Measurement, Dose Cal, Radiation Measurement Flashcards
What is Fluence Rate?
Beam intensity as a function of time.
What is energy fluence?
Ratio of radiant energy passing through a sphere
What is KERMA stand for?
Kinetic Energy Released in Matter
What are the parts of KERMA?
*Radiative KERMA (KR)-Energy transfer via radiative photons (bremsstrahlung (g))
*Collisional KERMA (Kc)Collisions b/t photons and charged particles. Results in e- which dissipate energy from collisions, leading to ionization & excitation.
Define KERMA
Kinetic energy released in the medium per unit mass.
What is radiation equilibrium?
Radiation equilibrium- When the volume of radiation (photons/electrons) entering and leaving a system are the same in number, energy, and direction.
What are the units of KERMA?
1Gy=1 J/kg
What are units of exposure?
Roentgen (R); Coulomb per kilogram (C/kg)
How do you convert R to C/kg?
1R=2.48x10-4 C/kg of air
Define Exposure
“a measure of ionization produced in air by photons. (X=dQ/dm; Q-charge produced in mass of air (m)) (Charge/ Mass of air)
What is Charged Particle Equilibrium used for?
Measure exposure-Ion Chamber
Free air Ion Chambers
*Open system to outside air
*Big and Bulky/ delicate, not used in clinics
*Standard @ National labs to calibrate secondary/field equipment (ex thimble chamber)
*Low energy (equipment ex superficial/orthovoltage x-ray)
What is Charged Particle Equilibrium?
Charged Particle Equilibrium-When the number, energy, and direction of charged particles are the same entering and leaving a measurement volume. (absorbed dose equal to collisional kerma)
Purpose of Guard Electrons (Free Air Ion Chamber)
*Helps insulate collecting electrode
*reduce charge leakage to the collecting electrode
*Defines the active chamber volume
Free Air Ion Chamber Corrections
i. Air Density: Temperature, pressure, and Humidity
ii. Ion recombination- charge created but not collected
iii. Air attenuation of photons
iv. Secondary chambers calibrated against fee air chambers use exposure calibration factors