Measurements and their errors: Flashcards
How do you convert mega electron volts to joules? (MeV -> J)
1eV = 1.6x10^-19
How do you convert kilowatt hours to joules?
(kWh -> J)
1 kWh -> 3.6MJ
What is a random error?
Measurements that vary due to unpredictable circumstances
They cannot be corrected only minimised
How can you reduce a random error?
Take at least 3 repeats and calculate a mean
Use computers/ data loggers to reduce human error
Use appropriate equipment such as a micrometer not a ruler
What is a systematic error?
Measurements that differ from the true value by a consistent amount each time.
How do you reduce systematic errors?
Calibrate the equipment using a known value
In radiation experiments correct for background radiation
Read values at eye level to remove parallax errors.
What is precision?
Consistent measurements that vary slightly about a mean value.
What is accuracy?
A measurement very close to the true value
What is repeatability?
If the same person, can repeat the same experiment and get the same results
What is reproducibility?
If a different person, does a different experiment and get the same results
What is resolution?
The smallest change in the quantity being measured that will give a recognisable change in the reading.
What is uncertainty?
The uncertainty of a measurements is the bounds in which the accurate value can be expected to lie. e.g. 20 +- 2 is equal to 18-22
What is absolute uncertainty?
Uncertainty given as a fixed quantity. e.g. 7 +_ 0.6
What is fractional uncertainty?
Uncertainty given as a fraction of the quantity. e.g. 7+- 3/5
What is percentage uncertainty?
Uncertainty given as a percentage of the measurement
What is a reading?
A reading is when one value is found
What is a measurement?
A measurement when at least 2 values are found
How do you work out the uncertainty in a reading?
The uncertainty in a reading is +- half the smallest division. e.g. 1º uncertainty = +- 0.5º
How do you work out the percentage uncertainty in a measurement?
Add at least +-1 of the smallest division at a minimum, however if it is say a ruler you have to add the uncertainty from both ends of the ruler.
How do you work out the uncertainty for repeated data
mean + (range/2)
How many sig figs should the uncertainty be?
The same number of sig figs as the data
What do you do when you add/subtract data?
Add the absolute uncertainties
What do you do when multiplying/dividing data?
Add the percentage uncertainties
What do you do when raising a power?
Multiply percentage uncertainty by the power
How do you find percentage uncertainty for gradients?
draw a best and worst line of best fit
((best gradient - worst gradient)/ best gradient) x 100%
What is estimation?
Estimation is a skill physicists must use to approximate the values of physical quantities in order to make comparisons, or to check the value they have calculated is reasonable.