Meanning of Treaty and Bills ect Flashcards
Quebec Act
It is a serie of accomodations.
- French law is maintened in lower court (system of law).
- Civil servants had to swear allegiance to the Kig of England (cf Act of Supremacy) but not as “the head of the English Church)
- Preservation of Language.
- Catholic Church with its priest (not its hierarchy) was maintain.
Constitutional Act (1791)
4 colonial contitution granted by the King.
(Lower Canada, Upper Canada, N-B and N-S)
Each colony : -> 1 English governor -> 1 elected assembly (by male property owner) -> 1 nominated upper council (by the governor)
“Affairs of British North America” 1839
= a report wrote by Lord Durham.
- > creation of one colony (English so one parliament + equal proportion btw two provinces)
- > lack of French canadian History and culture.
- > emigration program
Treaty of Oregon (1847)
Anglo-American border in the West along the 49th parallel.
British North American Act 1867
- > birth of the Canadian Dominion.
- > it is now a confederation.
- > British monarch = head of the State (HOME RULE)
- > 1 Parliament with Low House and Senate.
- > provincial constitution and a flag.
- > defined the dostribution of powers btw the provinces and federal power/
Massy Report 1951
Wrote by the Massey Commission.
-> to assess the state of arts and culture in Canada.
-> federal funding for a wide range of Canadan cultural initiatives.
Révolution Tranquille.
cultural and social reform
+ état de providence.
Commonwealth of Nation
It allows the dominion to contril its own domestic and foreign affairs and to establish its own diplomatic corps.
Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission. 1963
= Two commissionners Dunton and Laurendeau.
= public hearing. toured the provinces.
- > to assess the reality of biculturalism (“equal partnership” , “equal oportunity”) for the two main cultural gps.
- > to measure the extent of bilingualism
- > if time provided to asess the contribution of “other ethnic groups”.
Final Report of the B&B commission
- > biculturalism was dead, instead numerous culture.
- > assessed how Canadian people percieved their nation + how cultural communities concieved their own ethnic perception.
Royal Commission of 1964
cf Great Flag debate.
(Red Ensign = too British)
> adoption of the Marple Leaf flag as national flag.
Loi sur les langues officielles 1969
French and English are both recognised as official languages of Canada.
Loi 101 (1977)
Gouvernement de Lévesque.
- > régulasition de l’enseignement en anglais.
- > Affiche, emballage, mode d’emploi ect le français doit être prédominant.
- > le français doit être prédominant sur le lieu de travail. Pour promotions ou job refusé pour cause de bilinguilisme => doit être prouvé.
Charter of Right and Freedom
to enshrine Multiculturalism.
- > it is a part of the Canadian constitution.
- > it set the basic rules about how Canada operates.
- > it is a set of law.
Canadian Multiculturalism Act.
= an Act for the preservation and enhancement of multiculturalism in Canada.
= affirms the policy of the Government of Canada that every Canadian recieves equal treatment by the government whivch respects and celebrates diversity.
= recognizes Canada’s multicultural heritage and that this heritage must be protected (rrecognizes the Aboriginal rights).
Charte des droits de la liberté de la personne (1975)
= adopté a l’unanimité a l’assemblé national du Québec.
= texte fondamental du système juridique québecois.
= recognize that people that live in Quebec are equal in worth and dignity.
= to enshrine human right and harmonises citizen relation between themself and their institution.
Meech Lake Accord 1987
a round table to write the constitution organized by the Conservative governement.
=> a clause stipulating that any constitutional interpretation had to be consistent with the recognition of Québec as a distinct society within Canada.
=> the Constitution was to ensure that the Parliament and the Government of Québec would have a role in the protection and promotion of the distinct nature of Québec.
FAILED because it did not receive enough support of the other province.
Bouchard-Taylor Commission (2008)
Consultation Commission on Acodomation Practices Ralated to Cultural Differences.
- > first attempt to implement “interculturalism” instead of “multiculturalism”
- > “accommodements raisonnables” (=a way to accommodate religious differences in otherwise secular nation)
Loi sur la Laïcité de l’Etat
-> a neutral public space (contradicting “multiculturalism” policy)
= a new securalism or “laicity” bill to affirm religious neutrality.
Quebec nation motion (2006)
“That this House recognize that the Québécois form a nation within a united Canada.”
However it did not led to the recognition of special measures. It has no legal consequence.