Meat Science Exam 2 Flashcards
What is ecchymosis?
Blood Splash
What causes blood splash?
improper stunning, too slow to stick-spike in blood pressure
Which species has a longer onset of rigor?
Beef and Lamb-ATP is present longer
Describe Rapid chilling
10-15 degrees C-membranes lose function, calcium is dumped on the myofribrils
What happens to water when the sarcomere is tightly bond?
There is less water binding
What is tender cut?
Cut around the 12th rib and hung by the LG
What is tender stretch?
Bending the hind leg to stretch the back
What is a heat ring and what is it caused by?
metabolism still occurring in the meat, usually occurs in larger muscle where it is unable to cool fast enough
What is the postmortem dedgration of proteins?
What is a 2 calcium dependent enzyme called?
What are the calpain types?
m calpain and u calpain.
Where does the Calcium come from?
Mitochondria and sarcomere reticulum
What is the inhibitor of calpain?
What is the average warner Bratzler Shear Force of the Psoas Major?
What is the average WBSF of a Trapzius?
What is the main cause of tenderness differences?
Myofibril fragmentation accounts for 50%
What does calpain do the tenderness of the meat?
Calpain makes for tougher meat
Is a higher or lower pH have a higher chance of denaturing?
Name the mutation seen in sheep
Callipyge, tough meat is hypertrophy
What is the mutation seen in cattle mostly?
Double muscling, hyperplasia, very tender
What enzyme is in the papya?
Enzyme in the pinapple
What enzyme is the strongest and found in figs?
What fruits Actidin found in?
What is Sarcoplasma Proteins?
make up 30-35%, include myoglobin, tropinin and tripomyosin, base the color, metabolism proteins and are water soluble
What does the term Hue mean?
normal color association (blue, red, yellow etc)
Chroma mean?
Intensity of color
When referring to color what does value stand for?
over light reflection
What is the difference of Hemoglobin and Myoglobin?
Hemoglobin is the pigment in the blood.
Myoglobin is the pigment in muscle making up 80-90% of the total pigment