Mechanisms and mediators Flashcards
Why are murine models used so extensively in neurovascular research?
We want a good model to replicate things that are happening in humans in terms of conserved mechanisms - if it doesn’t it wouldn’t be a good model
Animal models are good because in combination with fMRI we can use other high resolution technologies to investigate mechanisms and mediators in greater detail
- Pathways are very similar to the human system - same topographic system
- A complete body map on the surface of the cortex can be seen using histology
- Rat or mouse somatosensory cortex is located at the brains surface making it accessible to a range of technologies including 2D-OIS
What makes a good model of disease?
Properties of a good model:
1. Well known anatomy
2. Easy to stimulate
3. Region accessible for easy measurement
What are the pros and cons of anaesthetised imaging?
High degree of control
Can be more invasive
A good anaesthetic can mimic the quiet awake state
The animal isn’t awake - hard to compare to human fMRI studies
The anaesthetic itself can lead to an alteration in neurovascular function
What are the pros and cons of awake imaging?
The animal is awake - can ask more behaviourally relevant questions
More comparable to human fMRI
The animal is awake - behaviour can confound your results
You need to measure behaviour - more equipment needed
More time consuming - all animals need training - welfare implications
What are the advantages of ex-vivo slice research?
Allows amazing spatial precision, isolate single cells, capillaries
High throughput pharmacology experiments can be performed
These are the only experiments that have successfully shown the role of pericytes
What are the disadvantages of ex-vivo research?
Lack of blood flow - how can you perform neurovascular research when there is a non-functioning vascular system
Timescale for responses usually over minutes - too slow and potentially non-physiological
What are the key cells in the neurovascular unit?
Endothelial cells
Why have astrocytes long been thought to be the controller of neurovascular function?
They are in the ideal position to communicate signals from the neurons to the vasculature
Astrocyte endfeet surround all blood vessels in the brain
What did Zonta et al. (2003) find?
Measured calcium responses in neurons, endfeet of astrocytes and the diameter of arterioles
Found that increased Ca2+ evoked in the astrocyte processes, through the activation of mGluRs, was found to propagate to the perivascular endfeet
The timing of this propagation was correlated with the dilation of the arterioles that were in direct contact with the astrocytic endfeet
Direct electrical stimulation of an astrocyte also caused an increase in vessel diameter
This strongly implicates the role of astrocytes in vasodilation
What is the prostaglandin pathway?
Excitatory neuron releases glutamate
Glutamate binds to receptors on astrocytes
This causes an increase in calcium which activates the phospolipase A2 pathway
This activates arachadonic acid and COX 1 and COX 2 enzymes which causes prostanoids to be released
Prostanoids are known to dilate blood vessels
What did Zonta et al. (2003) find regarding COX inhibitors?
Used pharmacology in both slice and in vivo they could inhibit the dilation response
CBF measurements before and after intravenous injection of mGluR receptor antagonists
Over 50% of the dilation response gone
What did Takano et al. (2006) find?
In vivo anaesthetised adult mice
2-photon microscopy
Photolysis of caged Ca2+
Showed similar results to Zonta - COX inhibitors produced a 50% reduction in blood flow
Again suggested it was COX that mediated the response
What is the problem with the findings from these papers researching astrocytes?
Inhibition of the COX pathway only reduced the blood flow response by 50%
There could be a redundancy in the system - another system could be stepping in when the COX pathway is removed
What are pericytes?
Cells that wrap around capillaries and are known to have contractile proteins associated with them
What did Peppiatt et al. (2006) find about pericytes?
Ex vivo slice experiments in either the retina or cerebellum
Paper mostly shows that when a pericyte is activated it causes capillary constriction
Nice effect but not really related to the positive BOLD response - we need dilation
However, when glutamate was administered it showed dilation but only where the capillary was ensheathed with the pericyte - could suggest their role in NVC