Measuring crime Flashcards
What was the trend in crime from 1930 to 1950?
Gradual increase post war
What was the trend in crime from 1950 to 1980?
Steady increase due to economic growth and women’s position in society changing
What was the trend in crime between 1980 and the mid 1990’s?
Rapid increase, because of the recession
What was the trend in crime from mid 1990 to 2016?
Gradual decline, potentially due to new crimes not be recorded with the data and changes to reporting crime.
What are official statistics?
Statistics collected by governments agencies and usually published by the Office for National Statistics of ONS.
What is the official crime rate?
The statistics that are compiled using police, court and prison records.
What is the british crime survey?
Statistics compiled through victim surveys and self-report survey. 50,000 people over the age of 16 were asked annually if they have been a victim of crime.
What are the sources of crime statistics?
Police recorded crime
Victim surveys
Court records
Prison records
Self report studies
What is police recorded crime?
Statistics based on reports filed by the police. These are a;l crimes that are investigated by the police, whether the secure a conviction or not.
What is an evaluation of police recorded crime?
Not all reported crimes are recorded by the police.
What is a victim survey?
People are asked if they have been a victim of crime over a certain time period,mutually 12 months.
What are the evaluations of victim surveys?
People are not always aware that they are a victim of crime.
May record crime differently to police, in terms of definition.
Relies on the victims memory
What are court records?
Compiled using courts records of which cases are taken to prosecution. Includes information about the defendants, victims and the types of crime as well as the verdict.
What are the evaluations of court records?
Only records crimes that are heard/tried in court. Many crimes are reported and not going to court (CPS prosecution threshold)
What are prison records?
Details the composition of the prison population, like ethnicity gender, age and class. Also looks as the length of sentences and recidivism rates.
What is the evaluations of using prison records?
Not all crimes are punished with a custodial sentence.
Middle class criminals are more likely to get a fine or a suspended sentence.
Can be biased towards the working class due to the previous point.
What are self-report surveys?
Ask people if they have committed a crime in a given time period, usually 12 months. These are usually conducted alongside victim surveys annually.
What are the evaluations of self report studies?
People may not know if they have committed a crime.
Relies on memory.
Relies on truthfulness
What are the reasons for unreported crime?
Lack of knowledge
Distrust the police
What are the reasons for unrecorded crime?
Status of the victim
Work relations
Not all crimes are entered into official statistics
Police priorities/targetting
What do functionalists, the new right and right realists argue about crime statistics?
They are reliable and valid sources of data
What do interactionists and labelling theorists argue about crime statistics?
See the, as social constructions, only useful for identifying stereotypes and typifications
What do marxists and neo-marxists say regarding crime statistics?
They show a biased view of crime, as they are constructed by the ruling class. Believe they ignore white collar crime, which therefore exacerbated the label of the working class as criminal.
What did feminists argue about official statistics?
They underrepresent the extent of female crime and crimes against women, like rape and domestic violence.
What do left realists believe about crime statistics?
They are broadly correct, but underrepresent white collar and corporate crime whilst exaggerating working class crime, especially those committed by ethnic minorities.