measuring disease occurrence Flashcards
mortality rate aka
death rate
mortality rate
deaths in year / reference pop. during midpoint of years x 100,000
tells us risk
crude vs adjusted death rate
crude is raw measurement
adjusted: considers diff in pop. (usually age)
case fatality rate
# ppl dying during time period after disease onset / # individuals w/ disease x100
what % of ppl diagnosed with disease die within certain time after diagnosis
proportionate mortality
tells us major causes of death, NOT rate
deaths from CVD in 1999 / total US deaths in 1999
infant mortality rates
IMR = # deaths <1 y/o in calendar yr / # live births during yr
measure of morbidity
NOT measure of risk
disease duration not included
# diseased ppl present in pop. at specific time / # ppl in pop. at that time
point prevalence
at a snapshot
# ppl ill / total in group
period prevalence
ppl ill / avg pop.
do you currently have asthma?
point prevalence
have you had asthma during the last (n) years?
period prevalence
incidence rate
new cases of disease / total person years x1000
person year vary based on…
loss to follow-up
increase in incidence leads to
increased prevalence
decrease prevalence caused by
increased deaths and cures
relative or absolute risk: new drug reduces heart attack risk 50%
relative risk
relative or absolute risk: new drug reduces heart attacks from 2 per 100 to 1 per 100
absolute risk
statistical significance
can occur in a large sample even if relationship is tiny
tells you nothing about meaningful/clinical significance
meaningful significance
requires knowledge and critical thinking to determine