Mechanics and Ventilation Flashcards
What is Vt?
tidal volume, volume inhaled or exhaled with each breath
What is ERV?
expiratory reserve volume, volume of air expired during a maximal forced expiration that starts at the end of a normal passive tidal expiration (maximal volume of air expired below FRC)
What is IRV?
volume of air that is inhaled during a maximal forced inspiration starting at the end of normal tidal inspiration (maximal volume of air inspired above FRC)
What is IC?
volume of air that is inhaled during a maximal inspiratory effort that starts at the end of a normal passive tidal expiration (maximal volume of air inspired above FRC)
What is VC?
volume of air expired during a maximal expiratory effort that starts at the end of a maximal inspiratory effort
What are the lung volumes that are measured by direct spirometry?
Vt, ERV, IRV, IC, and VC
What is RV?
residual volume, volume of air that remains in the lungs after a maximal forced expiration
What is FRC?
functional residual volume, volume of air that remains in the lungs at the end of a normal passive expiration
What is TLC?
total volume of air in the lungs at the end of a maximal inspiratory effort
What lung volumes are indirectly measured by helium dilution or by plethymsomography?
RV, FRC, and TLC
How is the helium dilution calculated?
Vapp= volume of apparatus, C1= concentration in apparatus before equilibration, VL= volume of the lung, C2 is concentration after equilibration;
Vapp x C1 = (Vapp +VL) + C2
Which is a more accurate measurement for RV, FRC, and TLV helium dilution or body plethysmography? Why?
plethysmography; measures volume of air in lung at FRC including air trapped behind obstructed airways
How do you measure air trapped in the lung?
FRC pleth. - FRC helium
What are the passive forces acting on the lung?
elastic recoil- potential energy within the walls of an expandable chamber that opposes distension or stretch (recoil force, often called elastic recoil and measured as elastance)
What two major forces in lung tissue act to deflate lungs?
interstitial collagen and elastin framework formed by mesenchymal cells (ECM known as parenchyma) and surface tension of H2O lining alveolar wall exposed to air
What two major forces in lung tissue act to inflate lungs?
attachment of rib cage to spine by ligaments and cartilage at joints and elasticity (due to elastin and collagen) in relaxed diaphragm muscle
What is equilibrium volume?
at the end of quiet expiration, no respiratory muscles are contracting so all forces on the chest cavity are passive, opposing forces establish equilibrium, the volume in the lung at this point is equilibrium or FRC
What is a pneumothorax?
opposing recoil forces of lung and thoracic cage cause a vacuum space between the two (pleural space) pleural pressure is negative with respect to atm. if integrity of thoracic cage is breached, pressure equilibrates with atm and lung collapses
What causes the active forces on the lung during inspiration?
force generated by respiratory muscles diaphragm and external intercostals that oppose elastic recoil force of the lung
What causes the active forces on the lung during expiration?
expiratory muscles abdominal and internal intercostal contract pulling the chest inward below FRC; must oppose passive recoil forces causing the chest wall to expand
When is expiratory work necessary to breath?
exercise to increase Vt and if elastic recoil is lost in the lungs due to disease like emphysema and lungs no longer passively deflate even at rest
What is an atelectasis? What are the kinds? Causes?
alveoli collapse, pneumothorax if from air, pleural effusion if its fluid in the pleural space, thoracic damage or parenchyma tear
What is the composition of surfactant? Produced where?
mostly dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), phospholipid produced by alveolar type II cells, small fraction of surfactant is composed of hydrophobic surfactant proteins
What are the 3 functional advantages of surfactant?
reduces tremendous surface tension in alveoli, increasing lung compliance to an optimal level, retards alveolar edema, stabilizes alveoli and prevents alveolar collapse (atelectasis) due to Laplace’s law
What is Laplace’s law?
P=2T/r; P= pressure in the sphere, T= surface tension of the sphere, r= radius of the sphere
How does surfactant affect alveolar stability?
lowers T of alveolar walls at low lung volumes, consequently trans-pulmonary pressure of large and small communicating airspaces; w/o surfactant surface tension remains constant as lung volume changes, recoil pressure of small airspaces exceeds that of large ones causing small alveoli empty into large ones