measuring populations Flashcards
What is demography?
•Demography is the study of human population with respect to size, composition, spatial distribution, and changes in the population that occur over time.
what are the three demographic processes that effect demographics?
- Fertility (Number of births that occur to an individual or a population)
- Mortality (Death of an individual or the number of deaths that occur in a population)
- Migration (The movement of people into or out of a specific geographic area)
what is the crude birth rate?
the annual number of live births per 1000 people
What is the general fertility rate?
the annual
number of live births per 1000
women of child bearing age
= 15-44
what is age-specific fertility rate?
annual number of live births per
1000 women in a particular age
what is the proble with using crude fertility rates?
using crude birth rates it’s not possible to know whether differences between populations are due to differences in fertility or age structure of the population
- there are a lot of people in the childbearing years
what is the total period fertility rate?
provides a method to compare fertility between different populations
•The TPFR is a hypothetical measure obtained by adding the age specific fertility rates for the age groups from 15 to 49 years
–The Total Period Fertility Rate (TPFR) is the projected number of children a woman would have if she experienced the current rate of childbearing throughout her reproductive years
–A value of 2.1 is the level at which the population would replace itself in the long run, ignoring migration. The replacement level TPFR is 2.1, not 2.0, to allow for loss through death of children before reaching reproductive age.
what is the total period fertility rate of a ‘stable’ population?
2.1 is the level at which the population would replace itself in the long run, ignoring migration
what is the ‘age dependency ratio, young’?
is the ratio of younger dependents - people younger than 15 - to the working-age population - those ages 15-64. Calculated as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age
what is the ‘age dependency ratio, old’?
•Age dependency ratio, old, is the ratio of older dependents - people older than 64 - to the working-age population–those ages 15-64. Calculated as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age population.
what does a high dependency ratio mean?
means there is a lower proportion of working age people to support those in the dependent age groups.
what does the term ‘ population explosion’ refer to?
•Expressions used to describe the 20th century worldwide trend of rapid population growth, resulting from a world birth rate much higher than the world death rate.
is a ‘stable population’ the same as a ‘zero population growth’ ?
- Stable Population A population with an unchanging rate of growth and an unchanging age composition as a result of age-specific birth and death rates that have remained constant over a sufficient period of time.
- Zero Population Growth A population in equilibrium, with a growth rate of zero, achieved when births plus immigration equal deaths plus emigration.
as a country slows in population grwoth - the pyrimidal shape will become what shape?
c. become more rectangular
what does a population pyramid not give you infromation about?
life expectency