Engineering STRESS?
Eng. Stress= F/Ao [N/m^2]
Engineering STRAIN?
Eng. Strain= change in length/ original length
Explain the TENSILE TEST
Apply a tensile force/load slowly to a sample until fracture occurs.
Is the ELASTIC deformation reversible?
How do you find Young’s Modulus(E)?
Slope of Elastic Region of Stress vs Strain curve
What information does E give us?
The Stiffness of a material.
Give exemple of materials with HIGH E VALUE (very stiff)
Ceramics (300GPa) & Steel (207GPa)
True or False plastic has a medium E value
False (3GPa not stiff)
Stiffness depends directly on ______ and therefore
on ______ .
The Temperature + The bonds of the atoms
Hooke’s Law?
Explain PLASTIC deformation.
When bonds have broken and reformed with different atoms.
Yielding is when ____ changes from _____ to _____.
Deformation + Elastic + Plastic
What do we define as the maximum stress an object can take before permanent deformation?
Yield Strength
What happens at tensile strength of a POLYMER?
When polymer backbone chains are aligned and about to break.
Once TS is reached deformation becomes more ____.