*Measurement Flashcards
What do you know about the RICS Property Measurement 2nd Edition 2018?
International Property Measurement Standards are a mandatory framework and definitions for the measurement of property.
What are International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS)?
A global RICS-led initiative introduced mandatory Internal Property Measurements Standards and practices aiming to avoid current inconsistent definitions of measurement in different countries and bring greater global transparency.
What is IPMS 1?
Used for measuring the area of a building including external walls on a floor-by-floor basis.
Similar to GEA.
What is IPMS 2 Residential?
The sum of each floor area measured to the internal dominant face and can be reported in component areas.
Similar to GIA.
What is IPMS 3 Residential?
The floor area on an exclusive basis to the occupier. It is broken into 3 sections:
IPMS 3A: Measurement to the outer face of the external wall and centre-line of shared walls.
IPMS 3B: Measurement of the area in exclusive occupation, including internal walls and columns, measured to the Internal Dominant Face and finished surface.
IPMS 3C: Measurement of the area of exclusive occupation, excluding the walls and columns, measured to the Internal Dominant Face.
What is the Internal Dominant Face (IDF)?
It is the internal finished surface that makes up at least 50% of the floor to ceiling height (wall).
Why is IPMS not always suitable?
If I am instructed by a Client not to use IPMS.
Where comparables utilise Code of Measuring Practice (GIA).
What do I advise my Clients surrounding IPMS?
I advise my client of the benefits of using IMPS including it being a worldwide standard, improving consistency and transparency.
What do you know about the RICS Code of Measuring Practice?
The RICS Code of Measuring Practice, 2015 is still the best practice document for all measurement exercises except for offices and residential properties.
It provides precise definitions to ensure a common & consistent approach to measurement.
What is Gross External Area (GEA)?
The area of a building measured externally at each floor level.
What is Gross Internal Area (GIA)?
The area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
What is Net Internal Area (NIA)?
The useable area within a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level.
What is the difference between GIA and IPMS 2 Residential?
- excludes balconies, roof terraces and verandas.
- measures to finished face
- measures to IDF, includes window reveals if IDF
- includes but states separately balconies, roof terraces and verandas.
What is the difference between GIA and NSA?
Net Sales Area would be the GIA of each flat within an apartment building.
This would exclude the communal areas.
What are the differences between GIA and NIA?
- excludes columns
- excludes shared internal walls
- excludes common areas such as entrance halls, toilets, stairwells, lift.
- includes columns
- includes all internal walls
- includes common areas.
How would you measure individual apartments in an apartment building?
I would use IPMS 3B to measure individual apartments in an apartment building.
How do you measure a development site?
I check boundaries accurately on site with an OS plan and / or Land Registry title documents prior to calculating the area of a site using Promap.
A trundle wheel could also be used.
What are the limitations of a trundle wheel?
Human error effecting accuracy.
They do not account for changes in level.
Can be inconvenient to use.
What is the conversion from sq ft to sqm?
1 sqm = 10.764 sq ft
What is the conversion from km to mi?
1 km = 0.62 mi
1 mi = 1.61 km
What are scales?
A scale is the ratio of the length in a drawing to the length of the real thing.
What are the commonly used scales?
1: 50 = Room Plan
1: 100 = Building Plan
1: 1250 = Street/Location Plan
1: 2500 = Location Plan
1: 50000 = Road/Walking Map
How do you confirm a laser measure is correctly calibrated?
I check the accuracy against a known distance within our office and record the result on a log.
How do you calibrate a laser measure?
I do not, this can only be completed by manufacturers and should be completed annually.
What are the limitations of a laser measure?
They should not be used outdoors as they are affected by sunlight.
Why do you have reference to title plans?
To ensure the boundaries are correct and that I am correctly measuring the Property.
What are limited space areas?
Area with restricted space with would affect use, such as limited height.
Why do you report measurements on a floor-by-floor basis?
Code of Measuring Practice and Property Measurement states to measure at each floor level.
What is an Ordnance Survey Map?
Ordnance Survey (OS) is the national mapping agency for Great Britain. An OS Map uses OS mapping data.
How do you measure using a scale ruler?
I use a scale ruler to check against the scale bar to ensure the plans are printed at the correct scale.
I can then use the scale ruler to convert the size of a line in a drawing to the size in real life.
How do you cross check against a scale bar?
I use a scale ruler to check that the scale bar of the printed document is accurate.
How would you measure a basement in IPMS 1?
You would extend the exterior measurement of the perimeter walls at ground level downwards.
Or by estimation of the wall thickness if the extent of the basement differs from the footprint of the building.
What is the difference between IMPS 1 and GEA?
- excludes balconies and roof terraces
- includes covered galleries
- includes balconies, roof terraces and covered galleries but states separately
What is included/excluded in all IPMS 3 residential?
Included but stated separately:
- attics
- basements/cellars
- enclosed garages
- limited use areas
Excluded but could be stated separately:
- patios
- unenclosed parking areas
What is included in IPMS 2 Residential?
- internal walls
- columns
- common facilities
Included but stated separately:
- balconies
- covered galleries
- permanent mezzanines
- verandas.
- temporary mezzanines
- open light wells
- upper level voids of atrium
- any structures beyond external walls.
What is GEA used for?
It is used for:
- Town Planning
- council tax valuations
- building cost estimates for houses
What is GIA used for?
It is used for
- Estate Agency
- rating
- building cost estimation and valuation of industrial/warehouses
- valuation and rating of retail warehouses and food stores.
What is NIA used for?
Similar to GIA but for shops and offices.
What is included in IMPS 3A?
- internal walls
- external walls
- common facilities
What is included in IMPS 3B?
- internal walls
- window reveals if IDF
- measured to finished surface of shared walls
What is included in IMPS 3C?
- window reveals, if IDF
- measured to finished surface of shared walls
What Professional Statement did the RICS release to incorporate the International Property Measurement Standards?
RICS Property Measurement, 2018
What was the aim of RICS Property Measurement, 2018?
Establish consistencies in property measurement to be adopted by governments and industry on a global basis
Which IPMS measuring practices were adopted in RICS Property Measurement, 2018 (2)?
Offices and residential properties
What are RICS members encouraged to do until IPMS becomes embedded into market practice?
Report on a dual basis
When are RICS planning on implementing IPMS: Industrial Buildings 2018 and IPMS: Retail Buildings 2019?
- IPMS for industrial in consultation
- IPMS for retail has finished its consultation period and will likely be included as part of property measurement third edition.
For what types of property is adoption of IPMS mandatory?
When reporting on residential and office space, unless the client provides a written instruction to use an alternative
What are the general principles of RICS Property Measurement, 2018 (A, O, D, M, P, C, D)?
- Advise clients of the benefits of using IMPS
- Omission: document the reason for not using IMPS
- Date: must provide a date when the measurements are undertaken
- Methodology: state the measuring methodology adopted
- Plans: provide the reference and scale of any plans used
- Conversion: state the conversion factor from metric / imperial and any rounding
- Document: measurements and calculations must be clearly documented
When did Property Measurement 2018 become effective?
1st May 2018
What is the definition of the Internal Dominant Face?
Inside finished surface comprising more than 50% of the floor to ceiling height for each IDF wall section
What are the THREE IPMS standards for measuring residential buildings/broadly what area do they cover?
- IPMS 1 - Residential: External (not on an occupier basis)
- IPMS 2 - Residential (Internal): Internal area of the building (not on an occupier basis)
- IMPS 3 - Residential (Occupier): the occupation of the building on an exclusive basis to an occupier
What are the THREE sub areas of IPMS 3 Residential/broadly what area do you measure?
- IPMS 3A: measurement to the outer face of the external wall and centre-line of shared walls
- IPMS 3B: measurement of the area in exclusive occupation, including internal walls and columns, measured to the IDF
- IPMS 3C: measurement of the area in exclusive occupation, excluding the walls and columns, measured to the IDF
When would you use GEA as a basis of measurement (3)?
- Town planning
- Council tax valuations
- Building cost estimates for houses
What is the internal eaves height?
The clear height between the floor and the lowest point on the underside of the roof e.g. at the eaves
What should be done before calculating the site area on Promap?
Check the boundaries on site with an OS plan and / or Land Registry title document
What could be used to measure the boundaries whilst on site?
Trundle wheel
How accurate do measurements have to be, and where set out?
When carrying out measured building surveys, net area surveys and valuation surveys, an accuracy of ±25mm is required
Table of Tolerances are set out in Appendix A of Property Measurement 2018
What is a commonly used scale for a building plan?
What is a commonly used scale for a street plan?
What is a commonly used scale for a location plan?
What is a commonly used scale for a road map?
What are commonly used measuring tools (4)?
- Tape measure
- Rod/kebab skewer
- Laser device
- Trundle wheel (used for measuring land)
How do you check the accuracy of your laser measuring device (2, short/long term)?
- Check a known distance and record the measurements in a log
- Send devices to be calibrated at least quarterly or if accuracy begins to deteriorate
(I would not calibrate a laser as per the manufacturer’s instructions it is for them to calibrate.)
What is the definition of GEA?
Gross External Area is the area of a building measured externally at each floor level.
What is the definition of GIA?
Gross Internal Area is the area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level
Tell me about how you use floor plans to facilitate measuring buildings?
- I use floorplans to sketch my measurements
- I use floorplans to check my measurements once I have calculated – any discrepancies I go back and remeasure.
Why do you take check measurements?
To ensure accuracy before reporting
Tell me about a strength and weakness of a measuring technique you have used.
Laser measure – fast, usually very accurate.
Disadvantage: sometimes laser will not reach wall to wall, or you are not able to see it – need to have something held up at half way to combat.
When would you use a tape measure?
For narrow areas
What is a potential source of error when measuring (3)?
- Human error – misreading, additional check measurements.
- Knowledge error (unsure what to in/exclude) - take enough measurements to calculate later on
- Equipment error – faulty equipment which should be checked and calibrated quickly/annually.
What would you use IPMS 3B and not IPMS 2?
Because I was measuring the area in exclusive occupation.
What is Effective Floor Area?
Effective floor area is a measurement basis historically used by the UK Valuation Office Agency for measuring flats (but not houses) for council tax.
What are limited use areas and how do you report these?
In certain markets there may be areas in buildings that are incapable of legal or effective occupation due to local or national legislation.
Such areas and their limitations are to be identified, measured and stated separately within IPMS reported areas.
How would you measure a mezzanine?
- Included in GEA and GIA (if permanent access)
- Not included IPMS 1, 2,3 or NIA
- Resi – included in IPMS
Where is the measurement taken to for the common wall when measured for IPMS 3?
Centre line of the common wall
What is the difference between IPMS 1 and GEA (3, 1 stated separately)?
- Covered galleries (internal balconies) – included but stated separately (Included GEA)
- External open sides balconies included but stated separately (excluded GEA)
- Accessible roof terraces - included but may be stated separately (normally excluded GEA)
Why is accuracy important when you measure buildings (3, 1 in certain circumstances)?
- It can have a significant influence on value
- It is important to measure accurately to ensure you have met client’s requirements
- It is important to measure accurately so the fit out can be implemented correctly
What are the changes between the existing and new (IPMS) residential practice?
Replaces use of GEA/GIA/NIA in code of measuring practice.
What is the definition of GIA (resi)?
Gross Internal Area is the area of a building measured to the internal face of the perimeter walls at each floor level
Residential - What’s the difference between GIA and IPMS 3B (4)?
- Measured to IDF as opposed to surface wall.
- Areas occupied by the reveals on windows if assessed as IDF included
- Balconies – Included but stated separately
- Accessible roof terraces included but stated separately
What are the limitations of lasers in bright light and darkness, and what should you therefore do in each case?
o Lasers do not work well in bright sunlight - use a long tape measure to overcome issue or by shadowing target area.
o When using a laser to measure to a dark surface, the measuring time can increase leading to inaccurate measurements. Taking a sheet of A4 white paper to site can be used as a measuring target.
When can cloth tape be inaccurate?
o Cloth tape can be inaccurate if not fully stretched or overstretched.
Why can measuring software be inaccurate?
o Measuring software may be less accurate given it is hard to pinpoint the exact boundaries or surfaces to measure to online
Why can photocopied plans be inaccurate, and how do you check this?
o Photocopied scaled plans can be distorted which will affect the scale of the plan- use check measurements to confirm scale accuracy.
What are the 2 methods for laser calibration?
o Check typical accuracy by following the Leica guidance
establish a constant baseline, taking at least 10 measurements from a fixed point and carrying out a number of calculations.
Record result in a log.
o Or send disto for calibration –
Typically lasers become inaccurate after being dropped and may show an error (e.g. 256).