Measuring Motor Performance Flashcards
What is sensitivity?
The extent tow which the measuring device accurately measures changes in skill
What are the 4 types of performance outcome measures?
Error measures
Reaction time
Movement time
Response time
What is the general motor ability hypothesis?
States that the many different motor abilities that exist in an individual are highly related and can be characterised into a single overall motor ability
What does a positive correlation mean?
As one variable goes up or down, the other correspondingly goes up or down
Define movement time
Measure of time between the initiation of movement and the completion of movement
Define reaction time
The time taken to prepare and initiate a movement, It is the time between the onset of a stimulus and the initiation of a response
What is CRT?
Choice Reaction Time
Is generally slower than SRT due to multiple stimuli and outcomes. More than one way of responding, ie need to make a choice, therefore slowing you down and more processing time is needed
What does absolute error measure? What does it show us?
The amount of deviation from the target or desired performance expressed as a positive number. It is a general index of performance but ignores the direction of the deviation.
What is the specificity of motor abilities hypothesis?
States that the many different motor abilities that exist in an individual are relatively independent
What scores indicate high, moderate and low correlation?
High: closest to 1 or -1 eg .5 or -.5
Moderate. .3 or -.3
Low .1 or -.1
What are the reasons for measuring motor performance?
To assess the extent of learning and/or change to
To monitor performance over time
To assist planning for subsequent sessions
For evaluation purposes (prove the interventions are working)
Evaluate effectiveness of intervention
What is reliability?
Like consistency, the extent to which a measure is repeatable under similar conditions
How is response time calculated?
Reaction time + Movement time
What are two dimension movement goals
require accuracy in the vertical and horizontal directions. eg golf putting