Measurement Flashcards
South Africa is 2 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If a football game starts at 15h15 GMT, what time does it start in South Africa?
South Africa is (sometimes) 2 hours ahead of London. You call your uncle in London at 10h00 South African time? What time is it for your uncle?
If you want some problems involving diagrams of clocks, ask Donald.
What time will Jacob Zuma resign?
Write as analogue time: 16h23
4:23 pm or 23 minutes past 4
Express 25 minutes to 7 in the morning as digital time.
Express 7:43 pm as digital (24-hour) time.
Which country “moved” from the Western Hemisphere to the Eastern Hemisphere in December 2011, thereby losing the 30 December?! This is just for fun.
If you want to read time zones off a map, ask Donald
In which time zone does Jacob Zuma live?
John’s birthday is on 23 August, and Jake’s in on 31 July. How many days earlier is Jake’s birthday than John’s?
How many days are there between 29 December 2011 and 2 January 2012?
3 in Samoa
If you want to do some calendar cross-marking problems, ask Donald.
7 litres and 500 ml = how many ml?
7 500 ml
15 litres = how many ml?
15 000 ml
3 kl = how many litres?
3 000
750 litres = how many kl?
0,750 kl
A bottle of wine can hold 750 of what unit?
750 ml
A bucket holds 10 of what unit?
10 litres
A petrol tanker holds 9 of what unit of petrol?
9 kl
A bottle of water is 600 ml. What is the volume of 6 bottles?
6 x 600 = 3600 ml = 3,6l
What is the volume of ten 440 ml cans of Coke?
10 x 440 = 4 400ml