MCQS issues Flashcards
Company retired bond after 10 years instead of 30. Bond was issued with discount 98 and sold at Y10 at 102. what $ loss on canceling of debt? Bond Face $1.5 mil.
Bond Face $1.5 mil.
Less: Unamortized discount (20k). Since only 1/3 of discount $30K was amortized.
Less: Unamortized bond issue cost (60k). Since only 1/3 was amortized out of $90k. Net Carrying Value =1.5 mil–$20k -$60=$1.42 mil
Bond sold at 102 = $1.53 mil -$1.42mil =$110k
what is deferred income tax liability (temporary differences)?
Equity in earnings $180k per Books.
Dividends received from investee $30k (per Tax)
Less: 65% dividends deduction (180-117k=63) for equity.
Less deduction for dividends (30k-19,5k)=10,5k (permanent difference).
Temporary dif 63k-10,5k=52.5
Def tax liability =52.5*21%(future tax rate)= 11,025.
Government-wide fin stmt would include all government-wide activities associated with the operational accountability for all except
Fiduciary activitiy should excluded form gov -wide smt measures of operational accountability since fiduciary resources cannot be used to support the governm. programs or other services.
How donation of art work must be accounted for?
Governments should capitalize works of art such as this unless they meet certain criteria (i.e., artwork is held for public exhibit, artwork is protected, policy dictates that the proceeds from any sales of the artwork will be used to acquire other items for collections). In this case, the proceeds were going to be used for a park, which would not meet the criteria.
Where to book a result of the change in exchange rates (euro to dollars)
In foreign exchange transactions, gains and losses that result from changes in interest rates are booked on the income statement.
But foreign currency TRANSLATION will go to OCI.
How to report Custodian fund
reports items such as current assets equaling current liabilities, and NO Fund Balanceno year-end balance as the money is periodically transferred to an authorized recipient (i.e., fund, individual, government) to clear the fund.
FASB ASC 958, Financial Statements of Not-for-Profit Organization focuses on
ASC 958 primarily focuses on basic information for the organization as a whole. The standards establish guidance for general-purpose external financial statements provided by a not-for-profit organization.
Which rate to use (expected rate on the lease 10% or incremental borrowing rate 12%) for discount cash flow
Rule: Lessee should use the rate implicit in the lease (if known by the lessee) to discount cash flows. (10%)
New partner bring 20% ( no goodwill or bonus is to be recorded). What amount should Capp contribute?
Fair Value of Asset = $580k
20% * ($580 + Capp contr) = Capp’s contribution
$116k +0.2 Capp cont= Capp contrib.
$116/0.8 = $145k Capp contrib.
How to calculate RE and Shareholder’s equity
Capital stock: $300,000 (10,000 shares × $30 par per share).
APIC: $200,000 [10,000 shares × ($50 sale price – $30 par)].
Retained earnings: $50,000 [Year 1 net income of $100,000 + Year 2 net income of $200,000 – Year 2 dividends paid of $250,000 (10,000 shares × $25 per share)].
Shareholders’ equity is, therefore, equal to $300,000 (capital stock) + $200,000 (APIC) + $50,000 (retained earnings) = $550,000.
which currency rate should Company use to convert it IS to US dollars at year-end?
Absent any information to the contrary, the functional currency of the British subsidiary must be the British pound. To convert from the British pound to the U.S. dollar (the reporting currency), the translation (current) method is used and all income statement items are translated using the average exchange rate.
What amount should be reported as uncollectible accountant expense on Year 2 stmt.
Beginning Year 2 balance is $30k. Written off $40k. The balance is negative $10k now. The ending balance is 8% of $300k , which is $24k. The plug is $34k.An adjusting entry of $34,000 must be recorded to increase the allowance balance to 24,000 at year-end. Dr. Uncollectible accounts expense 34,000, Cr. Allowance for uncollectible accounts 34,000. See T-account representation below.
Allowance for Doubtful Accounts | $30,000 $40,000 | | 34,000 ← Plug | $24,000
Fiscal year end on Sep 30, and JE made on quarterly basis, what single AJE on Dec 31, if the comp recognized only net sales and the paid operating expenses associated with sales during this quater?
Debit (Dr) Credit (Cr)
Selling/back office expense
Operating expense
Accrued SBO expense
Accrued operating expense
The $150,000 (20% of $750,000) unpaid operating expenses and the $50,000 (40% x $125,000) indirect selling and back office expenses were not expensed. As a result, the following single adjusting entry should be made to record the unpaid amounts of $150,000 for operating expense and $50,000 in sales and back office expenses on December 31:
How to calculate depletion amount for Income Statement?
The depletion base equals the purchase price ($2,640,000) plus the development costs ($360,000) plus the estimated restoration costs ($180,000) less the expected salvage value ($300,000) or $2,880,000. Depletion is $2.40 per ton ($2,880,000 / 1,200,000 tons). Depletion expense is $144,000 ($2.40 per ton × 60,000 tons sold).
Which item will valued diff depending on fin stmt translated using TRANSLATION or REMEASUREMENT method?
Depreciation Expense.Under the translation method, all income statement items are translated using the weighted average rate. Under the remeasurement method, depreciation is translated at the historical rate.
What is the purpose of the concerning financial stmt disclosure of acct policies?
Disclosure of accounting policies (and all other disclosure also) is an integral part of the financial statements.
Receipts from a special tax lev to retire and pay interest on general obligation bonds should be recorded in which fund?
he debt service fund accounts for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. A special tax levy exclusively restricted for debt repayment would be most appropriately accounted for in a debt service fund.
Fin reporting basis of comp plant assets exceeds the tax basis. The company will report as:
Deferred tax liability. If book basis of asset is greater than tax basis (resulting from different depreciation methods), a deferred tax liability should be established for the tax effect of the difference. In future years the taxable income will be higher than book income when the temporary difference reverses.
A method of estimating uncollectible acct that emphasizes asset valuation rather than income measurement is the allowance method base.
Aging the receivables.Estimating bad debts on the aging analysis of accounts receivable balances focuses on the balance sheet and emphasizes the valuation of assets. It results in a good matching of revenue and expense.
Which element is not required supplementary info (RSI) (other than MD&A) in government reporting?
The variance between the final budget and actual expenditures is an optional, not a required disclosure.
According to the GASB34, what is the minium budgetary info required to be reported in those schedules
Budgetary comparison schedules should be prepared for the general fund and each major special revenue fund which requires a budget. Budgetary comparison schedules should display the original budget, final appropriations budget, and actual inflows, outflows, and balances on a budgetary basis.
Inventory Turnover ratio
Inventory Turnover ratio = COGS/ Average Inventory
What cost should be reported as General and Administrative Expenses?
- Accounting and legal fees
- Office salaries
- Insurance
Freight in part of COGS
Freight out is selling expense
Sales Rep salaries - sale expense.
Long-lived asset had impairment loss in Year 1. In Year 2 fair values increase by 30k . How to record as restoration of previously recognized impairment loss in the Y2?
There will be no amount recorded because a subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is prohibited under U.S. GAAP (unless the asset is held for disposal).
What is days sales in accounts receivable?
Ending accounts
receivable (net)/
Sales (net) / 365
$100,000/ ($1,400,000 / 365)
Dollar- Value inventory
CY/Index=Base then Base* Index= Result 250/1 = 250, 250*1.00=250 (Y1) 278,250/1.05=265k, layer1 250*1=250, layer2 15k*1.05=15,750. Total for Y2 26,750(Y2) Y3-364,000/1.12=325k. layer1 250k*1.00=250k layer2 15k*1.05=15,750 Layer3 60k*1.12=67,200 Y3 total (250k+15,750+67200)=332,950
How much interest should Co. capitalized for Y1?
Since Expenditures of $2mil occur evenly during the Y1. Need to divide by 2. It was $0 cost in beg. and $2 mil at the end. Rate is 5%. Interest expe =($2mil/2)*0.05=$50k which is less than all interest occurred ( giving in problem) 70k. ONLY capitalized lower amount which is $50k.
How to calculate the gain on exchange lack of commercial substance?
Check for boot (cash received). It’s only $10k which is 10% of fair value (min req is 25% to determine commercial subst) and all boot recognized. Step 2 Old machine (FV-CV) 100-70=30.Since boot is only 10%, we recognize gain only 10%*30K=$3k.
Bond issued five-years with face amount $500k .Bonds pay semiannually on June 30 and December 31 with stated inter rate of 6 %. The bonds were sold to yield 8%. What was the total issue price of these bonds?
- Calc pmt $500k * 3% semiannually = $15k per 6 months.
- Calc PV =500k0.676 (half of market rate 8%) =338k
Calc PV value of annuity for 10 periods (5Y2=10); $15k*8.11=$12,650.
Total $338k+$12,650=$459,650.
For calc pmt use STATED RATE 6%. For PV Calculation use MARKET/YIELD RATE.
Calculate Goodwill in consolidated fin stmt with 2 entities
Book Value of acquire entity = Asset -Liab=850-205=645k
Next, calc FV value. Since we paid $600k for 80%, the full 100% will be 600K/80%=$750k
3. Goodwill = FV-BK=750-645=105k
what is the total Y1 expense related to the asset retirement obligaiton?
- Depreciation expense=asset retirement cost/years when it will be paid; 162,120/10=16,212.
- Accretion expense is recorded as the ARO increase over time. Y1 accretion exp = $162,120*8%=$12,970
- Total expense for Y1=Depreciation $16,212+$12,970 accr. exp=$29,182.
How NPF record contributions if base of contribution need to invested and portion need to be paid out (annuity due) till specific time frame in future?
NPF contribution represents a split interest agreement that is valued at $135,000, the fair value of the contribution ($200,000) net of the present value of the estimated annuity payments ($65,000).
What should comp record as the current maturity on the lease at December 31, Y2
Step 1 PV of lease -initial pmt =remaining value.
Step 2 Amortization of Remaining value till Dec 31, Y3 ($93,775).
Pmt only is $125k. 10% of remaining balance goes to Interest. the remaining $ of pmt goes to Amortization. The maturities of the lease at the end of Y2 represent Principal pmt due in the Y3.
Which Fin Stmt should NPF have?
All not-for-profit organizations are required to produce a Statement of Financial Position, a Statement of Activities and a Statement of Cash Flows. Not-for-profit organizations do not produce a Statement of Functional Expenses.
Which is not a cost associated with exit and disposal activities?
The cost of retiring a fixed asset is not considered an exit or disposal cost.
Under translation/current rate method (foreign currency to US) which rate company use?
All IS items are e translated at the weighted-average exchange rate for the period under the translation method.
The comp. change its method of accounting for demo costs from writing off the costs over 2 years to expense immediately. What is cumulative effect of change in account principle?
A change in method of accounting for demo costs is a change in accounting principle inseparable from a change in estimate. When a change in accounting principle is considered inseparable from a change in estimate, the change is handled as a change in estimate - prospectively. No cumulative effect adjustment is made.
GASB 34 a government will present fund financial stmt for its governmental and proprietary funds why?
Rule: Separate fund financial statements should be presented for governmental and proprietary funds to report additional and detailed information about the primary government.
Choice “3” is correct. Fund financial statements are displayed to report additional and detailed information about the primary government.
Under GAAP, which approach is used to determine income tax expense?
Asset and Liability approach sometimes referred to as the balance sheet approach). The asset and liability approach is used to squeeze out the amount of income tax expense after the amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities have been determined.
During acquisition, How to assigning amount to the inventories acquired provide for.
With acquisition accounting the net assets acquired are based on fair market value. The fair value of finished goods and merchandise inventory are based upon selling price less disposal costs and a reasonable profit allowance.
Cash contribution $200k with donor restrictions with specific requirements relative to acquisition of property
The $200,000 cash contributions with donor restrictions are reported as increases in financing activities because the restriction is the acquisition of property, not general operations.
Formula of AR turnover
Sales (NET) / Average AR (net)
How report dividends paid by the subsidiary to noncontrolling shareholders are reported in the cash flow statement?
Dividends paid by the subsidiary to noncontrolling shareholders are reported in the cash flows statement. Dividends paid to the parent company are not reported.
Finance Lease
Rule: If any one of the following conditions is met, a lease is considered a finance lease under U.S. GAAP and is treated as if owned by the lessee:
- The lease transfers ownership to the lessee by the end of the lease term.
- The lease contains a written purchase option that the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise.
- The present value at the beginning of the lease term of the “minimum lease payments” equals or exceeds the fair value of the leased property (generally 90 percent of FV is the minimum threshold).
- The lease term is the major part (75 percent or more) of the estimated economic life of the leased property.
- The asset is specialized such that there is no alternative use to the lessor.
What is difference between fin stmt of the city golf and police dept?
Revenues and expenses in an enterprise fund (golf course) must be distinguished between operating and non-operating. Governmental funds (police department) do not record expenses. Money spent in a governmental fund is either an expenditure or a financing use.
Received funds that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes: 1.Levies on affected property owners to install sidewalks; 2Gasoline taxes to finance road repairs. which one should count as special revenue funds?
- Sidewalks consider capital project and not include in special revenue. 2. Levies (special assessments) on affected property would be accounted for in a capital project fund.