mealtimes Flashcards
What is the German word(s) for ?
I like …
Ich mag …
What is the German word(s) for ?
I like apples
Ich mag Äpfel
What is the German word(s) for ?
I do not like vegetables
Ich mag kein Gemüse
What is the German word(s) for ?
I’m vegetarian
Ich bin Vegetarier
What is the German word(s) for ?
Yes, please
Ja bitte
What is the German word(s) for ?
no thanks
Nein danke
What is the German word(s) for ?
Could you …
Könnten sie …
What is the German word(s) for ?
Could you please hand me the pepper?
Könnten sie mir bitte den Pfeffer reichen ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
the napkin
die Serviette
(noun fem)
What is the German word(s) for ?
May I have the salt?
Darf ich bitte das Salz haben ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
When do you you eat?
Wann isst du ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
When do you eat dinner?
Wann isst du zu abend ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
the breakfast
das Frühstück
(noun neut)
What is the German word(s) for ?
zu Mittag
What is the German word(s) for ?
the dinner
das Abendbrot
(noun neut)
What is the German word(s) for ?
We eat at seven o’clock in the evening
Wir essen um sieben Uhr zu Abend
What is the German word(s) for ?
Are you hungry?
Hast du hunger?
What is the German word(s) for ?
Are you thirsty?
Hast du durst?
What is the German word(s) for ?
No thank you I’m not hungry
Nein danke, ich habe keinen Hunger
What is the German word(s) for ?
Did that taste good ?
Hat das geschmeckt?
What is the German word(s) for ?
The food tasted good
Das essen hat gut geschmeckt
What is the German word(s) for ?
very good
sehr gut
What is the German word(s) for ?
not especially good
nicht besonders gut
What is the German word(s) for ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
very bad
gar nicht
What is the German word(s) for ?
The breakfast was delicious, thank you.
Das Frühstück war lecker, danke.
What is the German word(s) for ?
Would you like ..
Möchten Sie ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
Would you like to have the Salt?
Möchten Sie das Salt haben ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
A little
Ein wenig
What is the German word(s) for ?
I want a lot of sugar, please
Ich möchte viel Zucker, bitte
What is the German word(s) for ?
I want a big piece of cake
Ich möchte ein großes Stück Torte
What is the German word(s) for ?
What is the German word(s) for ?
I have eaten enough, thank you.
Ich habe genug gegessen, danke.
What is the German word(s) for ?
I am full up
Ich bin satt