Measurement Model Notation Flashcards
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: x
Name = ex Size = # of x’s x 1 Definition = observed indicator of ξ Group = variables Matrix Type = vector
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: y
Name = wy Size = # of y’s x 1 Definition = observed indicator of η Group = variables Matrix Type = vector
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: δ
Name = delta Size = # of x’s x 1 Definition = measurement error for x Group = variables Matrix Type = vector
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: ε
Name = epsilon Size = # of y’s x 1 Definition = measurement error for y Group = variables Matrix Type = vector
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: λx
Name = lambda x Size = # of lambda x’s x # of x’s Definition = loading relating x to ξ Group = coefficients Matrix Type = matrix
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: λy
Name = lambda y Size = # of lambda y’s x # of y’s Definition = loading relating y to η Group = coefficients Matrix Type = matrix
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: ϴδ
Name = theta-delta Size = # of deltas x #of deltas Definition = covariance matrix of δ, E(δδ’) Group = covariance matrix Matrix Type = matrix
What is the name, size, definition, group, and matrix type for the following Greek symbol: ϴε
Name = theta-epsilon Size = # of epsilons x # of epsilons Definition = covariance matrix of ε, E(εε’) Group = covariance matrix Matrix Type = matrix