McKinley & Imperialism Flashcards
What does McKinley bring to the presidency?
A new vision
Oversees transition into global power
‘Advanced agent of prosperity’ - aftermath of 1893 depression, offers something different
Interested in foreign affairs - sees himself as own policy maker.
Marginalises his secretary of state
Ignores congress - setting a precedent
Dominant executive
Historical context
C19 expansionism - all its purchases
From 13 colonies to the frontier
Need to look at what other powers are doing - expanding their navy
Spanish-American War
Breaking from unilateralist policies
Trouble with spain for many years - claiming the land US wanted
Owned Guam and Philippines - conflicted with US who wanted to expand market in the Pacific
Origins of Spanish American war
Rebellion - since 1860s
Mid 1890s Cuba claim they have their own provisional government
Doesn’t want old powers in new world - $50 million US property there, invested there in sugar
Does want to give more autonomy to Cuba
Spain empire dwindling don’t want to give up Cuba -> US sympathy
Role of the press in Spanish American War
Sympathy spread in public opinion
William Randolph Hearst in New York Journal printed letter from Spanish ambassador that criticised McK and called him weak
Increased ‘war fever’ - what the press wanted. They didn’t represent public opinion but they are the main reason for spread of sympathy
McK not swayed by the press - worried about cost of war, possibility of annexing Cuba
The Maine
Cuba in anarchy
Move into Cuba (Havana Harbour) to protect US citizens
15 Feb 1898 explosion (wasnt an act of Spanish attack, internal explosion BUT had thought to be from an underwater mine) - press use to advantage, stoke fires of war
Want to avenge the Maine
‘Remember the Maine’ - press trying to round up support
Press drawings - dramatic to encourage war
Possibility of war
McK - war might be a possibility now
11 April, asked Congress for permission to go to Cuba
Not official declaration but seen by Spain as that
“A Splendid Little War” (John Haye, Secretary of State)
Easily won, militarily stronger
Peace treaty signed 10 Dec 1898
Teller amendment - didnt want to annex Cuba
Hawaii - want land here
Reflects continuity of fp - interest in it throughout C19
McKinley different to predecessors?
Hawaii interest because: Recognised as stepping stone to asia Economic potential with sugar Naval base - pearl Harbour Increasingly important to secure because have basically taken Philippines
The Philippines
Would enable close output/colony close to china where economic interests are growing
Protect interests in Asia - economic, missionary work, etc
Allow to become great power in C20
Manila bay - no americans die against Spain, take it easily
War gets a good name - people sign up, no substantial losses
Early august peace terms accepted - US Victory
Popular culture buying into this
Popular songs showed Philippines as a women needing to be saved - america as masculine nation
Before the war
feb - 50 million for defence
Compensated for loss of maine, negotiate with rebels, stop using concentration camp, cuba should be independent
Spain - Declare war april 24
Implications of Span-Am War
Used Monroe Doctrine - need to have a secure sphere in the West
Humanitarian reasons:
Cuba needed to be ‘saved’ from Spain
Expansion encouraged by the press and politicians
During European imperialism ie Scramble for Africa
Would be left out
War meant larger responsibilities and increasing involvement in international affairs
Domestic politics in the war:
United against an enemy - first since Civil War, unifying the two sides again
Foreign policy becoming important in elections
Press - how it swayed opinion, therefore influencing policy
Implications for Cuba
Ruled out annexation through Teller
Anti colonial nation historically
Not independent
Leftist turn - possibly Marxist govt taking over American economic interests
Believed they were a superior race who needed to take care of inferior Cuba
US writes their constitution - can intervene at any time to protect Cuban independence (if it comes under threat of European power, not US), debt is decreased to stop countries invading to collect money theyve invested
Gets lease on naval base - g bay
Platt amendment
Implications for puerto rico
Taken from Spanish
Doesnt want it part of US - largely hispanic nation is problematic
Not independent though
Implications for the Philippines
Anti imperial - stop other powers get hands on
Also secure american interests in far east
If we dont take them, someone else will
Missionary reasons - need saving, civilising, americanise other parts of the world
Way of america expressing in world
P dont like this - though US represented freedom
Next few years US fight counter revolutionary war
100,000 troops fighting there - is it worth it
Remains until 1946 an imperial outpost for US
Open door to asia
Economic interests:
Crucial part of how america secures interests in china - to what extent is this imperialism? Lots of other powers have the same interests
Even today china is seen as the future
Missionary zeal:
Huge opportunity for christian missionaries
Reshape world in american ideology
John Hay and Asia
First open door notes 1899
Second open door notes 1900
China dominated by european powers and sealed off ti different groups - if another wants to work in it or go through it, they have to pay tax
Americans dont want a little bit of china they want an open china
US industry is so powerful, they know they can compete with any of the great powers and their trade will win
Hay chooses allies wisely - Britain wouldnt be against open door, gets them on side
In reaction to boxer rebellions - ger and jap use to seize off different sections
All agree to US open door and give up their sections
Reflect american interlinked interest - Eg span am war links to philippines links to asia
Debate of 1900 electoon
Saw the contradictions of being democratic nation at home and ruling nations overseas with no rep in Washington
Women play big part - cubans and philippines should get vote, as should they
Social upheaval in doing this - dont share same interests as america
McK wins out : Prosperity at home, prestige abroad Being perceived as a great nation Leaves it to TR to defend imperialism Public opinion agree that prestige is good and US is expanding