MDTQC Flashcards
- Q- Who is responsible selecting training and testing of operators?
A- All commanders
- Q- Are you required to maintain manual 348 if using GCSS 348?
A- Yes
- Q- OF 346, can it be placed on the web to download?
A- NO, Controlled item to be ordered by supply
- Q- Can a commander interview be delegated down?
A- Yes, has to be in writing
- Q- What is Appendix D in AR 600-55
A- Physical evaluation measures
- Q- What happens if a soldier’s state license gets revoked?
A- Revoke Military License
- Q- How many LE and LI are needed at the company level
A- As many as the mission dictates, have to be on appointment memo
- Q- Where is Master Driver Manager located?
A- Brigade S3
- Q- Where is the Master Driver located?
A- Battalion S3
- Q- Who is responsible for conducting phase 2 equipment training?
A- License Instructor
- Q- Who is responsible for exam in all phases?
A- License Examiner
- Q- If you have a SME Specialist on equipment can they be an instructor?
A- As long as they are appointed in writing.
- Q- Can you have an NCO serve as an LE and LI?
A- Yes but it is not recommended.
- Q- If PCSing from one place to another am I required to carry my 348?
A- Yes, Goes with you to new station
- Q- When conducting annual review, what are you looking for in a packet?
A- DA 6125, DA 348, commander interview, expiration of permits, refresher training, license suspension, medical info (AR 600-55, para 4-2, A-G)
- Q- Who does the final validation of all training events once complete?
A- Master Driver
- Q- Where is the primary source of phase 2 training information coming from?
A- TM/ -10 Manual
- Q- Where do you find how to properly score a DA 6125
A- AR 600-55, Appendix G
- Q- What are the MAX errors you can get on a DA 6125?
A- 25 errors but can be failed if the examiner deems fit.
- Q- How often is sustainment training conducted?
A- 1 year for Active, 2 Years for reserve or NG
- Q- What does TC 21-306 cover?
A- Tracked vehicle operation.
- Q- What types of emergency vehicles are covered in AR 600-55 appendix H?
A- Firetruck, ambulance, police car, does not cover FLA
- Q- If sending soldiers to Special Vehicles Institute of America what are they learning?
A- Motorcycles, ATVs etc. (Straddled seats with handlebars)
- Q- When transporting hazmat what must you have on your truck?
A- Official DOT placards.
- Q- What is the ideal location to conduct phase 1 training?
A- Battalion
- Q- What are the requirements to receive a driver badge?
A- 12 months assigned as an operator, or 8000 miles without an incident.
- Q- What is covered in AR 611-5?
A- Testing facilities
- Q- How long is army incidental good for?
A- 6 months
- Q- How long is an Army standard good for?
A- 5 years or state license expired
- Q- How long is an Army limited good for?
A- 1 year
- Q- How long is an Army learner good for?
A- 90 days or completion of training
- Q- If using army learners can I transport troops in the bed of a vehicle?
- Q- Contractors at SDDC what docs do they need?
A- Medical certificate and state license
- Q- Can I use white out on a 348?
A- No
- Q- If an OF 346 is torn in half is it still valid?
A- AS long as both document #s are the same
- Q- Can a license be laminated?
A- Yes
- Q- If a soldier is using a chainsaw, lawnmower etc, do they need a license?
A- Yes, ground support equipment
- Q- If you complete all phases of Driver’s Training, does that certify you to drive with NVDs?
A- No
- Q- How many phases are there of NVD training?
A- 5
- Q- What appendix covers POI for NVD training?
A- Appendix I (use your eyes to use NVDs ergo APP I)
- Q- Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet is what form?
A- DA Form 2977
- Q- Interview process, what are some factors to consider?
A- Over 25yrs old, 1 year of driving experience, 4000 accident free miles
- Q- What information is covered in Appendix J of AR 600-55?
A- Inspection Checklist
- Q- Where do you find information on documents needed for driver’s packet?
A- Appendix L of AR 600-55
- Q- What is the manual for wheeled vehicle operations?
A- TC 21-305-20
- Q- How many chapters are in TC 21-305-20?
A- 23
- Q- Where do you find info on ground guide hand and arm signals?
A- TC 3-21.60
- Q- Who is responsible for developing exams for equipment that does not have a TC?
A- Commands
- Q- What does T.A.D.S.S stand for?
A- Training Aids Devices Simulators Simulations
- Q- Who is the heat trainer designed to train?
A- Crews
- Q- What is CREWS talking about?
A- Electronic warfare
- Q- What does RVTT stand for?
A- Reconfigurable Vehicle Tactical Trainer
- Q- RVTT is also known as CCTT. What does CCTT stand for?
A- Close Combat Tactical Trainer
- Q- What type of system is VBS3?
A- Virtual Battle Space 3 (Army Video Game)
- Q- RVTT designed to train who?
A- crews
- Q- What TCODE is used to find a qualified operator?
- Q- IF you want to add restrictions, violations, or qualifications what TCODE do you use?
- Q- If you want to display and print an operator qualification record, what TCODE do you use?
- Q- What is TCODE ZOPLR used for?
A- Display and print operator permit ledger.
- Q- What is TCODE ZOPID used for?
A- Issue an operator permit.
- Q- What is the purpose of staff assisted visits?
A- Teaching and training opportunity to support staff inspections?
- Q- What is the purpose of the inspection?
A- These inspections have the ability to provide the commander/ state AG/ program manager/ director with specific, compliance-oriented feedback on functional areas or programs within the organization.
- Q- What does AR 385-10 cover?
A- Army Safety Program
- Q- Can you operate a 15 pax van with school age children?
- Q- Who is overall responsible for reporting a hazard?
A- Operator
- Q- Can you use a dump truck to transport troops?
A- Yes if you disable dump feature and mount troops seats
- Q- What kind of helmet do you need to operate motorcycle?
A- DOT Approved
- Q- In TC 21-305-20, what chapter are tie down procedures located?
A- 21
- Q- In TC 21-305-20, what chapter covers motor marches and convoys?
A- 19
- Q- In the event of an accident, what form do you fill out and give to the other party?
A- DD 518, accident identification card
- Q- What is the SF-91 form?
A- Motor Vehicle Accident Report