MCQs Flashcards
Tragi are called the hairs in the region of
external ear channel
The epidermis is mainly composed of
Rhagade is
linear skin cleft
Telogen is
Period between the completion of follicular regression and the onset of the next anagen
The apocrine sweat glands open
in the hair follicle
The cellular progression from the basal layer to the skin surface takes
28 days
Parakeratosis is
histopathological process in stratum corneum
In which layer of epidermis cells have no nuclei and cytoplasmic organelles
stratum corneum
Merkel’s cells
serve as mechanoreceptors
Granular layer is a part of
Vater-pacini corpuscles are receptors that sense
vibratory pressure and touch
The melanocyte synthesise
Apocrine sweat glands could not be found
on palms and soles
Poikiloderma does not consist of
is a type of blister
Sebaceous glands could not be found
on soles
Skin colour is determined by
80-85% of the dry weight of the dermis compromise of
Which of the cell types are not found in the epidermis normally
Human papilloma virus:-There is antiviral medications that eliminate the virus entirely from body-Condoms give full protection against transmission of papilloma virus infection
Four year old child has fever, enlarged cervical lymph nodes and multiple erosions on oral mucosa. What is your diagnosis?
Herpetic gingivostomatitis
Which of the mentioned are predisposing factors for recurring erysipelas?
Chronic venous insufficiency
Annular itchy erythmo-squamous lesion on the neck of the 16 year old.What medication will you prescribe?
Direct immunofluorescence in pemphigus vulgaris shows:
Deposition of IgG and C3 on the surface of keratinocytes
On the trunk 80 year old male with prostate carcinoma appeared itchy erythematous macule and consequently tense bulla.What is your diagnosis
Bullous pemphigoid
What is the medication of choice in the treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis
On glans penis of 26 year old male appear wart-like lesion which cause no subjective sensations.What treatment option will you choose?
Local acyclovir
Local podophyllotoxin?
After elevation of body temperature to 38.5 C in 56 year old diabetic patient, erythemoedematous plaque appeared on his left leg.What will you prescribe?
Systemic antibiotic
Around the nose of 5 year old girl appeared flaccid bulllae which ruptured easily and erosions covered with yellow crusts.What is your diagnosis?
Impetigo contagiosa
37 year old male presents with annular lesion on his left inguinal fold, white centre, scaly, small red papule around ,itchy.What is the most probable diagnosis?
Tinea cruris
3 months old child has a rash on the neck which consists of small transparent vesicles. What is your diagnosis?
Impetigo contagiosa
45 year old female has an indurated plaque on her chest with ‘Liliac ring’.What is your diagnosis?
Which of the conditions is not a criterion for the diagnosis of Systemic lupus erythrematosus?
Ulcerations on the legs
For retinoid is not true
Have antibiotic effect
Side effects of retinoids exclude
Dapsone is not being used for treatment of:
Contact dermatitis
Side effects of local corticosteroids do not include:
hypertrophy of skin
Antimalarial drugs are not used for treatment of
Rematoid arthritis
Keratolytic local agents are:
Salicylic acid
What type of local application will you choose for treatment of excluding skin lesions?
Metabolic side effects of systemic corticosteroids exclude:
For which disease is characteristic epidermal cell-surface deposition of IgG and C3 as direct immunofluorescence finding ?
Which factor has no role in regulation of skin pigmentation
Vitamin B intake
SSSS-syndrome is:
Bullous staphylococcal impetigo
What’s TRUE for photoallergic contact dermatitis:
It is caused by agent , that requires light to induce allergic reaction
What is NOT true about erythrema multiform
mild forms are treated with NSAID and vitamin A
Stevens-Johnson syndrome is characterised by:
-Extensive skin blistering and widespread mucosal involvement -Fever, erythrodermia, conjunctivitis
Patients with herpes zoster infection are contagious for others who:
Who have never suffered Varicella
What is NOT true for psoriasis:
Pustular form of the disease is a result of second bacterial infection
What should be performed if malignant melanoma is suspected:
surgical excision biopsy only
Erysipelas is:
Superficial form of streptococcal infection
What is your treatment scheme for acute urticaria with intense pruritus
H1 blockers and systemic corticosteroids without topical treatment
What types of lesions are not found in patients with acne:
Comedo, vesicle, pustules, papula
Which of the statements about rosacea is not true
skin lesion in rosacea are: erythematous discoid lesion
35 year old male patient notices thinning of hair at temples and the crown of the head.What is your diagnosis?
Androgenic alopecia
Which of the statements about alopecia aerate is NOT TRUE:
patients with defuse thinning of hair, scaling of the scalp
30 year old female patients has discoid erythrematius lesions on her face.older lesions show central atrophy. What is your diagnosis?
Chronic cutaneous lupus erythrematusous
Which of the following is not a form of scleroderma?
Lichen planus
For treatment of dermatomyositis are used:
Cytostatic drugs
Lupus vulgaris present with:
small Sharply defined reddish-brown lesion with a gelatinous consistency
Skin lesions found in psoriasis are:
Erythema-squamous plaques
27 year old male patient noticed appearance of singe erythematous plaque on his chest and few days after that multiple erythrematous macule on his trunk.Lesions are not pruritic:
Pityriases rosea
Lesions of lichen planus are
flat violaceous papules
Which of the following are not predisposing factors for candid infection:
Venous insufficiency
61 year old female patient presents with red irritable moist skin under her breasts.There are tiny surface ‘stellite’ lesions.What is your diagnosis?
For the allergic contact dermatitis -severity of the rash correlates to the grade of hypersensitivity -appears only in the place of the allergen and the skin
Which of the statements about basal cell carcinoma are NOT true
Grows and metastases rapidly
Skin precancerosis is:
Aktinic keratosis
21 year old male has a pruritic erythmo-squamos lesions on his forehead, eyebrows and nasolabial folds.What is your diagnosis?
Seborrheic dermatitis
There is chancre immunity during syphilis evolution
Which of the statements about hard chancre is true?
It is not painful
Which of the diagnostic tests is NOT useful in the diagnosis of primary syphilis?
Microbial culture
Which of the following is not a clinical manifestation of secondary syphilis?
Ulcus durum, gumma syphilitica
Which of the tests should is not necessary to be performed if we suspect syphilitic infection with duration more than 2 years?
Which of the statement about VDRL and RPR test is true?
Titer may decrease in secondary or latency disease, even if untreated
Which of the antibiotics are not used in treatment of syphilis?
Clindamycin and erythromycin
Which of the Statements about Neisseria gonorrhoea is not true?
Gram negative cocci
The most common site of gonococcal infection in women is:
Which of the symptoms is typical for gonococcal infection in men?
urethral discharge
Which of the following diseases is not drug induced:
Impetigo contagiosa
Which of the tests is not used for laboratory diagnosis of gonococcal infection:
Blood glucose
Which of the regiments is not suitable for treatment of gonococcal infection?
Metronidazole 500 mg PO twice a day for 2 days
Which of the bacteria skin infections is not typical for HIV-positive patients:
corynebacterial infections
Which of the malignancies are not AIDS related?
Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia
Chlamydie trichomatis-what is not true:
influenced by antiviral drug
Which of the clinical presentations are not common for chlamydial genitourinary infection?
Vesiculous dental rash
Which of the drugs is not effective in treatment of chlamydial genitourinary infection?
Which of the studies for chlamydia are not clinically useful in the diagnosis of active disease?
In the classic triad of reiter syndrome is not included:
What is not true for trichomonas vaginalis:
is affected by antiviral drugs