Mechanisms And Facts Flashcards
What does attack of the alkenes refer to?
Like EAS, alkenes attack E+ but need less motivation so no super E+ is needed, and addition occurs where a pi bond becomes 2 new sigma bonds. Reverse of elimination!
How to add a sigma bonded halogen?
Halo-hydrin (HBr), (syn/anti) Mar (C+)
What is Markovnikov’s rule
Put + or carbocation on most stable position, first sigma (H) on less substituted carbon
How to add an alcohol sigma bond
Hydration (H2O, cat. acid), Syn/anti Mar (C+)
What is Markovs addition?
Add -OH on most substituted
Syn addition
Nu only attacks same side as first group (maybe bc mechanism)
Anti addition
Nu only attacks opposite side from 1st group, (something in way on other side?)
How to add an alcohol with r group
Basically hydration (R-OH, cat. acid), Syn/anti, Mar (C+)
How to add two halogens
Halogenation (X2), Markov addition, Anti; polarizability is why no catalyst is needed
How to add a halogen and alcohol
Halo-hydration (X2, H2O), Anti, Mar; similar halogenation but done in weak Nu solvent, X is better Nu but there is so much water that H2O is added
How to add OH without rearrangement
Mercuration* (1)Hg(OAc)2, H2O 2)NaBH4), Anti, Markov addition with no rearrangement
How to add OH group to less substituted position (not base)
*(1)BH3 2) HOOH/OH-), syn, non markov add bc mechanism and sterics
How to make an alkene into an alkane
Hydrogenation* (H2 gas, Cat. Pd/C), syn
How to control the second addition at will
Epoxides (mCPBA)
How to make epoxide which inverts steriochem 2 x
(1)Br2 in H2O 2) LDA), anti
How to attack less hindered in epoxide
Base no carbocation so attacks less hindered spot