How did you identify the IDF? What guidance did you follow? Would you include a juliet balcony?
International Property Measurement Standards - All Buildings
I had consideration to the RICS Professional Statement when measuring the property, the IDF is the wall surface (either glazed or solid), whichever occupies over half of the that section from the floor to the ceiling. During the inspection, I checked each room’s dominant wall surface to determine the correct measurement points.
A Juliet balcony is excluded because they are primarily external features and do not provide significant internal space or functionality.
What scale?
1:100 scale for building plan, which is typical for residential properties.
How can you ensure the accuracy of the measurement on-site?
I used a laser measurer device and calibrated it before the inspection. I cross-referenced my measurements by measuring twice in critical areas. I also ensured consistent recording of measurements in my notes.
What details of your revised measurements would you include in a professional report or document?
A revised floor area calculation and a detailed floor plan.
What steps did you take to verify the accuracy of your measurements before finalising the report?
I cross-checked my measurements on site.
Whats excluded in IPSMB 3?
externall walls, externall balconies, shared corridors, roof terraces, storage rooms not attached to the unit, boiler rooms.
Did you duall report?
Yes, I measured to GIA and IPMS 3B.
I measured using IPMS 3B due to my familiarity with this standard, to determine internal floor area.
However, recognising that Gross Internal Area (GIA) is the more appropriate standard for residential properties, I also applied GIA to ensure compliance with statutory valuation requirements.
By dual-measuring, I ensured accuracy and consistency with the measurements I had taken.
Were all your comps measured to IPMS 3B? Did you dual measure? How would you measurements be differences if measure to GIA?
No, thats why I also measured to GIA, the area was larger when I measured to GIA.
Why was IMPS introduced- does the VO measure to this standard? If not, why?
Not efficient to do so, we adopt the Code of Measuring Practice, it would be uneconomic for us to remeasure every property for IPMS.
Can you define GIA? NIA? GEA?
GIA - industrials, warehouses, factories
GEA - planning, council tax, building reinstatement costs
NIA - shops and offices
GIA includes all internal areas, while NIA focuses on usable space, GEA includes both internal and externall walls
Is zoning a measurement standard?
No, its a form of analysis
Say you were measuring a residential to GIA and IPMS 3B, which would you expect to have the highest measurements overall and why?
GIA would have the highest measurements overall
GIA includes all internal areas of a building, whereas IPMS3 excludes storage rooms, plant rooms and certain corridors (non-occupiable)
What do you understand by the term “internal dominant face”
The inside surface area comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height
When did you last calibrate your laser measure - why is this important?
I colaborate frequently, I last did it a couple of weeks ago.
I do this to ensure accuracy, reliability and compliance
You measured an industrial unit to GIA - are there any areas you would exclude when measuring to GIA?
Outbuildings, loading bays, canopies
You measured a shop unit to NIA - are there any areas you would exclude when measuring to NIA?
WCs, corridors, stairwells
Talk me through the measurement of an Industrial in Penarth (M L2).
RICS Professional Standard and Guidance, Code of Measuring Practice, 6th Edition, May 2015.
I measured an industrial unit for industrial purposes.
I measured to GIA.
I drew up a plan onsite and excluded the necessary areas.
Measuring the eaves height and roller shutter door width and height enabled me to accurately compare these units to comparables in the locality.
Talk me through the measurement of the retail in Chepstow.
RICS Professional Standard and Guidance, Code of Measuring Practice, 6th Edition, May 2015.
I measured a retail unit for non-domestic purposes.
I measured to NIA.
On return to the office, I used ELDA to digitise the plan.
I calculated the overall retail area, making sure to exclude pillars and staff WC.
Following the inspection, I was able to settle the appeal as a result of the accurate measurements I had taken.
Talk me through your measurement of the Residential house in Stratford (M L2).
I measured a two bedroom terraced house for IHT purposes.
I noted that there was a two-storey extension to the rear of the property which weren’t included in our records.
I dual reported, measuring the property in accordance with GIA.
I drew a scaled floorplan and took internal and external photographs.
I used my measurements to obtain an accurate revised area, which I used to correctly analyse the subject in line with comparable evidence.
Describe the construction and age of the residential you measured in Stratford.
Age: 1837 - 1901 (Victorian)
Construction: red brick construction, high ceilings, fire place in each room, solid brick walls- headers and stretchers, timber framed sash windows, square bay windows, pitched roof.
Describe the construction and age of the retail unit you measured in Chepstow.
Age: 1837-1901 (Victorian)
Construction: red brick construction, solid brick walls- headers and stretchers, timber framed sash windows, square bay windows, pitched roof.
Describe the age and condition of the industrial you measured in Penarth.
Age: 1955 - 1964.
Construction: red brick construction with corrugated metal cladding under a pitched roof with roller shutter doors.
Eaves height: 5m
Survey data: partly heated, no air conditioning.
For the retail unit in Chepstow, what did you measure to? What would you do if there was racking/shelving on both sides of the retail unit?
I would try and measure from behind the racking/shelving (internal face of the perimeter walls)
What elements did you include on your plan for the shop in Chepstow? Was the plan to scale? What scale would you use for a floor plan for a building of that size?
I would include the layout of in my plan, measurements included kitchen, retail area, office.
The plan was not to scale (the ratio of length in a drawing compared to the length of the real thing)
The scale was 1.100.
Why calculate the areas overall for the retail in Chepstow? How would you zone the retail unit if you had to? How would establish the building line?
The unit was a Cafe, therefore I applied the overall approach
Zone approach - 6.1M
Building line - the building line in measurement refers to the distance between the edge of a property or street and the nearest point of a building.
Other inclusions and exclusions? Did you measure anything else relevant to retail? Internal frontage? Depth of sales area? Talk me through measuring and zoning a return frontage?
Inclusions - kitchen, area occupied by non-structural wall partitioning, backroom storage
Exclusions - Corridors, WCs, Stairwells
Internal Frontage: This is the length of the retail unit’s interior face that is directly accessible to customers. It’s often measured from one side of the unit to the other.
Depth of Sales Area: This is the distance from the front of the retail unit to the back wall.
Return frontage - dependant on tthe quality of the return frontage (e.g. facing other rental units), one might add 10% - 2.5% to the total revenue to reflect the benefit of the return frontage.
What are pros and cons of a laser measuer?
Pros - gives quick and accurate measurements, making the process more efficient and reduces the potential for errors
Cons - bring sunlight and the reflection on tiles can distort measurements
Why GIA? Inclusions and exclusions? Difference between the RICS COMP and the VOA COMP?
Inclusions - internal walls, floors, ceilings
Exclusions - external walls, basements, garages
RICS COMP is used for professional valuations, while the VOA COMP is for taxation purposes
Why do you not use IPMS for rating?
The requirement to use IPMS is not mandatory, given the statutory duty, the basis of measurement remains the RICS Code of Measuring Practice and the VOA code
Was there any land? If there was, how would you measure it?
VOA Digital Mapping / Promap
Trundle Wheel - on site
If there are offices in the industrial, do you measure the office space to NIA or GIA?
How did you measure the eaves height? Did you measure anything else like the clear height or ceiling height?
Eaves Height: This is the distance from the ground to the lowest point of the roof overhang.
Ceiling Height: This is the distance from the floor to the highest point of the ceiling.
Clear Height: This is the distance from the floor to the lowest point of any obstruction, such as beams or pipes, between the floor and the ceiling.
Whats included and excluded from IMPS 3B?
Includes: Enclosed garages, basements, cellars
Excludes: Patios, staircase openings, unenclosed parking areas
How did you verify the measurements you took on inspection? How would you overcome a difference in measurements from agents plans?
Is it mandatory to measure using IPMS?
Yes but only for offices and residential.
RICS Professional statement on property measurement states IPMS is mandatory unless instructed otherwise or not normal for market.
IPMS all buildings not yet adopted by RICS
What are the requirements when measuring office and residential buildings using IPMS?
Provide DATE when measurements are taken
State measuring METHOD.
Provide reference and SCALE OF PLANS used
CONVERSION FACTOR from metric/imperial
Measurements and CALCULATIONS clearly
Retain a record of the RICS REMEMBER responsible
Advise client on BENEFITS of using IPMS
Use of IMPS is mandatory for reporting of residential and office space.
Other than a laser measuring device, are there any other tools? What are the pros and cons of them?
Fibreglass tape- simple, reliable and unaffected by surface conditions or reflections cons- time consuming, especially for larger areas, surveyors rod, trundle wheel, CAD.
What is the difference between IPMS 3B and GIA
- With IPMS3B you measure to the dominant face
In reality it doesn’t make much of a difference, “as you devalue, you revalue”
Need to be consistent in how you value
- the area isn’t going to make much of a difference, with my property, the internal dominant face was the brick wall.
What’s the difference between the RICS Code of Measuring Practice and VOA Code of Measuring Practice?
Why GIA? Inclusions and exclusions?
GIA is the sea of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
Areas occupied by internal walls and partitions
Columns, chimney breasts, stairwells, lift wells
Wall thickness
External open sided balconies
What is the difference between RICS COMP and VOA COMP?
Very similar
The VOA COMP excludes any area with a ceiling height of less than 1.5m
Was there any land? If there was, how would you measure it? Pros and cons?
Laser measures
Pro: high accuracy, fact and efficient, compact and portable
Cons: requires a clear line of sight too the target, can struggle with reflective surfaces, needs batteries to operate
Trundle wheel
Pro: effective for measuring long distances, simple to use, good for quote estimates
Cons: less accurate, not suitable for confined or indoor spaces, may require calibration for precise measurements
What’s the pros and cons of digital mapping?
Can cover large areas quickly and remotely
Useful for planning and estimating in hard to reach areas
Provides high detailed maps
Requires a subscription
Limited by the updates of the mapping data
Requires digital access
Not suitable for precise on sure measurements
If there are offices in the industrial, do you measure the office space to NIA or GIA?
What are the different measurements you would take in an industrial building?
Clear Internal Height
The height between the floor surface and the outset side of the lowest point of the structural ceiling or roof
Eaves Height
The height between the floor direct and the underside of the roof covering
Ceiling Height
The height between the floor surface and the underside of the ceiling
If there was a column near to an internal perimeter wall in a shop, would you measure the distance between the wall and column?
<0.25 m is considered unusable space
What is building frontage?
The measurement along the front of the building from the outside of external walls or centre line of party walls
What is the shop depth?
Measurement from the notional display window to the rear of the retail area
What are the different IPMS’ and what are their definitions?
IPMS1 - equates closely to the former GEA
IPMS2 - office, with equates closely to the former GIA
IPMS3 - office, which equates somewhat to the former NIa
IPMS3A - residential, which equates somewhat to former GEA
IPMS3B - residential, which equates somewhat to former GIA
IPMS3C - residential, which equates somewhat to former EFA
If you were measuring a retail unit or industrial to IPMS, what guidance would you follow?
IPMS retail and industrial do exist
IPMS retail buildings and IPMS industrial buildings have not been incorporated by RICS as of yet
How do you identify the IDF? What do you measure to if there is no IDF?
The IDF refers to the inside subtract area that comprises more than 50% of the lowest 2.75m
If a dominant face does not constitute more than 50% of the area, then the measurement is taken to the finished surface instead of IDF
What’s the difference between GIA and IPMS?
Included, but stated separately:
Attics, basements, cellars
Balconies, garages, limited use areas
Excluded, but stated separately:
Unenclosed parking areas
Staircase openings
In IPMS, would you measure the garage?
Included but stated separately
What is the reasons level of tolerance?
Depends on circumstances
Around +/-1% may be accepted
What details of your revised measurements would you include in a professional report or document?
Date of measurement
Measurement methodology
Measurement basis
Plans reference and scale
Metric units
Measurement tolerance
RICS member who was responsible for the measurement
Why didn’t you use the plans from the planning portal for the two storey extension of the house in Stratford?
It was a 2 storey extension which would have been under permitted development rights
Why do you include public toilets but not staff toilets?
Measure in accordance to the VOA Code of Measuring Practice for statutory purposes
- customer toilers are included
What are the current measurement standards?
RICS Guidance Code of Measuring Practice, 6th edition
RICS Professional Standard Property Measurement, 2nd edition
IPMS All Buildings, 2023
For IHT purposes, why did you adopt the code of measuring practice rather than IPMS?
Not dictated by client
What is IPMS All Buildings?
Measurement is a fundamental basis for valuation
Underpins decisions made by all property users
Provides a tool for comparison.
Important tool in worldwide to reduce carbon emissions.
Consistent worldwide approach –allowing for real comparable data.
What is IPMS 1? GEA?
Floor area measured to the external extent of the external walls and to any notional boundaries, external floor areas or sheltered areas
Converting IPMS 1 to GEA – deduct sheltered areas
What is IPMS 2? GIA?
Converting IPMS 2 to GIA – would need to add back in any difference in area between IDF and internal finish – warehouse internal finish wall and protruding roller shutter door.
IPMS 2 – measure to the IDF of the warehouse wall and to the IDF of the roller shutter. GIA would just measure the finish of internal perimeter wall ignoring the protruding section of the roller shutter door.
What is IPMS 3.1?
Used for office buildings (single occupier), industrial buildings, retail units (single tenancy)
Floor area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier measured externally to any notional boundaries, external walls, demising walls and including any external floor areas, sheltered areas and secondary areas.
What is IPMS 3.2?
Used for Multi-Tenant office buildings, shopping malls, or retail complexes, mised use buildings.
Floor area available on an exclusive basis to an occupier measured internally to any notional boundaries, the IDF, demising walls and including any external floor areas, sheltered areas and secondary areas.
Hpw do you convert IPMS to NIA?
Converting to NIA – add in difference in area between IDF and internal finished surface, take out columns.
What items are included in IPMS but excluded from GEA, GIA, NIA?
- Balconies
- Accessible roof tops
- Canopies
- Reveals of windows
Which IPMS will be most widely used?
Recommended for valuation, lease agreement purposes and building and quantity surveying for preparing cost plans and giving cost advice.
What is limited use areas?
Are to be identified and recorded for each component area. The term is applied to areas which may warrant special consideration for valuation or other purposes.
* IDF and floor wall junctions
* Areas with limited height
* Areas with limited natural light
* Areas above and below ground
* Sheltered areas
Why didn’t you use IPMS? Did you advise the client of the benefits?
Although not specifically instructed by my client, I did promote the application of IPMS in respect of my inspection.
* Stating the benefits and new approach going forward
* If letting individual units within the site, it would be beneficial to inform the tenant of their exclusive occupation.
* I measured each office suite and industrial unit to IPMS 3.2
Hasn’t IPMS3B been replaced by IPMS All Buildings? What was it replaced with?
When did IPMS All Buildings come into effect?
Published January 2023
When did IPMS All Buildings come into effect?
Published January 2023
What is the difference between Code of Measuring Practice and Property Measurement Standard?
The Code of Measuring Practice (CMP) is a UK set of guidelines for measuring property, focusing on local practices and terminologies, while the Property Measurement Standard (PMS) is an international framework that aims to standardise property measurement practices across different countries and property types.
What does RICS say about the use of IPMS?
RICS members are expected to advise their client or employer on the benefits of using IPMS. However, it is understood that IPMS is not suitable in all circumstances and in these circumstances RICS members must state the reason for departure
Tell me some of the terminology used in IPMS?
What is IPMS All Buildings?
- IPMS 1 and IPMS 2 are external and internal measurements respectively for the whole or part of a Building.
- IPMS 3.1 and IPMS 3.2 are external and internal measurements respectively required for exclusive occupation.
- IPMS 4.1 and IPMS 4.2 are internal measurements required for selected areas respectively including Internal Walls and Columns and excluding External Walls and Columns.
What is included when measuring to GIA?
All areas within the internal finish of perimeter walls
• Columns
• Litt wells
• Mezzanines with permanent access
• Loading bays
• Ancillary office space
How can you check if a mezzanine is a mezzanine and not a floor part of the structure?
Check if there are pillars/columns underneath it Is it bolted to the wall on the side or the floor?
Is there give in the floor if I jump up and down
Ask the occupier / building manager