MCQ Flashcards
What are nocioceptors?
It is a receptor of a sensory neuron (nerve cell). Pain reception “ sensation
is based on receptor function of nociceptive free nerve endings
What are proprioceptors?
Receptor is found in the same organ (muscle) as the effector (muscle). It is maintaining
muscular tone. Definition: detection of changes in body posture. Function: information about
the posture and gait
What are exteroceptive reflex?
Receptor is found in an organ (skin) different from that of the effector (muscle)
What is hyperaglasia
Is an increased sensitivity to pain, which may be caused by damage to nocioceptors or peripheral nerves
Mysathenia gravis
Is an autoimmune disease or congenital neuromuscular disease, which results from antibodies
that block nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at the junction between nerve and muscle. This
prevents nerve impulses from triggering muscle contraction “ muscle weakness.
If craniocervical part of spine damaged, what happens?
No UMN to front - and hind limb (Tetra paresis)
Respiratory failure
Decreased proprioception
Thoracolumbar part of spine damaged:
No LMN to hind limb
Front limb: normal
Caudocervical part of spine damaged:
Front limb: LMN
Hind limb: UMN
Lumbosacral part of spine damaged:
Front limb: normal
Hind limb: LMN
Altered function in LMN results in:
- Hyporeflexy
- Hypo-/atonia of muscles
- Flaccid paresis
Greek meaning of ‘‘apoptosis’’
“Falling off” “ programmed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms
Released in acute stress
Catecholamine’s (Epinephrine (adrenalin), Norepinephrine)
Released in chronic stress
What can cause grass tetany?
lack of magnesium (Hypomagnesium)
Pathogenesis of milk fever?
Decreased Ca. Decreased P
Steroid hormones can cause:
Cushing’s disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)
Blood loss anaemia:
Acute bleeding leading to hypovolaemia
Chronic blood loss:
Caused by iron (Fe) defiency
Urolith/bladder stone is caused by:
High P
Cushings disease is same as
Addisons disease is the same as:
Which is a lipoprotein?
Is a group of soluble proteins that combine with and transport fat or other lipids in the blood
plasma. HDL, LDL, VLDL, IDL
Non-regenerative anaemia can be cause by:
Bracken fern toxicosis (pteridium aquilinum)
What can be the causes of haemolysis:
Babesia, is a protozoan parasite that infects red blood cells causing a disease known as