Mech Safety Flashcards
What does COSHH stand for?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
What does HASAW stand for?
Health and Safety at Work Act
What does PUWER stand for?
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
What does LOLER stand for?
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurences Regulations
What do employees have a duty to do under HASAW?
Take care of themselves and others around them
What is required from PPE under HASAW?
-Properly assessed before use to ensure suitability
-Maintained and stored correctly
-Instructions provided on correct use
-Used/Worn correctly by employees
What is required of equipment under PUWER?
-Suitable for intended use
-Maintained in a safe condition
-Only used by employees who have received the correct training
-Accompanied by suitable safety measures
What are the hazardous substances under COSHH?
-Substances used directly in work activities (paints, cleaning agents etc.)
-Substances generated from work activities (fumes)
-Naturally occurring substances (dust)
-Biological agents (bacteria and other micro-organisms)
What is the COSHH Data Log?
A written assessment of hazardous substances onboard, and measures to reduce exposure, includes Hazard Data Sheet
What is required on Hazard Sheets?
You need to know 8
-Hazard Identification
-First Aid Measures
-Firefighting Measures
-Handling and Storage
-Exposure Control
-Stability and Reactivity
-Transport Information
-Identification of the Substance and the Manufacturer
-Information on ‘Ingredients’
-Accidental Release Measures
-Physical and Chemical Properties of the Substance
-Ecological Considerations
-Disposal Considerations
-Regulatory Information
What is required under LOLER?
-Strong and Stable for use and marked with Safe Working Load (SWL)
-Positioned and installed to minimize risks
-Used safely, work planned and organised by competent people
-Examined and regularly inspected by competent people
What Lifting Equipment is covered under LOLER?
-Accessories (Slings, Chains, Eye Bolts)
What PPE is required for slinging?
-Safety Boots
-Hard Hats
-High Vis Vests
What lifting techniques should you use when manual handling?
-Lift in stages: Load to knees, then to waist, middle of load level with waist
-Hold closely to your body, do not twist body
-Do not obstruct your own view
-Lower to knees first, feet apart and back straight
What are reportable injuries under RIDDOR?
-Fractures (Not toes or fingers)
-Loss of Sight (Permanent or Temporary)
-Burns to the eye or penetrating injury to the eye
-Electric Shock
-Any injury requiring hospitalisation for longer than 24hrs
-Acute illness, loss of consciousness arising from inhilation/ingestion or skin contact
Hazardous Conditions
What are the actions required before entering a compartment?
-Inform person in charge
-Use ‘Man-Below’ Tally
-Select Appropriate PPE
-Check COSHH Data Sheet
Hazardous Conditions
What is a confined space?
An enclosed compartment or space that has remained shut or unventilated for more than 24hrs
Hazardous Conditions
What must you do before entering a confined space?
-Space is to be ‘cool’
-Space force ventilated for 24hrs minimum
-After 24hrs atmosphere tested safe
-If not safe, force ventilated for another 12hrs and retested until safe
-A gas free certificate must be issued before entry
Hazardous Conditions
What PPE is required before entering a confined space?
-Barrier Cream
-Paper Coveralls for Dirty Tanks
Hazardous Conditions
What are the precautions for confined spaces?
-No Smoking
-A safe sentry at access
-Comms to exist between sentry and personnel in space
-Sentry to have a means of calling for assistance
-Sentry to have BA available for rescue purposes
-Personnel in space to wear a life line
-A gas monitor is to be used
-All electrical equipment used inside is to be safe and tested spark free
-Personnel must be medically fit and capable of the work
-Extra attention to hygiene due to risk of infection/germs
-Appropriate PPE to be worn
-Atmosphere to be continually monitored
Hazardous Conditions
Is a permit to work required for hot work to take place?
Hazardous Conditions
What equipment is required for a Welding Sentry?
-Surcoat (High Vis)
-Goggles suitable for hot work
-Stored Pressure Extinguisher
-Fire Blanket x2
Hazardous Conditions
What are the duties of a Welding Sentry?
-Remove combustable materials
-Cover electrical installations with fire blanket
-Remove any packing materials
-Clear up any oil spills including in bilges
Hazardous Conditions
Who do you require signatures from for Hot Work Permits?
-DMESR (Duty Marine Engineer Senior Rate)
-DWESR (Duty Weapons Engineer Senior Rate)
Hazardous Conditions
What PPE is required for Lagging work?
-Green Nylon Overalls
-Skull Cap
Hazardous Conditions
What is required to re-enter a compartment after lagging work?
Dust Free Certificate
Hazardous Conditions
Who is the Hazard State Board controlled by?
Hazardous Conditions
What are the Aloft precautions?
-Wear non-slip footwear
-Overalls, tucked into boots
-Remove loose items from pockets
-Use an in-date safety harness that is secured to a point above the person wearing it
-Secure all tools and equipmet with a lanyard, hammers to have wrist loops attatched
-Sentry to wear hard hat and high vis, and have communication with those aloft
Hazardous Conditions
What are the Divers Down precautions?
-Shaft brake is applied
-Steering gear is isolated/locked
-Stabilisers isolated/locked
-CPP (Controlable Pitch Propellar) disabled/shut down
-Any underwater discharge near divers to be isolated
-All sonar equipment shut down
-Cathodic protection switched off
Hazardous Conditions
What areas are classed as Restricted Access?
-Flammable Stores
-Paint Shop
-Fruit and Veg Stores
-Refrigerant Plant Rooms
-Battery Shop
-Hydraulic Plant Rooms
Hazardous Conditions
What are the hazardous substances associated with lagging?
-Calcium Silicate
-Fibreglass Rope
-Armouring (Portland Dust)
-Power Plastic Cement
Hazardous Conditions
What areas are classed as Confined Spaces?
-Fuel Tanks
-Fresh Water Tanks
-Ballast Tanks
-Machinery Sumps
-Gear Cases
-Heat Exchangers
-Watertight Compartments
-Sewage Treatment Plants
What symbols will appear?
COSHH Symbols