Meaning of quotes Flashcards
“Before you hear it all blown out of proportion”
critiques Hollywood and how they often bend the truth
“Poor dope, he always wanted a pool”
highlight the lengths that joe will go to, he died in the pool
“that was last year, this year I’m trying to make a living”
show Joe isnt passionate about what he rights any more
“It happened in the ball pen, story of a women”
Joe is trying to ‘sell’ his movie to Sheldrake. Sheldrake says we could turn it into a cute musical about a women’s softball team. He was sarcastically joking about women.
“Great big white elephant”
is an idiom for a possession that is useless or troublesome especially one that is expensive to maintain. Joe is describing Norma’s house which is over grown.
“It’s a return”
Norma still clings onto the past. Comeback has negative connotations so she uses the word return, like she’s never left. Showing her delusion as she still thinks she’ll be able to make the movie with De Mille
“I said sit down”
Norma comes off as controlling by making him read her writing and demanding he sit down
“I dropped a hook and she snapped at it”
hows the lengths that joe will go to, to acquire and fame and power
“What are my things doing here?”
Norma has complete power over Joe and max got all of joe’s belongings and moved them into the house
“She was still sleepwalking on… her lost career”
Norma was upset that Joe throwing a scene out of her script that she is in. Joe says this which highlights Norma’s ignorance and how she is self absorbed. Only caring about herself
“have they forgotten what a star looks like”
Chiaroscuro lighting used to emphasize her anguish at Hollywood, as she has been passed on due to her aging self and career. Annoyed at the shift from silent films
“well as long as the ladies paying for it”
Uses a close up shot to highlight the facial expresses of their faces. This emphasizes Joe’s realisation that he can exploit Norma for money
“I felt caught like the cigerette on her finger”
he felt trapped, because Norma’s desire for power
“She must be a million years old”
The message went down a chain of men
highlights mosogyny
“all cardboard, all phony, all mirrors”
Wilder expresses hollywodd