MCQ Flashcards
In case of intoxication caused by organophosphate pesticides the treatment is an application of:
- sodium thiosulfate
- atropinum sulfuricum
Atropinum sulfuricum
which of the following amino and nitro derivatives of benzene has strongest allergizing effect:
- nitrobenzene
- p-Phenylenediamine
- aniline
- trinitrotoluene (trotyl)
Myosis, bradycardia, sweating and hypersalivation are specific for an intoxication caused by
- dithio-carbamates
- organophosphates pesticides
- organochlorine pesticides
- mercurial carbamate pesticides
- carbamates
-organophosphates pesticides
which of the following changes is characteristic of intoxications with amino- and nitro derivatives of benzene?
- lowered levels of hemoglbin
- lowered levels ofcreatinine
- lowered levels of urea
lowered levels of hemoglobin
which are the metatoxic effects in case of poisoning caused by carbon monoxide
- aplastic anemia
- pulmonary cancer
- parkinsons syndrome
-parkinsons syndrome
is the mercurial gingivial line a permanent mark?
conditionally occupational diseases are observed among patients
- who are in contact with occupational risk factors
- who are not in contact with occupational risk factors
- in both cases mentioned above
-in both cases mentioned above
specific occupational diseases are those in which the occupational risk factor is
- the only etiological factor
- leading in the complex of etiological fcators
-the only etiological factor
the antidotal treatment of the occupational intoxications is
- an etiological treament
- a pathogenic treatment
- a symptomatic treatment
- an etiopathogenic treamtment
- an etiological treament
most of then the smoke released by any type of fire contains
- carbon monoxide
- cyanides
- both of them
-both of them
the triad: tiredness, headache and dizziness is characterstic of the intoxication with -sulfur gases chlorine carbon monoxide cyanides nitrogen oxides
carbon monoxide
pulmonary fibrosis is observed in case of intoxication with
- mercury
- cadmium
- lead
parkinsons syndrome as an occupational disease is caused by
- tetraethyl lead
- mercury
- manganese
- cadmium
- none of them
when do the pain f the hands decrease in case of vibration disease - II stage
- late after work and at night
- during work
-during work
which of the following kinds of vibrations cause mainly ealry vascualr disorders?
- low frequent vibrations
- middle frequent vibrations
- high frequent vibrations
-high frequent vibrations
tennis elbow is
- lateral (radial) epicondylitis
- medial (ulnar) epicondylitis
- scalenus syndrome
- none of them
- lateral (radial) epicondylitis
do the pains and tingle of the hands decrease during woke in case of vibration disease- II stage
- yes
- no
- yes
in case of clicking fingers syndrome are injured
- extensors of the fingers
- flexors of the fingers
- all of them
- none of the them
-flexors of the fingers
occuaptional bronchial asthma
- a conditionally occupational disease
- a para occupational disease
- a specific occupational disease
-a conditionally occupational disease
which of the following substances have pure irritating effect? -nitric oxides -organic solvents -plastics tobacco dust
-nitric oxides
epithelial skin thickening- type wart is caused by
- asbestos
- arsenic
- chromium
- mercury
- nickel
- asbestos
which of the following disease are pneumoconioses
- byssinosis
- berylliosis
- farmers lungs
- kaolinosis
the complications of silicosis are
- occupational disease
- para occupational disease
- are not occupational disease
- not occupational disease
the complications of silicosis are
- brochiectasis
- chronic brochitis
- cardiac and respiratory insufficency
- silicotuberculosis
- all of the listed above
-all of the listed above
which of the following risk factors is a proven cancerogen causing lung cancer
- benzene
- ionizing radiation
- trotyl
-ionizing radiation
in pneumoconnioses the pulmonary fibrotic changes are situated:
- symmetrically in the pulmonary fields
- asymmetrically in the pulmonary fields
-symmetrically in the pulmonary fields
which of the following risk factors is a proven cancerogen causign skin cancer?
- infrared rqadiation
- ultraviolet - b radiation
- vibrations
-ultraviolet - b radiation
which of the following substances are mixed allergens- with combned irritating and sensitizing effect?
- antibiotics
- organic solvents
- ammonia
- all of the listed above
-organic solvents
after how many years occupational exposure to dust could brochitis develop
- up to 5 years
- up to 10 years and more
-up to 5 years
specific occupational diseases are those in which the occupational risk factor?
- leading in the complex of etiological factors
- the only etiological factor
- the only etiological factors
is there any specific antidote for the treatment of carbon monoxide intoxication?
are there specific antidotes for treatment of cyanide intoxications?
the current available treatment are hydroxycobalamin, sodium nitrite and sodium thiosulfate
which of the following x-ray cahnges are characteristics of silicosis- 1-stage
- small rounded opacities in the lower pulmonary fields
- small rounded opacities in the upper pulmonary fields
- small rounded opacities in the middle pulmonary fields
-small rounded opacities in the middle pulmonary fields
there are pleural hyaline and calcium deposits in case of
- asbestosis
- talcosis (pure talc)
- kaolinosis
- silicosis
in case of silicosis the clinical triad includes
- cough, expectoration, respiratory insufficiency
- dyspnea at exertions, cough, cyanosis
- cough , expectoration, dyspnea
- cough, dyspnea, chest pains
-cough, dyspnea, chest pains
occupational diseases are caused by
- toxic substances related to household activities
- production harmfulness
- environmental toxic substances
- all of them
-production harmfulness
which are the medical measures for the occupational diseases prevention
- using personal protective equipment at work
- prophylactic medical investigations made by the GP
- preliminary and periodical prophylactic medical investigations
- preliminary and periodical prophylactic medical investigations
occupational diseases are those that occur
- both of them under the influence of the harmful factors of the working environment or the working process over the organism
- exclusively
- predominantly
-both of them under the influence of the harmful factors of the working environment or the working process over the organism
the periodical medical investigations of workers exposed to noise should include
- audiometry
- spirometry
- vegetological investogation
- electroneurography
which of the following symptoms is obligatory in case of vibration diesease
- skin hypothermia
- decreased vibration sense
- attack of whitening of the fingers
- hypoesthesia of pain, touch and temperature
-attack of whitening of the fingers
Chair-lifting symptom is used for diagnostics of
- radial epicondylitis
- medial epicondylitis
-radial epicondylitis
in case of radial epicondylitis are used
- Thompson’s sign
- Tinel’s sign
- Adson’s sign
- All of them
- None of them
-Adson’s sign
The development of acute leukemias due to occupational exposure to benzene:
- is not possible
- is possible
-is possible
Are there changes of the complete blood count observed in case of intoxication with amino-and nitro-derivatives of benzene?
- yes
- no
occupational acoustic neuritis is
- a specific occupational disease
- a conditionally occupational disease
- a para-occupational disease
-a conditionally occupational disease
which of the following heavy metals can cause occupational pneumofibrosis
- manganese
- cadmium
- beryllium
- all of them
-all of them
occupational vegetative polyneuropathy caused by overstrain is
- a para-occupational disease
- a specific occupational disease
- a conditionally occupational disease
-a conditionally occupational disease
which is the preclinical stage of intoxication with manganese
- light stage of intoxication with manganese
- manganese carrying
-manganese carrying
which of the following syndromes is not observed in case of lead intoxication
- liver syndrome
- polyneuritic syndrome
- skin syndrome
- all of them
-skin syndrome
in case of vinyl chloride intoxications could be observed
- nephropathy
- osteoporosis
- none of them
at which of the following stages of lead intoxication the patient is temporarily incapable to work
- lead carrying
- lead intoxication-light stage
-lead intoxication-light stage
in case of carbon monoxide poisoning is obserbed
- increased carbon dioxide content in the blood
- lowered carbon dioxide content in the blood
-lowered carbon dioxide content in the blood
in case of carbon monoxide intoxication the skin and mucous membranes are
- cyanosis
- red
is it possible to observe thrombocytopenia, anemia, leucopenia in case of intoxication with amino and nitro derivatives of benzene
- yes
- no
are there cancerogenic effect on the organism in case of intoxication with amino and nitro derivatives of benzene
- yes
- no
aniline as an occupational cancerogen causes
- urine bladder cancer
- pleural mesothelioma
- liver cancer
- skin cancer
-urine bladder cancer
scleroderma as an occupational disease is caused by -arsenic vinyl chloride gasoline benzene
vinyl chloride
occupational diseases are those occurring exclusively or predominantly under the influence of
- unfavorable conditions of the working process or the working environment
- unfavorable conditions of the environment
-unfavorable conditions of the working process or the working environment
the specificity of the occupational diseases is in their
- pathogenesis
- etiology
- clinical picture
specific occupational disease are those in which the occupational risk factor is:
- leading in the complex of etiological factors
- the only etiological factor
-the only etiological factor
in case of uncomplicated silicosis- I stage, the changes are mainly in
- the upper pulmonary fields
- the middle pulmonary fields
- the lower pulmonary fields
-the middle pulmonary fields
in case of asbestosis the x-ray changes are
- mainly rounded opacities
- mainly irregular opacities
-mainly irregular opacities