MCQ Flashcards
Cholestasis of pregnancy
Breast MRI enhancment patterns
Rapid early enhancement with washout suspicious for malignancy
If intermediate early enhancement, may be type 1 (persistant, most benign but could still be malignant) type 3 (plateau - suspicious), or type 3 (washout - highly suspicious)
Peripheral enhancement first is suspicious for malignancy
Central more benign
Benign breast ultrasound features
Marked hyperechogenicity Thin echogenic pseudocapsule Wider than tall / parallel Circumscribed Ellipsoid Gentle lobulations
Malignant breast ultrasound features
Spiculate - most specific Taller than wide Angular or microlobulated Shadowing Markedly hypoechoic Calcs Poorly defined margin
Linguine sign
Hypoinense lines on MR
Intracapsular silicone implant rupture
Tomosynthesis radiation dose
Single DBT images has dose similar to single FFDM image
Atypical ductal hyperplasia on biopsy
Spectrum of change from normal, to flat epithelial atypia, to atypical ductal hyperplasia, to DCIS
If core biopsy shows ADH, treat with open biopsy - 18% are upstaged to DCIS or invasive carcinoma
Cleopatra view
AKA axillary view
A supplementary exaggerated CC to see the axillary tail, performed if a lesion is only seen in the axilla on MLO
Failed pregnancy
CRL >/= 7mm with no heartbeat MSD >/= 25mm with no embryo Absence of embryo with heartbeat: 2 weeks after GS without yolk sac 11 days after GS with yolk sac
Cervical carcinoma
High T2 signal compared with background low signal Cervix
T2 to assess parametrial invasion to see if surgical candidate - if T2 hypointense cervical ring intact, parametrial infasion unlikely.
CT is primarily for assessing adenopathy (although MR can do similar?)
Most are squamous - HPV 16 and 18
Several adenocarcinoma types- clear cell, endometrioid, mucinous, serous
Also neuroendocrine (small) and adenosquamous) - small cell have a poor outcome
Adenos generally though to give higher rates of mets - thoracic and adrenal
Ovarian cycle
Proliferative - becomes trilaminar Secretory - uniformly hyperechogenic Imaging best performed in early proliferative Proliferative = follicular Secretory = luteal
Twin demise
Flatenned remnant known as fetus papyraceus
Surviving co-twin at risk of growth restriction, encephalomalacia and microcephaly
Twin embolisation syndrome a rare complication - multi-organ ischaemia, usually antecedent twin-twin transfusion syndrome
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Perihepatitis from peritoneal spread of infection in PID
Molar pregnancy
Complete, 90% diploid 46XX (less commonly XY) - single sperm or less likely two sperm
Partial, triploid 69XXY, normally from two separate sperm, one X and one Y (other triploid combos possible)
Complete - multiple intrauterine cystic space - bunch of grapes or snow storm
Partial - large cystic placenta and growth retarded fetus
Increased incidence in Asia
Physiological gut herniation of fetus
Should not be seen after 12 weeks
Ultrasound screening
Unacceptably high rates of biopsy of benign lesions
How many Ca does screening miss
1 in 8 pre-menopausal, 1 in 10 post
Clinical exam breast sensitivity
Detects 50% of cancers, including 5% of cancers not visible on mammography. May modestly improve early detection
Mammogram timing
Early follicular phase, as breasts are less dense
Fibroadenoma, epi
Commonest breast lesion in <40
93% are malignant.
Most invasive breast cancers are stellate (2:1 stellate:circular)
Radial scar
Must have no skin thickening or retraction
Long spicules with intervening lucencies, different on different projections
AKA complex sclerosing lesion
Removed as can have associated carcinoma which is not distinguished on core biopsy
Black star - lucent centre (different from carcinoma)
Single reader v double reader v CAD
Routine use of CAD significantly increases recall rates. No significant effect on positive predictive value for biopsy – can increase detection rate by 4.7%, sensitivity by 4%.
CADET II study showed cancer detection rates attained with single reading with CAD were equivalent to those attained with double reading.
Performed equally well at recalling patients with cancer in whom the predominant radiologic feature was either a mass or a microcalcification.
Double reading showed superior performance for parenchymal deformities and in women with denser background pattern – i.e. CAD poor at detecting architectural distortion.
Single reader with CAD was better than double reading for asymmetric densities, but the number of these is small and accounted for only 35 of cancers.
Digital mammography
40% more sensitive with no change in recall rate
MRI indications
Lump with normal mammogram and USS Young with BRCA (annual from 30) Dense breast and LCIS Staging multicentric multifocal disease Positive node with negative uss and mammo Post surgical review of lumpectomy
Maternal AFP
Elevated in 80% of cases with open spina bifida
Normal in most fetuses with closed spina bifida
Also elevated in omphalocele, multiple fetuses
And liver tumours and germ cell tumours (esp. yolk sac tumour)
Elevated in placental chorioangioma (the most common placental tumour)
Reduced in Trisomies and Turners
Spina bifida
Associated with trisomy 18, 13
Limb anomalies - DDH, talipes, rockerbottom feet
Neurenteric cysts
Lemon skull, banana cerebellum/Chiari
Pregnancy screening
1st trimester:
Nuchal translucency, PAPP-A, HCG
1:300 or less is increased risk - offer diagnostic testing
<3mm is normal nuchal translucency 11.3-13.6 weeks, manigified, neutral neck, midline, fluid behind neck (CRL 45-84mm)
2nd trimester:
AFP, HCG, oestriol and inhibin A
In Downs, HCG up and PAPP-A down. AFP would also be down. Inhibin A higher, oestriol lower