Mechanics 1 Flashcards
Definition of Momenum
Definition of Kinetic Energy
Conservation of Momentum
True for every interaction between objects
Conservation of Kinetic Energy
Only true for elastic collisions
Conservation of Momentum for a 1D, 2 body interaction
Conservation of Momentum and Kinetic Energy for a 1D, 2 body elastic collision
Speed of Approach = Speed of Separation
Consequence of 1D, 2 body elastic collisions
Conservation of Momentum and loss of Kinetic Energy for a 1D, 2 body inelastic collision
1/2(Ma)(Vai)^2+1/2(Mb)(Vbi)^2 > 1/2(Ma)(Vaf)^2+1/2(Mb)(Vbf)^2
1D, 2 body, perfectly inelastic collision. Objects stick together. Greatest possible loss of KE while retaining momentum
1D, 2 Body, “explosion”
Energy is added during the interaction
1/2(Ma)(Vai)^2+1/2(Mb)(Vbi)^2 < 1/2(Ma)(Vaf)^2+1/2(Mb)(Vbf)^2
Conservation of Momentum for a 2D, 2 Body interaction
2D, 2 body, elastic collision, kinetic energy is conserved and the Pythagorean Theorem can be used to break the V’s into x and y componenets
Newtons Second Law
Must be customized for each new situation
Newtons Third Law
On an incline, we rotate to coordinate system and force due to gravity can be broken into an x and y component