MBE Torts Flashcards
Harmful or offensive contact (objective stn), to person of another, causation, and D’s Intent. Intent is either single intent (maj) or double intent.
act or threat by D intended to cause apprehension of imminent harm or offensive contact. Conduct or other circs (words not enough), P must have reasonable apprehension and awareness of D’s act or threat, imminent threat of harm, and intent.
Intent or recklessness, extreme and outrageous conduct by D, causation, and damages.
False Imprisonment
Intent to confine or restraint within boundaries, confinement, victim is conscious of confinement or harmed by it.
Defense of Consent
Consent can be express, implied, or invalid
Defense of Self-Defense
reasonable force proportionate to anticipated harm is ok. This can be reasonably mistaken as well. Deadly force only ok if rsbl belief of serious bodily injury/death. Maj is no duty to retreat. As long as not negligent, injuries to bystandars ok if accidental.
efense of others also is here if rsbl belief and rsbl force.
Defense of Property
NO deadly force. rsbl force allowed. rsbl force to prevent entry to land generally ok unless necessity. rsbl force to reclaim wrongfully taken prop is also ok.
Defense of Parental discipline
ok confinement considering age of child and gravity of behavior. Educator has same priv unless parent restricts priv.
Defense of Arrest
If misdemeanor can only contain if committed in presence of arresting party. If felony, priv ok if actually committed and rsbl to suspect person arrested committed it. Police ok for felonis if rsbl to believe it was committed and to suspect the person arrested.
Trespass to Chattels
intentional interference with a P’s right of possession. only intent to do act is necessary. Mistake not a defense.
intentional act, interference with P’s right of possession, so serious that it deprives P of the use of the chattel., damages. transferred intent not good here. mistake not a defense.
Trespass to land
intent to enter or cause physical invasion, physical invasion of prop, proper P (in actual or constuctive possession), necessity can be a defense. Priv necessity when enter to protect own person/property from serious harm but still liab for damages to prop. Pub necessity when averting iminent public disaster, not liab if actions rsbl or rsbl belief that necessity existed.
Priv Nuisance
sub and unrsbl interference with another’s use or enjoyment of his land. Prop P with possessory rights. Interference must be intentional, neg, reckless, or result of dangerous conduct. Substantial is offensive to avg person in community (objective). unrsbl means usefulness outweighed by injury. Defenses can be reg compliance and coming to the nuisance.
Something else here about abatement for priv and pub nuisance?
Pub nuisance
unrsbl interference with right of general public. Proper P needs a different in kind harm from general public.
Negligence Generally
Elements are Duty (obli to protect another against unreasonable risk of injury), Breach (failure to meet that obli), Causation (close causal connection between action and injury), and Damages (loss suffered).
Duty Generally
Owned to all foreseeable eprsons who may be inj by D’s failure to meet rsbl stn of care, foreseeability of harm to another sufficient to create general duty to act with rsbl care.
No general to act.
Maj follows zone of foreseeable harm, min is D owed duty to everyone harmed.
Special ruels for rescuers and fetuses? Can assume duty to at in a lot of ways.
Stn of Care generally
generally rsbl prudent person - objective stn. physical characteristics considered rsbl. Children get special rules, like look to children of similar age, intelligence, and experience. Children are occassionally treated like adults, and kids under 5 generally can’t be negligent.
Specific Stn of Care
common carriers get high duty.
Innkeepers get ordinary neg usually.
Auto drivers get ordinary care to guests as well as passengers.
Bailor and Bailee depends on gratuitous (lower stn) vs compensated (higher stn) and baliee also matters if mutual benefit (rsbl care).
Sellers of prop must disclose known, concealed, unrsble dangerous conditions.
Stn for possessors of land - trespassers
for Trespassers, avoid willful or wanton misconduct. watch out for discovered dangerous conditions.
Attactive Nuisance is liab for injuries to trespassing kids if artificial condition poses unrsbl risk of serious bodily injury, children cannot appreciate the danger, burden of elim danger slight compared to risk, and owner fails to exercise rsbl care to protect kids.
Stn for possessors of land - invitees
rsbl care to inspect and protect from dangerous conditions. Duty not beyond scope of invite. recreational land invite can get exception unless charge fee or acts willfully or gross neg.
Stn for possessors of land - Licensee
warn of concealed dangers that are known or should be obvious. use rsbl care
Modern and Third Restatement Approach to Care (min)
rsbl care under all circs. Trespass considered for jury. Duty to not act intentional, willful, or wanton manner causing physical harm for flagrant trespasser.
Stn for possessors of land - LL and T
L liable for injuries in common areas from hidden dangerous or hazards caused from neg repair.
Stn for possessors of land - off-premises victims
no duty for natural condition but duty to prevent unrsbl risk caused by artificial condition.
Breach generally
Burden of proof is preponderance of evidence. greater probability than not that D failed to meet stn of care. That failure was prox cause and p suffered damages.
Traditionally means compare d’s condcut with rsbl prudent person under the circs (objective).
Modern is cost benefit analysis. Consider foreseeable likelihood of causing harm, foreseeable severity of harm, and D’s burden in avoiding the harm.
Custom in Breach
generally admissible.
For professionals, look to similiar practitioners in same community. Specialists get higher stn. Deviation is dispositive. Expert usually needs to show stn of care.
For Physicians, maj rule is national stn. Min rule is locale stn. Failure to comply with informed consent is negligence unless an exception applies.
Neg Per Se
elements are crim or reg statute imposes a specific duty for protection of others, D Neglects to perform, d liable to anyone in class intended to be protected, and for harms the statute was intended to protect.
Cause is D liable for injuries that were prox caused by D’s violation.
Defenses are here.
Res Ipsa Loquitur
inference of neg. P’s harm would not have occured if D used ordinary care, P not responsible for injury, P’s inj under D’s exclusive control.
Exclusive is lax, and ignored in product liability. In medical, presume each D involved in surgery has breached care unless a D rebuts.