Measure Critical Quotations Flashcards
Charlotte Lennox [Justice]
Play is “absolutely defective in its distribution of rewards and punishments”
John Dollimore [Surveillance/Authoritarian]
Play is “an exercise in authoritarian repression” and a “sinister form of ideological control”
Simon McEvoy [Sexual Guilt]
“Sexual guilt of his subjects is the way [the] Duke legitimises his rule”
Abrams, M H [PP Ending]
“The solution of the plot … does not settle or solve except superficially, the moral problems raised”
David Margolies [PP Ending]
Shakespeare has left “the contradiction without even the appearance of a resolution…, which is more disturbing and more subversive than a definitive ending”
John Roe [Extermism/Law/Society]
Angelo introduces “draconian laws out of touch with the changing social norms in Vienna”
Samuel T Coleridge [Failed Justice]
“Our feelings of justice are grossly wounded”
John Mortimer [Failed Judgement]
Play shows “fallible nature of human judgement”
Peter Cash [Law]
“Law is nothing but a human invention”
Peter Cash [Sexual Immorality/Human Nature”
Angelo’s attempt to crack down on sexual immorality is “ a vain attempt to repress one of the irrerepressible impulses of human nature”
Cox [Human Limitations/Justice]
“Humans have limitations and cannot always measure up to divine standards”
Hall [Angelo’s Flaw]
Angelo’s “high moral standards proved flawed”
Wilson-Kinght [Duke/God]
The Duke’s “ethical attitude is exactly correspondent with Jesus”
Sanders [Human Judgement]
“All judgement is relative”
C Brown [Human Judgement]
“Rulers are not godly agents, but fleshy hunans”
Tony Martin [Marriage/Control]
Marriage seems to be “a matter of control and punishment, imposed on couples in an arbitrary and despotic manner”
Hall [Product of Society]
Lucio is a “fallible product of his permissive environment, a victim”
K Lasnoski [Positive aspect of Marriage]
The Duke “reinforces community” by “binding [people] in intimate relationships”
F Dunlop [Paranoia]
“Pleople… modify their behaviour to avoid punishments”