helix, step-wise latching of decoding centre, 30S closes, Ef-Tu docks w/ SRL, EfTu activated, accommodation of aa-tRNA
- Near-cognate x induce G530 latch, favours open 30S
- A minor interactions at pos I stabilise non-cognate W-C in enol tautomer
- Binding of aa complex to ribosome surface is weak, binding E of codon/anticodon critical for cognate vs non cognate
- Non cognate diffuse away
- G530, A1492/3 change position if P/A empty
- Interactions: A minor at pos I (A forms 4 H bonds w/ G-C, perfect geometry)
- A minor at 1 w/ wobble (A forms 2 H bonds w/ G-U, different geometry)
Summary of decoding
- P/A kink, DC restricted allows geometry of nucl 1+ 2 of codon
- No restraint on 3
- G-U in pos 1 or 2 creates repulsion unless Enol tautomer
- Mutations can occur if make more space w/ mutations so accommodate wobble e.g. paromycin opens A site
Domain closure
- 30S domain closure needs W-C bp at pos 1+2 anticodon
- G530 has 2 structures: semi-on (forms H bond w/ codon-anticodon) on (3A movement, H bond formed at A1492 at 2+3)
- Near cognate, G530 x stabilises codon-anticodon
- Sometimes G530 stabilises Watson crick like codon anticodon helix → miscoding
- Cognate: samples 30S → shoulder moves → Ef-Tu docks at SRL → GTPase active → G530 in semiON, → ON
- Near cognate: ternary complex samples A site of open 30S subunit w/o inducing 30S rearrangements
Selection and accommodation
- 30S works w/ 50S to ensure accommodation of cognate aa-tRNA in P + move tRNA
- Using FRET, work constant of 2 steps
- Shoulder lifted + stabilised on binding cognate tRNA during selection
- Fastening cognate tRNA A site → additional intersubunit bridge
- L25 holds tRNA in A site (x near-cognate)
- ## Near-cognate produces distorted protein extensions in A site
- Entire anticodon loop monitored by nuc. from 16S rRNA + 23S rRNA
- Elbow region scanned by rRNA + ribosomal protein determines whether to accom. acceptor tRNA
Decoding centre activates Ef-Tu accomodation
- G530 shifts to ‘latch’ to decoding centre → 30S closure
- Accom = movement of aa-tRNA after Ef-Tu release into peptidyl transferase centre, CCA moves 100A
- Puromycin stab decoding centre
- 23S RNA active-site residues adopt different conformation depending on A site occupancy (w/o substrate, ribosome protects P site)
Peptidyl transferase reaction
- Need Eftu.GDP to be dissociated from the ribosome (x need E)
- Catalytic centre of ribosome = just RNA, enhances peptide
- 4x10^6 rate enhancement
- Proton-shuttling via P-site adenosine 2’OH of A76
- Antibiotics
- Due to peptide bond leaving deactyl tRNA in P site + lengthened tRNA in A
- EFG needed, binds A site
- EFG mimics ternary complex
- EFG departure leaves bs preformed for acceptance of ternary complex
- peptidyl tRNA moves A→P, deaceylated tRNA moves p→E
- New codon in A site
- Ribosome can bind another EfTu.GDP but x another EfTu
- Need to break H bonds btw tRNA-mRNA in A site
- EFG catalyses tRNA translocation by disrupting interactions btw decoding centre + codon-anticodon duplex
Exit tunnel
- Stretches from peptidyl transferase + ends back of large subunit
- SRP interacts w/ protein at end of tunnel
- Around 100A long, accommodates diameter of a helix
- Co-translational proteins bind
- Antibiotics
- 70S initiates
1. Vacant 30S binds IF3 + 2, IF1 blocks A site, A1492/3 buried in/btw IF1/2
2. fMet tRNA recruited, binds close to IF2
3. mRNA binds, need correct Aug for initiator, 2o affects rate
5. 2o unfolded facilitated by IF2-GTP
6. Isomerisation of 30S allows P codon-anticodon interaction
7. 30S docked by 50S
8. GTPase of IF2 activated, GTP hydrolysed
9. IF3 + 1 dissociate, IF2 undergoes conf change
10. FMet-tRNA adjusted on ribosome occupying P/1
11. Pi dissociates from IF2-GDP, helix-exit transition in switch II
12. IF2 leaves
13. Ef-Tu-GTP complex binds 70S, delivers ribosomal A site aminoacyl tRNA - Fmet tRNA bound in P site of 50S donates formyl-meth to A site bound aminoacyl - tRNA
Termination of translation
- Peptide elongated as peptidyl tRNA but cells have no peptidyl tRNA, released by hydrolysis
- Chain terminating codons in A site
- Protein factors release NfMet: RF1 recognises UAG/UAA, RF2 recognises UAA + UGA
- RF1/2 bind A site, peptide released via hydrolytic cleavage
- RF3 binds RF1/2 w/ GDP, GTP displaces GDP, RF3 released
- Release factors alter specificity of peptidyl transferase (in elongation, peptidyl transferase transfers peptide from ester linkage w/ tRNA to peptide w/ incoming NH2)
- Release factors have conserved GGQ, H bond distance from A76
- Upon recognition of stop, conserved Q in GGQ inserted into catalytic centre
- RF1/2 stay on ribosome, need to be recycled
- RF3 froms complex w/ GDP or GTP
- RF3.GDP binds ribosome/RF1/2 complex weakly, GTP means binds tightly + displaces RF1/2
- Hydrolysis of GTP liberates RF3/GDP, ribosome release factor releases deacylated tRNA
- Efficiency of termination depends on nucleotide to the 3’ side of termination codon
Rates + antibiotics
- Rate = important for accuracy
- Similarity btw eukaryotes + prokaryotes (all go into A site, long projection, molecular mimic)
- Puronycin = chain termination
- Fusidic acid = translocation
Extra - summary
- Initiation needs 30S, 50S, IF1-3
- 30S carrying initiation factors binds initiation site → initiation complex
- IF-3 released so 50S joins 30S mRNA complex
- tRNA of 30S bacterial ribosomal subunit has a complementary sequence that bp SD during initiation
- NH2 of initiator tRNA has formulated methionine
Extra - Fmet + IF2
- In initiation complex, small subunit alone is bound mRNA
- Initiation codon lies within P site carried by small subunit
- Large subunit binds, tRNA bs converted to P/A sites
- Initiation = when AUG/GUG lies within ribosome binding site, only initiator tRNA enters partial P site
- Accessory factors are critical
- All aminoacyl tRNAs associate w/ ribosome by binding to an accessory factor
- Ef-Tu places amino-acyl tRNA in A site, x bind fmet-tRNA
Extra - Initiation in eukaryotic mRNA
- Small subunit 1st recognises 5’ end of mRNA, moves to initiation site where joined by larger
- 1st feature recognised = methylated 5’ cap
- 40S recognises 5’ then migrates along mRNA
- Melts 2o structure
- Migration stops when 40S encounters AUG start in right context
Extra - elongation factors
- e1F2 + met-RNAi, e1F1,3 +A bind 40S → 43S preiniaiton complex
- e1F4A,B,E,G bind 3’ of mRNA → capping binding complex
- This complex associates w/ 3’ end of mRNA via e1FG
- 43S binds initiation factors at 5’ end of mRNA + scans for initiation codon
- 60S x work until E1F2/3 are released, facilitated by EIF5B
- Once ribosome assembled, aa-tRNA enters A site w/ help of Ef-Tu
- Dissoc once amino acyl tRNA in place
- Ef-Tu-GTP binds aa-tRNA → ternary complex
- Anticodon binds A site of 30S, codon-anticodon recognition triggers conf Δ
- Ef-Tu releases amino acyl site, amino acyl ends twins closed
- Peptide bond synthesis makes deacylated tRNA In P site + peptidyl tRNA in A
- Translocation
Extra- elongation factors bind alternatively to ribosome
- Ef-Tu + Ef-G x bind at the same time
- Ef-Tu released before Ef-G binds, then Ef-G released before aa-tRNA-Ef-tu-GTP binds
- Structure of Ef-G mimics Ef-Tu bound to acceptor stem, compete for same bs?
- Re-orientation of Ef-G occurs at translocation
- Head of 30S swivels around neck when complete ribosome forms