mblex study questions Flashcards
How many vertebrae are located in an average human body?
33 vertebrae
The lymphatic system is a part of which greater body system?
Endorcrine glands secrete________into the blood.
where would you find a sarcomere in the human body?
what are Sacromeres?
The Sarcomeres are the individual contractile units of the myofibrils, tiny rod-like elements within our muscle cells. The sarcomere will help us to interpret how muscle contraction takes place.
Insulin and glucagon are hormones released from which of the following anatomic structures?
how many epiphysis types are in the human body?
epiphysis types in the human body?
There are two types of epiphyses: (1) pressure epiphyses, which are found at the ends of long bones, and (2) traction epiphyses (apophyses), which are sites of origin or insertion of major muscles (e.g., the greater trochanter of the femur). The metaphysis is an area between the diaphysis and epiphysis.
Dendrites bring information into the nueron.
How does myelin protect the axon?
Axons send information on to other cells.
Many axons are covered with a fatty sheath called myelin that insulates and protects the axon the way insulation protects the electric wires in your home.
somatic nervous system serves the ______muscles?
This PNS (peripheral nervous system) is further divided into the nerves that serve the skeletal muscles, called the somatic nervous system, a
PNS mean for the nervous system?
what dose it have running into it from the Central Nervous system?
The peripheral nervous system (PNS) has large numbers of axons and dendrites running into it from the CNS, sending and receiving messages to and from all parts of the body.
There are billions of neurons in your body, sending trillions of messages every second. The majority of cell bodies are in the brain and spinal cord. This part of the nervous system is known as the central nervous system (CNS).
autonomic system
the nerves that serve smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, organs and glands, called the autonomic system.
what is a good way to remember what autonomic means?
think of as auto pilot. Runs without having to think about it.
what do nuerons use to conduct impulses? what are examples of them?
use electrolytes (sodium, potassium and calcium examples)
what is a synapse?
Impulses move from one cell to another across a fluid-filled space
what is the chemical messenger that is released to get the nueron across the synapse?
what is the GTO tendon organ?
The golgi tendon organ (GTO) is a multibranched sensory nerve ending located in the tendons that attach muscles to bone.
what are the three types of nuerons?
sensory, internuerons, motor n
Sensory neurons
Sensory neurons are the nerve cells that are activated by sensory input from the environment - for example, when you touch a hot surface with your fingertips, the sensory neurons will be the ones firing and sending off signals to the rest of the nervous system about the information they have received.
what are the two functions of the sensory nuerons?
Sensory neurons detect inputs from the environment, convert them into signals (electrical impulses), and pass the information on to the brain and spinal cord, where a response can be generated.
Motor neurons
carry nerve impulses from the brain or spinal cord to the muscles or glands they control. Motor neurons get our muscles, organs and glands to do what the interneurons have decided upon.
reflex arc
is a rapid, simple and automatic response involving few neurons. The nerve pathway of a reflex (stimulus response; such as touching a hot plate, then instantly withdrawing your hand) is called a reflex arc.
Think of proprioception as a combination of “appropriate” and “perception.” It means your muscles have an intelligence all their own because they are guided by special nerves known as proprioceptors.
Sensory nerves can be classified as exteroceptors, interoceptors and proprioceptors, according to their location and the sensations they record.
Exteroceptors are located throughout the body and record stimuli from outside of the body (extero means outside), such as heat, cold, pain and pressure.
Interoceptors respond to internal stimuli (intero means inside), from organs and blood vessels, including chemical changes and temperature.
Proprioceptors also respond to internal stimuli; however, proprioceptors are located in the skeletal muscles, joints, tendons and other components of the musculoskeletal system.
These receptors record the inner sense of position and movement of the body. Their sensory input and motor messages are all unconscious.
Sensory nerves can be classified as exteroceptors, interoceptors and proprioceptors, according to their location and the sensations they record.
Exteroceptors are located throughout the body and record stimuli from outside of the body (extero means outside), such as heat, cold, pain and pressure.
Interoceptors respond to internal stimuli (intero means inside), from organs and blood vessels, including chemical changes and temperature.
Proprioceptors also respond to internal stimuli; however, proprioceptors are located in the skeletal muscles, joints, tendons and other components of the musculoskeletal system.
These receptors record the inner sense of position and movement of the body. Their sensory input and motor messages are all unconscious.
The Sarcomeres are the individual contractile units of the ____________, tiny rod-like elements within our muscle cells. Knowing all of the features and landmarks of the sarcomere will help us to understand how muscle __________takes place.
somatic nervous system,
This PNS is further divided into the nerves that serve the skeletal muscles, called the somatic nervous system,
gross motor movements
the movements of the arm are relatively large movements that involve bigger bones and musles.
what do the three “Bs and a P” help to remember for elbow flexors?
**Biceps brachii , the brachialis, the brachioradialis **(primary movers)
also pronator teres
(the B’sand a P loop are flexedor bent , just as the elbow muscles are when contracting**