MDO, MOO, Metaheuristics, and Surrogate Modeling Flashcards
What does Methaheuristics mean?
Metaheuristic is characterized as something known, a rule of thumb, or strategy that governs/guides other heuristics to produce solutions beyond those normally generated in quest for local optimality.
What type of data does metaheuristics best apply to?
Multimodal system, discrete variables.
What type of algorithm is metaheuristic (stochastic or deterministic)?
Stochastic - involves selection of random values within design variables enabling access to global optimization.
What are the main types of metaheuristic optimization algorithms?
Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, Particle Swarm
What is simulated annealing?
A metaheuristic algorithm which is based on the concept of the Boltzman probability distribution form to model change in equilibrium states for given local “temperature” or population size and rate of decreasing state variables.
What is the primary concept of the metropolis criterion?
The concept that when your next state is not a direct reduction it will have a probability of being an acceptable equilibrium point relating to the Boltzman probability distribution.
What is particle swarm optimization?
The algorithm developed to model behavioral swarming based on the concepts of separation, alignment, cohesion in agent based systems. Where the optimization occurs based on finding a particle’s position w.r.t your objective function, and measuring performance over swarm while recording motion information. The concept of inertia and weighted particle attraction to optimization your solution within a neighborhood of points.
What are the three main behavioral trends you see in Particle Swarming functions?
Convergent, Harmonic oscillatory, zigzagging
What are Genetic Algorithms?
A metaheuristic optimization algorithm which is based on the theory that natural selection and survivalist methods evolve the fittest individuals/populations. Application to designs, it represents the selection of individuals for reproduction through probabilistic and stochastic methods to develop a new generation of designs which best meet the criteria of fitness.
What is the general GA algorithm process?
Initialization, selection, crossover-mutation (reproduction), fitness evaluation, replacement
How do you initialize a GA?
Choose an initial population of individuals (of single design variables) by representing all design variables and ranges in binary code within the design space, and randomly sample bits of each chromosome to generate individuals for the population.
What are the methods of GA selection?
Proportional and Tournament:
Proportional selection states that an individuals likelyhood of being selection is proportional to its fitness (Roulette Wheel - pie pieces proportional to fitness w.r.t. objective goals)
Tournament selection
What are the benefits & disavantages of proportional selection in GA?
Gives each candidate a fair change of becoming parent
- Population evolves through gene pool domination if large difference between individuals (no exploration, yes exploitation on fit designs)
- Population evolves to be nearly optimal if small differences between individuals (no exploitation)
What are the benefits & disavantages of Tournament selection in GA?
Overcomes issues of proportional selection by inducing tournamental evolution with probabilistic & random selection for fitness comparisons.
Issues/benefits of Elitism, copying best individuals from one generation to subsequent generations
What is the crossover phase of a GA?
The recombination of two parent individuals into two children in search of global searches in design space through random selection & probability of reproduction.
What happens if no crossover occurs?
Both parents become next children in algorithm.
What are the main types of crossover? Explain general premise
one-point, two-point, uniform:
Premise is given two parents with binary chromosome length ‘L’, point delegates the dividing lines for swapping relevant bits between the parents into new children. (2 point, dividing line and # bits, uniform is probability swap or no swap)
What is the mutation phase of a GA?
Mutation is a form of flipping random bits within children chromosomes to maintain genetic diversity, accounting for some alleles/designs that have been eliminated in gene pool
What is the replacement phase of a GA?
The phase which indicates the proportion of the children which will replace the parents in the next generation of the population formation.
-Random, all children become parents, only best individuals become offspring (elitism)
How do you discretize a continuous variable for binary representation?
- Determine # bits required for spread of data
- Convert base-10 number to base-2.
Range - Upper, lower bound differential
Resolution - discretized step size
N >= ln(Range/Resolution+1)/ln(2)
What is the hamming distance?
A measure of how many bits must be flipped to move between an adjacent designs.
What is a hamming cliff?
Refers to a situation where more than one bit must be flipped to to move from one design to its immediate “neighbor”
What is gray code?
Binary representation in which the hamming distance between two neighboring designs is always 1
What are Multi-Attribute problems?
Problems where there is more than one objective, have multiple attributes that have their individual levels of optimality
What is the difference between single-objective optimization and multi-objective optimization?
Single-Objective problems have a “best” solution, where a Multi-Objective optimization problem return a set of solutions representing relative optimality between competing attributes
What is a-priori multi-objective optimization?
A multi-attribute problem which can be aggregated with a-priori information to build a specified utility function/single-objective function as your objective
What is a-posteriori multi-objective optimization? (MOO)
An optimization problem which generates a set of solutions representing relative optimality between the competing attributes.
What is total ordering?
Total ordering is used by single-objective optimization to determine preferred feasible design based on requirements met
What is partial ordering
Partial ordering is a multi-objective optimization based method to relate comparable elements (designs), where some are incomparable.
What is the goal of multi-objective-optimization?
To find a set of designs that are better than all designs to which they can be compared, but are incomparable to each other.
What practice is used to solve the partial ordering MOO goal?
Pareto Dominance
What are weakly and strongly dominating points in MOO?
In pareto dominance:
- weakly dominating points are better in some attributes and equal in others
- strongly dominating points are better in all attributes
What is an incomparable point in pareto dominance?
If a point is better in some attributes and worse in others than another point, those two points are incomparable. (neither dominates the other)
What is non-dominated/pareto optimal/pareto efficient?
Same thing, non-dominated means a point in the feasible objective space that is not dominated by any other point.