Meat/Poultry/Fish/Eggs/Milk & Dairy/Fruit and Vegetables Flashcards
Nutritive Value of meat
Protein - 20-25% meat is a source of high biological value.
Fat - 20% meat is high in saturated fat and can be visible or invisible.
Carbohydrates - 0%
Vitamins - contains vitamin B-group
Minerals - meat is a source of iron for healthy red blood cells
Water - 60%
List the causes of toughness in meat
The causes of toughness is meat due to incorrect hanging, incorrect cooking and also depends on where it is cute because more active parts of the animal are tougher.
Reasons for cooking meat
Bacteria destoryed
Improves flavour
Improves appearance of meat
Cooking meat
Defrost thoroughly
Trim away fat
Do not prepare beside ready to eat food
Choose suitable cooking method
Effects of cooking meat
Bacteria destroyed
Protein coagulates
Fat melts
Flavour develops
Name a meat substitute
Made from soya beans
Preparing and cooking poultry
Thaw 24 hours before cooking
Cook thouroughly. Poultry should be white
Name the three classifications of fish and two examples in each classification
White fish -
Haddock, Cod
Oily fish -
Sardines, salmon
Shellfish -
Clams, prawns
Give the nutritive value of fish
High in protein
Polyunsatured fat in oily fish, helps for healthy hair and brain development
All fish contain vitamin Bgroup, oily contains vitamin A and D
Calcium is found in all fish
Buying fish
Eyes are bright and bulging Gills are bright red Skin in moist and unbroken Scales shouldnt come off easily Should have unpleasant smell
Effects of cooking fish
Micro-organisms killed Protein coagulates Connective tissue dissolves Vitamin B lost Becomes opaque
Composition of an egg
Protein - 13% BV Fat - 12% Carbohydrates - 0% Vitamins - A,B,D Minerals - iron, calcium
Name all things found in a egg
Airspace Shell Membrane Yolk Egg white Chalaza
How to check if an egg is gone off
If egg floats in salt water it is gone off
Effects on cooking eggs
Bacteria killed
Protein coagulates
Egg curdles if at high temperature for too long
Overcooked egg becomes rubbery
Lightly cooked egg becomes more digestable