Measuring Flashcards
Expenditure approach Y=C+I+G+NX
- Consumption involves…
- Investment involves…
- Government spending involves…
- Durables, non-durables, services
- Business fixed investment: K used to produce
Residential fixed investment: spending on housing units
Inventory investment: change in value of all firms’ inventories - Excludes transfer payments as not government spending on goods and services
GDP deflator given by nominal/real. Its one way of measuring prices and inflation, the other being the Consumer Price Index. What are the differences?
- What kind of goods included?The GDP deflator measures P of ALL g+s (includes r, price K), whereas CPI measures value of consumption basket
- Do we look at domestic only? GDP deflator looks at domestic prices, CPI includes prices of M consumer goods
- Does basket change? GDP deflator allows basket to change as composition of GDP changes, CPI assigns fixed weights to prices of different goods.