MCQ brightspace - clinical Flashcards
A 35 year old aid-worker returns from a 3-week exploratory mission to eastern Zambia in southern Africa. He develops fever one week after return. This persists over several weeks with lymphadenopathy and anaemia, followed by behavioural change and confusion. This presentation would be most typical of infection with which organism?
Trypanosoma Brucei Rhodesiense
An adult presenting to hospital in the Phillippines with two weeks of fever and headache has a lumbar puncture. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis was consistent with central nervous system infection, showing:
Opening pressure 15cm (normal range <20cm)
Red cells <1/µL
Neutrophils 10/µL
Lymphocytes 240/µL
Protein 2.4g/L
Glucose 1.9mmol/L (blood glucose 6.0mmol/L)
What is the most likely causative pathogen?
A 28 year-old woman presents to her local rural district hospital in Tanzania. Her main complaint is fever for 3 days. Clinical examination reveals a temperature of 38.5oC, spleen palpable 8 cms below the costal margin, some abdominal distention with ascites, and visible varices around the umbilicus. She is haemodynamically stable. Her haemoglobin is 8g/dl and stool microscopy reveals large (115 µm) eggs with lateral spine. The likely cause of her portal hypertension is:
S. Mansoni
During a ward round on a medical ward in Ghana you review a 20 year old man with sickle cell disease. What is true about his blood film?
Nucleated red cells will be a common finding on his blood film if he is having a haemolytic sickle cell crisis
Which schistosoma causes nephrotic syndrome?
S. Mansoni
which Schistosoma causes SCC?
pathophysiology anthrax ?
Toxin related
A Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is most likely to occur in patients receiving antibiotics for:
Louse-borne relapsing fever
24M British ED 3/7 fever, myalgia
1/7 confusion.
Returned 4 days previously from 1/12 backpacking in Laos and Vietnam. Been white-water rafting.
T 37.8°C, P 102bpm, BP 105/75.
Mild jaundice, intermittently mildly disoriented but able to speak and cooperate with physical examination. Dx>
True about mother to child transmission of hepatitis B virus?
- dose of hepatitis B vaccine given to the neonate within 24 (ideally 0) hours of birth can prevent maternal transmission
- Tenofivir, entecavir for final trimester
- IgG within 24h for newborn. Other limb
- COmmonest transmission route, can cause child cirrhosis
Primaquine PH tool - how>
Given to all those with falciparum malaria in low-transmission areas in the pre-elimination phase of malaria control
60M hospital NE Thailand 2/7 fever and signs of severe sepsis.
BM 21
Hb 11.5
Lymphs 0.9
Neuts 12.1
Abdo USS 3 hypoechoic lesions R lobe liver 2-4.5 cm
Burkholderia Pseudomallei
Need to know re snake bites and rx?
antitoxin same dose children v adult - not weight based - snake delivers same dose
Gujarat, Northern India. 32F muscle aches and rigors. Malaria RDT = P. vivax. Thin film: ring form trophozoites with amoeboid cytoplasm and schuffner’s dots. No features of severe malaria, preg ix negative. Qualitative G6PD POC > 30% G6PD activity. As well as chloroquine or an ACT, what else needed?
Primaquine 1x wkly for 8 weeks under supervision with counselling
eosinophillia causes?
Lung fluke
Brucellosis abx?
Gent and doxy