Mcqs Flashcards
Latin name for the back of the foot
Which bone participate in formation ot basis cranii interna
Os sphenoidale ala minor
Long bone consist of
A shaft and 2 extended ends
Considering the shape of articulating surfaces of sternoclavicularis is
Saddle joint
The muscles around hip joint are
Gluteal muscles
Adductor muscles
Iliopsoas muscle
Quadricep muscles
Intrinsic muscles of hands
Lumbricale muscles
Fusion of fifth lumbar vertebrae to sacrum is named
Lamina prevertebralis of cervical fascia
Section of the neck at about the level of the sixth cervical vertebra.
Showing arrangement of fascia coli
Fossa pterygopalatine communicate with nasal cavity through
Sphenopalatine foramen
Match insertion:
Gluteus maximus
Quadratus femoris
Obturator internus
Tensor fascia latae
Greater trachenter of femur
Intertrochanteric crest of femur
Greater troachenter of femur
Illiotibial tract
Lesser trocamter of femur
Orbit communicate with cavitas nasi through
Via optic canal / anterior ethmodial foramen
Suture sagittal is located between
2 parital bones
Sagittal suture is a dense fibrous connective tissue joint between two parietal bones of the skull
Which of the following ligament stretches between sacrum and hipbonr
Ligament of sacroiliac joint
Anterior sacroiliac liagment
Interosseus sacroiliac ligament
Sacrotuberous ligament
Sacrospinous ligament
Orbit communicates with fossa infratemporalis through
Inferior orbital fissure
Protraction of the mandible is caused by bilateral contraction of
Lateral pterygoideus
Bones which participate in formation of Basis cranii interna
Ethmoid bone
Sphenoid bone
Occipitale bone
Frontal bone
Temporal bone
Flat bone
Tuberculum pharygeum
Foramen ovale
Porus acusticus internus
Concha nasalis suprema
Foramen infraorbitale
Os occipitale
Os spheboidale (ala major)
Os temporale
Os ethnoidale
Os Maxilla
Lig cruciform Atlantis
Membrana interossei antebrachii
Lig Transversum acetabuli
Lig capitis fibulae anterius et posterius
Articulation atlantoaxialis mediana
Syndesmosis antebrachii
Articulation tibiofibularis
Articulation talocalcaneonavicularis and calcaneocuboidea
Where Is foramen ovale positioned
Os sphenoidale—ala major
Which of the following statement between vertebral bodies is not true
The first discus intervertebralis is located between the first and second cervical vertebrae
Which of the following about sacroiliaca is not true
Membrana obturatoria is a sacroillaca joint
Which of the following does not belong to the muscle of the posterior group muscle around the hip joint
M.psoas minor
Which bone participates in the formation of the superior wall of the orbit
Os frontage