measure for measure critics quotes Flashcards
The need to hold on firmly to a middle way
The Duke is vain, interested in image mongering
David Lloyd Stevenson
The play was written to flatter James the 1as the Duke is based on many of his attributes
James shapiro
The Duke scatters pardons like James at Winchester
Carolyn E brown
Shakespeares message is that rulers are not godly agents, but fleshy humans, more in touch with earth than heaven
Northrop Frye
Angelo is…the most contemptible kind of hypocrite
L.C. Knights
His lust, just like his forced chastity, is felt as something excessive,
Dr Johnson
Every reader feels some indignation when angelo is spared
Elspeth carruthers
Angelo starts out as an archetype of puritanism
Daryl Gless
Isabellas preoccupation with her chastity shows spiritual arrogance
Wilbur Dunkel
Isabells agrees to the bed trick “because a holy man advises her to do so”
Emma smith
“More than our brother is our chastity” is a formal statement of belief rather than an inner revelation of feeling
Penelope Wilton
Her vilification of her brother….shows her as hysteric, as a neurotic and it shows her as a religious maniac
Fredrique Fouassier
Although the play looks like a comedy, it is devoid of celebration and its ending resolves none of the tension aroused by the action
Lisa Hopkins
Marriage is appropriate as a provider of closure for comedy because it focuses primarily on the experience of the group, as opposed to the individualistic, isolationist emphasis of tragedy
Mark Lilly
No other Shakespearean play is so strongly rooted in biblical teaching as measure for measure
George Wilson Knight
The dukes sense of human responsibility is delightful throughout: he is like a kindly father, and all the rest are his children
Emma Smith 2
Isabella shows she “able to play the grubby game of blackmail with angelo”
Emma Smith 3
Life itself seemed a short snd insignificant matter in the light of eternal judgement
John A Green
The dukes disguise as a friar is “perhaps an implication that Catholicism us inherently corrupt and is merely a show with no real substance”
John A Green 2
The Duke cannot rightly be said to occupy the moral high ground throughout measure for measure