Measures of disease frequency Flashcards
Definition of prevalence
Proportion of population who have the disease at relevant time
Formula for prevalence
Number of existing cases/total population
What’s period prevalence
Proportion of population affected over a given period
Definition of incidence
Number of new cases of disease occurring in a given population over a period of time
Formula for incidence
Number of new cases during time period/ total population at risk
Definition of risk
Probability that an event will occur
Formula for risk
proportion who are diseases/total number exposed
odds for disease given exposure formula
diseased from exposure/healthy from exposure
What is relative risk
Odds ratio, hazard ratio, risk ratio, rate ratio, etc
formula for risk ratio
exposed+diseased/total exposed
divided by
not exposed+diseased/total not exposed
What are risk ratios and odds ratios like in rare diseases
very similar because number of diseased is very small
How Is risk different worked out
Subtracting one risk from another
What is NNT
Average number of patients who need to be treated to prevent one additional bad outcome
Formula for NNT and example to show how its worked out
1/reduction in absolute risk
e.g. if theres 70% who die, but 40% who don’t,
its 1/0.3= 3.33
therefore 3.33 must be treated to save 1