Mechanisms of communication between neurons Flashcards
Myasthenia Gravis = grave muscle weakness
- Disorder of synaptic transmission
- Symptoms: extreme fatigability
- fluctuating muscle weakness (proximal (head, neck, trunk) >distal (arms and legs)),
- problems chewing (dysphagia) and talking (dysarthria) due to weakness of musculature of the jaw and mouth
- respiratory weakness, in severe cases, can be life threatening if not treated. Hospitalised and placed on an artificial respirator
- action potentials in nerves are normal as shown by experimental investigations in sufferers. Muscles themselves seem to function properly, as direct electrical stimulation of them leads to normal contractions
- arises from problem with synpases on muscles
- First described by Thomas Willis in 1672 (first english physician to suggest that the mind resides in the cerebral cortex and not in the hollow venricles)
The synapse
- Terminal buttons release a chemical message, called a neurotransmitter, which diffuses across the gap (synaptic cleft) between the presynatic terminal button and the dendrite or cell body of the postsynaptic membrane
- If the neurotransmitter has excitatory effect on the postsynaptic cell, then it will depolarise the postsynaptic neuron and generate an action potential
- This whole process is then repeated for the next neuron in the circuit
- If the neurotransmitter is inhibitory, however, then the postsynaptic cell will become hyperpolarised, and will therefore not fire
Structure of a synapse
- Presynaptic membrane
- Postsynaptic membrane
- Dendrite spine
- Synaptic cleft
- Synaptic vesicles
- Microtubules
- Release zone
Types of synapses
- Three types of synapses
- Axodendritic - the terminal button synapses with a dendrite of a postsynaptic neuron
- Axosomatic - the terminal button synapses with the cell body (soma) of the postsynaptic neuron
- Axoaxonic - the terminal button synapses with the axon of the postsynaptic neuron
Presynaptic membrane
membrane of the presynaptic terminal button
Postsynaptic membrane
membrane of the postsynaptic neuron
Dendritic Spine
a ridge on the dendrite of a postsynaptic neuron, with which a terminal button from a presynaptic neuron forms a synapse
Synaptic cleft
the tiny gap between the presynaptic and postsynaptic membrane (approx. 20 nanometres wide, a nanometer is a billionth of a metre)
Synaptic vesicles
tiny balloons filled with neurotransmitter molecules; found in the release zone of the terminal button
long tubes that run down the axon and guide the transport of synaptic vesicles from the soma (cell body) to the axon terminal
Release Zone
part of the interior of the presynaptic membrane to which synaptic vesciles fuse in order to release their neurotransmitter into the synaptic cleft
Release of a neurotransmitter
- vesicles contain neurotransmitters (NT) molecules
- an action potential in the presynaptic cell triggers vesicles to move towards the cell membrane
- vesicles are guided towards the membrane by proteins
- when an action potential is conducted down an axon (including all of its branches), synaptic vesicles located just inside the terminal buttons begin to move toward the release zone of the cell memrbane
- the vesicles are guided toward the cell membrane of the presynaptic neuron by a group of protein structures
- Guiding proteins act like ropes that help to pull the vesicle and presynaptic membrane together
Release of a neuotransmitter - calcium ions
- influx of calcium ions into the presynaptic neuron induces fusion of the two membranes
- neurotransmitter molecules carried by the synaptic vesicles are the released into the synaptic cleft
- this process occurs very rapidly, within just a few milliseconds (thousandth of a second)
Activation of receptors on postsynaptic neurons
- Ionotropic receptors have their own binding sites
- When a neurotransmitter molecule attaches to a binding site of the postsynaptic receptors, which are located in the membrane of the postsynaptic cell, an ion channel opens (like a key in a lock)
- The neurotransmitter molecules open neurotransmitter dependent ion channels in the postsynaptic cell
- These channels, once opened, permit the flow of specific ions into and out of the postsynaptic neuron
- Neurotransmittters open ion channels in two different ways, direct and indirect
- The direct method involved receptors that are equipped with their own binding site; these are called ionotropic receptors
Movement of ions during postsynaptic potentials
- postsynaptic potentials can be either excitatory (increasing the likelihood that the neuron will depolarise, triggering an action potential) or inhibitory (increasing the likelihood that the neuron will hyperpolarise, and thus not trigger an action potential
- whether a postsynaptic potential is excitatory or inhibitory is determined not by the neurotransmitter that is released into the synapse but the specific ion channel that the neurotransmitter opens