MCQ Flashcards
ELT operates at what frequency according to AN C6?
121.5 MHz/406 MHz
What is the responsibility of an Aircraft Operator?
To ensure his aircraft is Airworthy
What is the ATA used for?
Technical Publications.
Audits by external companies have to be carried out?
Twice, with one being unannounced.
What is the interval for aircraft weighing?
2 years after manufacture, thereafter every 5 years.
What does “article” under SAR-21 mean?
“Article” means, where applicable, a material, process, part, or appliance used on a product
What does “Contracting State” mean?
“Contracting State” means any country (including Singapore) which is a party to the Chicago Convention.
What does “Appliance” mean?
An instrument, mechanism, equipment, apparatus or accessory that is used in operating an aircraft and is not a part of the airframe or engine.
What does “accountable manager” mean?
The manager of a holder of an Approval who has corporate authority for ensuring that activities within the scope of an Approval are carried out to the requirements of the Authority.
Are you responsible for the airworthiness of an aircraft maintained by a sub-con?
How many phases are there when you apply for AOC approval?
Is there a need to reapply for radio license when there is a change of ownership?
When does COR expire?
Never, but invalid when there is a change of ownership.
How should basic weight schedule be preserved?
6 months.
How long should CRS be preserved for?
2 years.
How long should CMR be preserved for?
2 years.
How long should Tech Log’s be preserved for?
2 years.
Basic weight for 5700kg MTWA should include?
Useable oils and fuel.
Certificate of fitness for flight is to get COA and is valid for?
7 days.
What is the maximum penalty under Schedule 13?
$100,000 fine, up to 5 years jail or both.
Are service letters and notices mandatory? Can operators ignore it?
No. Yes.
Cat C engineers can sign?
Cat C engineers can sign CRS during which situation?
How many sub-categories are there in Cat B2?
If you are a non-citizen or permanent resident of Singapore, can you apple for a license in Singapore
Yes, on the condition that you work at a CAAS approved organisation.
How many questions are there in M50 examination paper?
If your SAR-66 licenses have lapsed for more than 24 months, and you forgot to renew, what do you need to retake to renew it?
M09 and M10.
How long does AML last?
2 years.
ARC AW(95) is also known as?
Can ARC AW(95) release the whole aircraft?
How many copies of CMR are issued?
- One for CAAS, one for operator.
MEL and MMEL, which is approved by CAAS?
If an aircraft component isn’t functioning but aircraft is still safe to fly, who can defer the overall maintenance?
CAT B certified license holder.
If your company has a quality assurance dept., does it have to be SAR-145 approved?
Which type of component doesn’t need a logbook?
Fixed pitch propellor.
If my Singapore registered aircraft is issued with an AD, should you comply?
Yes, as it is mandatory.
Fifth schedule, Scale V, point (III)
If COA <199 passengers, 3 portable battery-powered megaphones should be carried and be readily available for use by crew members.
A Conditions
Flight test to renew COA, or to fly to an area of inspection, should be fit for flight, carry min. flight crew, no passengers, no flying over congested area.
B Conditions.
Prototype/experimental aircraft, no need to register aircraft. No flying over congested area.
C Conditions.
Dealer of aircraft, within Singapore. COA you don’t fly.
What does Scale H of the Fifth Schedule state?
For each person on board, a life jacket equipped with a whistle and a waterproof torch:
Provided that life jackets constructed and carried solely for use by children under 3 years of age need not be equipped with a wattle.
- Incorporation of service bulletins is usually decided by
a) The OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer)
b) The operator
c) The authority
b) The operator
- SAR-I47 is applicable lo:
a) Organizations involve in aviation design and production activities.
b) Organizations involve in aircraft maintenance training activities.
C) Organizations involve in aircraft maintenance activities.
b) Organizations involve in aircraft maintenance training activities.
- Quality assurance staff
a) Need not possess technical knowledge of the aircraft maintenance environment but must be
sufficiently experienced in the company system and procedures,
but Should report all audit findings to CAAS.
c) Must be experienced in the techniques of quality control and assurance or receive suitable
training before taking up their duties.
c) Must be experienced in the techniques of quality control and assurance or receive suitable
training before taking up their duties.
- Who is responsible to ensure compliance to Airworthiness Directives?
a) Approved maintenance organization of the aircraft or aircraft components.
b) Maintenance license holders certifymg for the aircraft or aircraft component,
c) Operator owner of the aircraft or components fitted to the aircraft.
c) Operator owner of the aircraft or components fitted to the aircraft.
- What is required before a person can be authorized by a SAR-145 organization to be a certifying
a) The person must receive Human Factor training, adequate understanding of scope of work to
be authorized and be familiar with the organization procedures.
b) The person must receive Human Factor training, be working lor a minimum of 5 years in
similar work and be familiar with organization procedures.
c) The person must receive Human Factor training, have minimum of 2 years of Quality
experience and be familiar with organization procedures.
a) The person must receive Human Factor training, adequate understanding of scope of work to
be authorized and be familiar with the organization procedures.
- The State of Registry, amongst other obligations should:
a) Ensures that the aircraft is airworthy.
b) Ensures thai operating crews arc provided with sufficient rest time in between flights,
c) Ensure that there is sufficient insurance coverage before aircraft can be operated.
a) Ensures that the aircraft is airworthy.
- What is the minimum age before a person can hold an aircraft maintenance license?
a) 16 years old
b) 18 years old
c) 21 years old
c) 21 years old
- Information on the foreign Airworthiness Directives applicable to Singapore aircraft and aircraft
components can be found in:
a) Singapore Airworthiness Requirement Part-39
b) Singapore Airworthiness Requirement Fart-145
c) Singapore Airworthiness Requirement Fart-21
a) Singapore Airworthiness Requirement Part-39
- Compliance to _____ is required for organization engaging in activities involving certification.
design and procedures of aircraft components or aircraft materials.
a) SAR-147
b) SAR-21
O SAR-145
b) SAR-21
- Under the SAR-145. maintenance records must be kept lor a minimum of
a) 7 years from the date the aircraft or component was release from the organization.
b) 5 years from the date the aircraft or component was release from the organization.
c) 2 years from the date the aircraft or component was release from the organization.
c) 2 years from the date the aircraft or component was release from the organization.
- A SAR-66 Category B or 0 license holder can exercise certification privileges only when:
a) The license bolder is authorized by the company based on a minimum of 5 years or
experience on similar aircraft, technology.
b) The license has been endorsed with the specific aircraft type or appropriate group rating as
the cause may be
c) The license holder has completed the theoretical and practical training for the specific type
b) The license has been endorsed with the specific aircraft type or appropriate group rating as
the cause may be
- Who is responsible for ensuring that aircraft operated by a holder of an Air Operator Certificate
remains airworthy?
a) The Air Operator.
bt The maintenance organization of the air operator,
c) The quality Manager of the air operator
a) The Air Operator.
- The aircraft maintenance experience requirement for SAR-! 45 license can be reduced when the
applicant has:
a) Completed a in-house training programme conducted by SAR-145 approved organization.
b) Completed by a SAR-147 approved basic training course.
c) Completed some of the SAR-66 modules conducted by an approved SAR-147 organization.
b) Completed by a SAR-147 approved basic training course.
- Any non-compliance to airworthiness directives will:
a) Invalidate the certificate of registration
b) Invalidate the certificate of airworthiness
c) Invalidate the certificate of release
b) Invalidate the certificate of airworthiness
- Applicant for the SAR-66 category sub-category B or B2 license must show recent practical
maintenance experience of _____ years when applying for a license.
a) 2 years
b) 1 year
c) 3 years
a) 2 years
Radio Equipment used on aircraft needs to be licensed by?
The radio equipment installed in an aircraft, which is suitable for use in aircraft shall be of a type approved by.
Which of the following is not classified as an aircraft?
a. Kite
b. Glider
c. Hovercraft
Under which condition can an aircraft fly unregistered?
Condition A.
Where an aircraft is classified in its COA as being under the Special Category, the reason for its registration under that category has to be specified in its COA. True or false?
List the classes of lighter-than-air and non-power driven aircraft?
Airship, free balloon and captive balloon.
List the classes of heavier-than-air and non-power driven aircraft?
Aeroplanes(land,sea,amphibian,self-launching motor glider), tilt rotor, rotorcraft-helicopter, auto-gyro plane, glider, kite.
What is the validity of a COR?
No expiry date.
Who is responsible for the assignment of aircraft registration marks according the the Singapore ANO?
Chief Executive.
Where are the official location of aircraft registration marks according to the Singapore ANO?
2(one on each side of the fuselage), 1 on the tail and 1 on the fireproof metal plate.
What information has to be inscribed on the fire-proof metal plate in accordance with the ANO?
Nationality, Registration No., Owner’s name and address, COA No. and Type.
Noise certificate are normally issued in compliance to which international regulation?
ICAO Annex 16, Volume 1, Chapter 6
In Singapore, who has the power to exempt any person of aircraft from the requirement stipulated in the ANO the need for a noise certificate?
A noise certificate can be issued based on what conditions?
Aircraft type conforms with the relevant standards in respect of noise contained in the Annex, or a noise cert. has been issued in respect of that aircraft by the State of Design, or on the basis of any relevant documents.
Who is responsible for the grant or validation of a noise certificate in accordance with ICAO Annex 16?