MBE Federal Constitutional Law Flashcards

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The Judicial Power >
State Immunity


11th Amendment – State Sovereign Immunity bar suits against state govts. in fed. court

STATE IMMUNITY from suit in federal court Under the 11th Amend., fed. courts CANNOT hear lawsuit BROUGHT BY PRIVATE PARTY or foreign government vs. State OR State Official violating state law (state agencies)

  • 11th amend. does not bar suits brought by the United States or another state. States must comply with federal regulations just as any other entity or person must do

ExceptionsSuits against State GOV. by private parties/foreign gov. are ALLOWED in fed. court where:

  • The State waives sovereign immunity or consents,
  • The suit involves the enforcement of 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendment rights and Congress has removed immunity (Congress cannot remove Eleventh Amendment immunity by exercising its Article I powers)
  • The suit is brought by fed. govt. or another State
  • Bankruptcy proceedings

Suits against State OFFICERS — are ALLOWED in fed. court if the suit involves either:

  • Injunctive relief claim for violation of the Constitution or Fed. law, or
  • Claim for money damages to be paid by the state officer PERSONALLY (not state treasury)

No immunity

  • Suits brought by United States or other state
  • Suits against local government (eg, counties, municipalities)
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Judicial Power >
Jurisdiction of the Supreme Court


Supreme Court (Judicial) vs. Lower Federal Courts (Legislative)

  • Appellate Jurisdiction - Congress may have jurisdiction over the lower federal courts and can create more lower federal courts.


Jurisdiction of federal courts as limited to cases or controversies

  • (i) arising under the Constitution, laws, and treaties of the United States;
  • (ii) affecting foreign countries’ ambassadors, public ministers, and consuls;
  • (iii) involving admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;
  • (iv) when the United States is a party;
  • (v) between two or more states, or between a state and citizens of another state;
  • (vi) between citizens of different states or between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states;
  • (vii) between a state, or its citizens, and foreign states, citizens, or subjects



Original Jurisdiction (Case filed directly in SCOTUS) The U.S. Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over (1) cases involving ambassadors, public ministers, or consuls and (2) cases in which a state is a party.

  • Congress has granted lower federal courts concurrent jurisdiction over those cases
  • Congress may not expand or limit this jurisdiction. Marbury v. Madison
  • Congress cannot send a case directly to SCOTUS or tell SCOTUS what cases they should hear in their on original jurisdiction

EXCLUSIVE Original Jursidictioncontroversies between TWO OR MORE STATES is the exclusive jurisdiction of SCOTUS.

Appellate Jurisdiction (Most Cases) The U.S. Supreme Court has appellate jurisdiction over decisions by

  • (1) lower federal courts and
  • (2) the highest state courts when the decision turns on federal law.


  • writ of certiorari (discretionary review) and
  • direct appeal brought under a few specific statutes (e.g., the Voting Rights Act)

Congress Power to Regulate or Make Exceptions to SCOTUS APPELLATE Jurisdiction – Article III grants Congress the power to regulate and make exceptions to SCOTUS’s appellate jurisdiction. But when exercising this almost unlimited power, Congress cannot violate:

  • the separation-of-powers doctrine—eg, usurping judicial power to decide cases—or
  • other constitutional provisions—eg, giving only men the right to appeal, in violation of the equal protection component of the Fifth Amendment.

State Court Judgments

  • The U.S. Supreme Court may use its discretionary appellate jurisdiction and grant a writ of certiorari to review final STATE COURT judgments ONLY if they are BASED ON FEDERAL LAW and the party claiming a federal right is not successful in state court.
  • The U.S. Supreme Court has no jurisdiction over, and CANNOT review a judgment based on adequate and independent state grounds.

Adequate and Independent State Grounds (AISG)

  • Adequate: state law fully resolves the matter, so the outcome of the case is not affected by federal law
  • Independent: state law does not depend on an interpretation of federal law. (e.g., no AISG if state law adopts federal law or follows federal precedent).
  • If Basis for Decision is Unclear – the Supreme Court CAN review the federal issue.

Affirm / Remand

  • If the Supreme Court agrees with the state court’s decision of federal law, it affirms the decision.
  • If the Supreme Court disagrees with the state court’s understanding of the federal issue, it renders its judgment and remands the case to state court, so that the state court can reconsider state law.
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Judicial Power >
Concepts of Justiciability


1) STANDING – To have standing, the PLAINTIFF must establish the three elements: injury, causation, and redressability

  • Injury-in-fact – actual or imminent harm that is concrete and particularized
  • Causation – the injury is fairly traceable to the defendant’s challenged conduct
  • Redressability – a favorable judicial decision will likely remedy or prevent the alleged injury

1) Injury

  • Almost anything can be injury (past or future), especially if Congress says so.
  • Must be concrete (not abstract), but need not be economic (e.g., if your freedom of movement or enjoyment of public space is impaired, that constitutes injury).
  • Mere ideological objection is not injury.
  • An organization may have standing if its members have standing.

2) Causation - not tested frequently

  • Defendant’s conduct has caused or will cause injury.

3) Redressability

  • Past Injury - Damages
  • Future Injury - Injunction
  • Past injury does not give automatic standing to seek an injunction for future injury, must show the prospect of future injury


Federal taxpayers do NOT have standing to challenge government expenditures (only to challenge their own tax liability). UNLESS the taxpayer’s suit

  • challenges specific legislation enacted under Congress’s taxing and spending power alleging it violates the establishment clause

Legislative standing A legislator has standing to challenge the constitutionality of government action when that action causes the legislator personal and concrete harm—NOT institutional, abstract harm shared equally by all legislators in that respective body.

  • Legislators individually do not have standing to challenge laws that they voted against.
  • In some circumstances, the legislature itself as a body may have standing, if the claim concerns its institutional functions.
  • Occasional legislature standing, but not legislator standing

Third-party standing (Raising the rights of someone else)

  • Generally, the answer is no.
  • However, Parties to an exchange or transaction CAN
    raise the rights of other parties to that exchange or transaction.



Ripeness – concerns prematurity of a case. You must show:

  • actual harm or
  • an immediate threat of harm

Mootness – cases are overripe and dismissed whenever they become moot. Cases can become moot during trial or on appeal, where the judgement below is dismissed as if it never happened.

  • Exception: Cases capable of reptition, yet evading review, are not moot, even though they look like it.
  • Such controversies always have an internal time limit (e.g., restriction on certain activities within 90 days of elections, but issue will reoccur by the next election).
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Judicial Power >
Concepts of Justiciability


3) Justiciability—Further Issues

i) Advisory Opinions

  • may not render advisory opinions on the basis of an abstract or a hypothetical dispute. (constitutionality of proposed legislation.)
  • An actual case or controversy must exist.

ii) Declaratory judgments

  • courts are not prohibited from issuing declaratory judgments, however The challenged action must pose a real and immediate danger to a party’s interests for there to be an actual dispute (as opposed to a hypothetical one).

iii) Political Question Doctrine – The political question doctrine applies only to the federal government, not the states. prevents federal courts from hearing a case if it presents:

  • issues that are reserved for one of the other branches (executive or legislative)
  • issues that lack judicially manageable standards for resolution

Political Question Examples

  • Political gerrymandering (drawing districts to establish a political advantage of one party over another) in theory might be unconstitutional, but in fact the Supreme Court found no judicially manageable standards for determining how districts should be drawn. (Note that state courts have found that it violates state constitutions.)
  • Foreign Affairs
  • Impeachment Procedures


4) Abstention – A federal court may abstain from deciding a claim when strong state interests are at stake.

Pullman doctrine

  • A court may refrain from ruling on a federal constitutional claim that depends on resolving an unsettled issue of state law best left to the state courts.

Younger abstention (pending state proceeding)

  • A court will not enjoin a pending state criminal case in the absence of bad faith, harassment, or a patently invalid state statute.
  • Only certain civil proceedings qualify for Younger abstention. Enforcement proceedings akin to a prosecution (e.g., termination of parental rights) and Proceedings that further a state court’s ability to perform judicial functions (e.g., contempt)
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Legislative Power


Enumerated congressional powers (Article I, Section 8)

Interstate & foreign commerce
Taxing & spending
War, armed forces, militia
Coin & borrow money
Immigration & naturalization
Copyright & patent laws
Federal courts
District of Columbia
Rules concerning captures


1) COMMERCE (Interstate & Foreign)

  • Plenary (ABSOLUTE) Power
  • encompasses almost any economic act that could conceivably have some kind of impact, even secondarily, on the stream of interstate commerce
  • channels of interstate commerce
  • instrumentalities of interstate commerce
  • persons/things moving in interstate commerce and
  • activities that substantially affect interstate commerce.

INTRAstate commercial activity

  • Can even regulate intrastate commercial or economic activity if–when judged in the AGGREGATE of the activity’s entire industry nationwide–has a substantial effect on interstate commerce

Non-economic, non-commercial activity

  • can regulate only by actually proving a substantial effect on interstate commerce


  • Congress has broad power to tax and spend if it raises revenue for the general welfare (any public purpose)
  • Taxes – Congress can impose indirect taxes (sales tax) so long as they are (1) uniformly applied in every state where the taxed goods are found and (2) reasonably related to revenue production.
  • Congress can impose IMPORT TAX but NEVER Export tax on EXPORTED goods or services or on services and activities closely related to the export process. (goods leaving the U.S.)

Conditional federal funding: Conditions must meet all the following criteria:

  • clearly stated & unambiguous
  • reasonably related to federal interest in funded program
  • do not require states to engage in unconstitutional activity
  • do not unduly coerce states into accepting

3) Immigration & Naturalization

  • Under Article I of the Constitution, Congress has plenary (i.e., exclusive) authority over immigration and naturalization
  • Federal laws based on U.S. citizenship are presumptively constitutional and subject to rational basis review.
  • However, Citizenship Clause prevents Congress from taking away a person’s citizenship, unless that citizenship was obtained by fraud or in bad faith.

4) Coin and Borrow Money

  • Printing Money

5) Federal Lands

  • Jurisdiction over national parks and monuments
  • Washington DC too

6) Declare War & Defense Powers

Article I, Section 8 enumerates the extremely broad war and defense powers that permit Congress to declare war and to provide for the national defense during wartime and peacetime—e.g.:

  • by excluding civilians from sensitive or military areas
  • by implementing a military draft and
  • by imposing wage, price, and rent controls on the private civilian economy (as seen here).

Military discipline – of U.S. military personnel as well as enemy combatants and enemy civilians. Cannot provide military trial for U.S. civilians

National Guard

  • Congress has the power to authorize the President to deploy the National Guard into action without the approval of the state governor to execute federal laws, suppress insurrections, or repel invasions.

Writ of Heabeas

  • Under the Article I suspension clause, persons in federal custody can challenge their detention by filing a writ of habeas corpus in federal courts unless Congress has suspended the writ. Applies to noncitizens enemy combatants.

6) Federal Elections

  • The Elections Clause of Art. I explicitly empowers Congress to override state laws concerning federal elections. This express provision makes irrelevant general principles of federalism embodied in the “commandeering” cases.

7) Power to enforce the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

Ban on slavery (13th)

  • power to adopt legislation rationally related to eliminating racial discrimination;
  • only amendment that authorizes Congress to regulate purely private conduct

Equal protection and due process (14th)

  • permits Congress to pass legislation to enforce equal protection and due process rights (but not to expand those rights or create new ones);
  • must be “congruence and proportionality” between the injury to be prevented or remedied and the means adopted to achieve that end

Voting (15th)

  • prohibits both the state and federal governments from denying any citizen the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude;
  • Congress cannot treat states differently and thereby impinge on their “equal sovereignty” unless the different treatment is rationally justified by current circumstances


Necessary & Proper Clause — Congress has auxiliary power under the necessary and proper clause which gives Congress the power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution any power granted to any branch of the federal government. Congress may not, however, adopt a law that is expressly prohibited by another provision of the constitution.

  • This authority constitutes Congress’s implied powers
  • Not an independent source of power — the Necessary and Proper Clause must be used in conjunction with another fed. power
  • Note — the Necessary and Proper Clause is usually an incorrect answer choice to MBE questions regarding Congress’s power to act b/c the clause is not a source of congressional power on its own

Example – Congress may enact legislation that is necessary and proper to execute its spending power. (Criminalization of the taking of bribes by an official of an entity that receives substantial federal funds is necessary and proper to ensure that such funds are properly spent)

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Legislative Power >
Delegation of Powers


Delegation of Powers – Congress has broad authority to delegate legislative powers to executive officers and administrative agencies. Administrative agencies established by congressional enabling acts can create rules that have the status of law.

  • nondelegable – the power of impeachment and the power to declare war.

Limitations on delegation:

  • Congress must provide intelligible standards to define the scope of legislative authority it delegates
  • Congress may not delegate executive or judicial powers to itself or its officers (e.g., cannot create commissions that enforce or prosecute violations of law)

Major questions: When an agency adopts regulations with extraordinary economic and political significance, needs clear congressional authorization

  • Note — b/c the delegation power is broad, be wary of answer choices regarding excessive delegation as a limitation on congressional authority

Legislative vetoes — Unconstitutional – Congress cannot veto a decision by an agency acting pursuant to delegated power. Must be overturned by enacting a superseding law

  • Once Congress delegates its powers (rulemaking/decisionmaking), it cannot interfere with the agencies’ functions unless it again complies with the legislative-action process (bicameralism and presentment). Any attempt to bypass this process is an unconstitutional legislative veto. Essentially they have to pass a new law, they cant reserve the right to interfere with the delegated power.

Line-item veto — Unconstitutional – President cannot veto part of a bill; would be impermissible delegation of power to the President

  • President must sign or veto a bill in its entirety
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Legislative Branch >
Anti-Commandeering Clause


Congress has broad power to regulate interstate commerce. But the Tenth Amendment limits this power.

  • Keep in Mind: States themselves still must comply with federal regulations just as any other entity or person must do.

Anti-Commandeering – Congress CANNOT FORCE states and local governments to:


However, Congress may encourage state legislatures to pass certain laws by, for example, conditioning receipt of certain federal funding on passing laws, via Congress’ spending power.

Conditional federal funding: Congress may place conditions on the receipt of federal funds so long as those conditions comply with the U.S. Constitution. Conditions must meet all the following criteria:

  • clearly stated & unambiguous
  • reasonably related to federal interest in funded program
  • comply with the U.S. Constitution (e.g.,
  • do not unduly coerce states into accepting


Federal Elections

  • The Elections Clause of Art. I explicitly empowers Congress to override state laws concerning federal elections. This express provision makes irrelevant general principles of federalism embodied in the “commandeering” cases.
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Legislative Power >


13th Amendment

  • the Thirteenth Amendment does NOT require state action.
  • Rather, it abolishes slavery and its “badges and incidents,” including racial discrimination in PRIVATE transactions like contracts.
  • Thirteenth Amendment authorizes Congress with broad power to enact legislation against racial discrimination, whether public OR PRIVATE

14th Amendment – Gives Congress the power to REMEDY violations of INDIVIDUAL rights by the government, but only as those rights have been defined by the Supreme Court

  • Congress CANNOT redefine or create new individual constitutional rights by legislation (RFRA example below)
  • To be proper remedy, legislation must have “congruence” and “proportionality.” That is, there has to be a reasonable fit between the remedial law enacted by Congress and the constitutional right as defined by the Supreme Court.


  • Religious individuals claimed that general laws valid against everyone else could not be enforced against religious objectors unless the government showed a compelling interest.
  • Congressed passed RFRA, which declared that religious believers have the right not to obey otherwise valid laws, unless the government can show a compelling interest in enforcing the law against them.
  • The Supreme Court struck down RFRA, as it went beyond federal legislative power, because it was not really remedial. It was not narrowly aimed at the kinds of laws the Supreme Court had declared unconstitutional—laws aimed at religion.
  • The Court found that it was an attempt to overturn the Court’s decision about what the Constitution did and did not protect. Therefore, RFRA was struck down as beyond the federal legislative power.

15th Amendment

  • Congress has the power to ensure there is no racial discrimination in voting.
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Executive Power



1) Pardon

  • Only Federal Crimes

2) Veto

  • 10 days to veto for any reason
  • can be overridden by congressional veto = 2/3 vote of each house

3) Appointment (need to improve this)

Executive Officers – someone who: (1) holds a continuing public office and (2) has significant discretionary authority to administer, issue, or enforce laws (i.e., executive powers). (officials who make rules, regulations, prosecution)

  • All executive officers must be appointed by the President (e.g., cabinet officers, ambassadors, federal judges) and approval by the Senate is required.
  • Under this clause, Congress CANNOT appoint executive officers because Congress’s participation in this executive function would violate the separation of powers doctrine.
  • Congress cannot hire or fire an executive officer

Inferior Officers — usually those working under presidentially-appointed officers (i.e., can be fired by the appointed officer)

  • Congress may, however, delegate the appointment of “inferior” officials to the President alone (i.e., without Senate approval), the heads of executive departments, or the courts.
  • Just as Congress cannot hire or fire an executive officer, it cannot give executive power to any inferior officer it can hire or fire

4) Commander-in-Chief

  • Military decisions; move/command troops.
  • NOT declare war, that’s for Congress.

5) Executive Order

  • Becomes law until and unless Congress makes law superseding it. ex: Obama’s border policy.
  • The president does not have the authority to direct the actions of persons outside the executive branch unless authorized by an act of Congress

6) Treaties and Executive Agreement


  • Negotiated by the President, but require approval by a 2/3 vote of the Senate.
  • Once a treaty is ratified (approved), it has the same authority as a statute.

Executive Agreement

  • is an agreement entered into between a foreign government and the executive branch of the United States. Not submitted for approval by the Senate.
  • They can be authorized, precluded, or overridden by statute, but they take precedence over conflicting state laws. They do not have the binding status of a treaty.


Congressional Limits on the Executive

1) Impeachment

  • Applies to executive officers (e.g., President, Vice President, cabinet officers, federal judges)
  • An accusation passed by the House of Representatives requiring a majority vote.
  • Once impeached, the person is tried in the Senate.
  • Conviction requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate.
  • Impeachment and conviction lead to removal from office and disqualification from holding future office.
  • No other penalty applies.

2) Impoundment

  • if a statute unambiguously requires that certain funds be spent on certain purposes, then the President cannot refuse to do so. There is no power to impound (withhold) funds.
  • If a statute gives the President discretion to spend or withhold funds, he may do so.

3) Legislative veto

  • When Congress passes a law reserving to itself the right to disapprove future executive actions by simple resolution.
  • Unconstitutional

4) Delegation of Powers – Congress CAN delegate its power to administrative agencies, so long as there are intelligible standards governing the exercise of that delegated power.

  • Not a demanding test—almost all delegations of legislative powers are upheld.
  • Major questions doctrine: special rule dealing with administrative decisions of vast economic and political significance. Congress must have clearly delegated that authority to the agency.
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Appointment & Removal Powers


Appointment powers

PRESIDENT — can appoint ambassadors, fed. judges, and other high-level executive officers with advice and consent of Senate

Congress — cannot give itself appointment powers. Can vest power to appoint inferior officers in President alone, courts, heads of departments or agencies

  • Inferior officers — usually those working under presidentially-appointed officers (i.e., can be fired by the appointed officer)

Removal powers

PRESIDENT — can remove high-level executive officers

  • Congress can statutorily limit President’s power to remove all other executive appointees (e.g., can require good cause for removal)

Congress — can only remove executive officers through its impeachment power

  • Art. III Judges cannot be removed “during good behavior”


1) House of Representatives can impeach the President, VP, fed. judges, and fed. officers for treason, bribery, or high crimes and misdemeanors — requires majority vote

2) Upon impeachment, trial in the Senate — requires 2/3 vote for removal from office

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The President

  • Absolute immunity from liability for official acts (broadly construed)
  • No immunity for acts done prior to taking office
  • Executive privilege not to reveal confidential communications with presidential advisers, but that privilege can be outweighed by a specifically demonstrated need in a criminal prosecution (U.S. v. Nixon)

Judges A judge is absolutely immune from civil liability for damages resulting from her judicial acts unless

  • it is clear that the judge did not have jurisdiction
  • No immunity for non-judicial acts (e.g., employment discrimination).

Legislators The speech or debate clause immunizes members of Congress from criminal and civil liability for official legislative activities—eg, speeches given on the House or Senate floor (Not State Legislators)

  • Senators and Congressmen and their aides cannot be prosecuted or punished in relation to their official acts.
  • The official acts of a federal legislator cannot be introduced into evidence.
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Federal and State Concurrent Powers


Supremacy Clause – Under Article VI supremacy clause,

  • Prioritizes U.S. Constitution, treaties & federal laws over state constitutions & laws
  • When Federal Law conflicts with State Law, Federal Law WINS
  • The Constitution grants some powers, such as the power to coin money, exclusively to the federal government.

When there is no conflict between Federal and State law:

  • State law can be stricter, but can’t be LESS restrictive than the Federal Law (Federal law is the FLOOR)

When there is no Federal law on the subject:

  • State can exercise 10th Amendment Police Power to Provide for the health, safety, and welfare of its citizens. There is no Federal Police Power

Fed. Gov. Immune from DIRECT State Tax – The federal government, including its agencies and instrumentalitiesis, are IMMUNE from DIRECT state regulation or taxation. However, states can tax the federal government INDIRECTLY by taxing their federal government’s affiliates. (employees, contractors) This is true even if the cost of the tax is ultimately passed on to the federal government (contractors). As a result, an affiliates must pay these taxes unless:

  • (1) Congress granted the affiliate immunity,
  • (2) the tax is discriminatory, or
  • (3) the tax substantially interferes with the affiliate’s federal purpose or duties.

State Court Challenges Federal Writ of Habeas

  • the supremacy clause, prohibits, state courts from challenging the legality of a person being held in federal custody through the issuance of a writ of habeas corpus


Tenth AmendmentReserves all powers not assigned to federal government by U.S. Constitution to states/people

  • States IMMUNE from federal taxes that DISCRIMINATE against states OR unduly INTERFERE with ESSENTIAL STATE FUNCTIONS

Federal Regulation – As long as Congress is exercising one of its enumerated powers, Congress generally may regulate the states.

  • For example, a federal minimum wage and overtime statute enacted under the commerce power can be applied to state employees.
  • If Congress determines that a state is violating a person’s civil liberties, it can place limits on that state’s activities by using the power of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments

“Commandeering” limitation – 10th Amend prohibits federal government from requiring states to enact or enforce FEDERAL laws.

  • Federal government may encourage states though, through conditional federal funding.

Partial Immunity from direct Federal tax that unduly interfere with State’s essential functions

  • States have partial immunity from direct federal taxation that would unduly interfere with the performance of the states’ “sovereign functions of government.”
  • Therefore, the federal government generally may not impose significant taxes directly on states for property used for or income received from the state’s performance of basic governmental functions (e.g., public schools, state parks, etc.)

No immunity for Indirect tax

  • Tenth Amendment does NOT prohibit the federal government from imposing federal taxes on states indirectly through their affiliates—i.e., persons doing business with state governments—so long as the taxes are nondiscriminatory.
  • This is true even if the cost of the tax is ultimately passed on to the states.

Look for 2 statutes in fact pattern

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The federal government and states can regulate the same subject matter.

1) Federal law preempts (overrides) inconsistent state law.

  • State law is not preempted simply because it addresses the same subject matter or topic as a federal statute. There must be incompatibility or conflict.

2) A state law is VOID when a federal law expressly or impliedly preempts it.


  • Constitution or federal law explicitly forbids the state from regulating

Implied preemption occurs through:

  • field preemption – when Congress intended to completely occupy a particular field by legislating so thoroughly that it left no room for supplementary state regulations (rare)
  • DIRECT conflict preemption – when it is impossible or nearly impossible to comply with both federal and state law or
  • INDIRECT conflict preemption – when the state law frustrates the purpose of the federal law.
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Privileges and Immunities
(State Citizenship)


Affects INDIVIDUALS based on state citizenship; NOT corporations


The Article IV privileges and immunities clause

A. Comity Clause – prohibits states from SERIOUS discrimination against citizens of another state with respect to fundamental rights or essential activities (e.g., pursuit of employment, transfer of property, access to state courts)

“Serious discrimination” – ECONOMIC discrimination, ability to make money, or FUNDAMENTAL rights

  • Travel/reside in state
  • Pursue PRIVATE employment
  • Practice commercial trade/business
  • Own/transfer property
  • Seek medical services
  • Civil liberties
  • Creditor’s rights
  • Tax exemptions

Non-serious discrimination (recreational) (non-fundamental right)

  • States can discriminate with regard to RECREATIONAL opportunities such as hunting licenses or state park access.

Public Employement

  • Public employment MAY have residency requirements.
  • Ex: A city hiring only city residents or requiring a certain percentage of city residents on city construction projects.


B. Fourteenth Amendment—national citizenship – Protects citizens from infringement by the states upon their own citizens’ privileges or immunities of national citizenship

  • Includes the rights to travel interstate, vote for national offices, enter public lands, and peaceably assemble
  • This provision is seldom successfully invoked; the rights are redundant to rights provided elsewhere in the Constitution; in practice, applies only to the right to travel
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Dormant Commerce Clause


Protects BOTH out-of-state BUSINESSES and INDIVIDUALS

The Article I commerce clause empowers Congress to regulate interstate commerce. It also carries a negative implication (i.e., the dormant commerce clause) which limits the power of the states to legislate in ways that impact interstate commerce.

The Dormant commerce clause PROHIBITS STATES and LOCALITIES from

  • (1) DISCRIMINATING against out-of-state commerce or
  • (2) UNDULY BURDENING interstate commerce



1) a DISCRIMINATORY state law against OUT-OF-STATE commerce will be deemed UNCONSTITUTIONAL UNLESS:

  • the law furthers an IMPORTANT, NONECONOMIC state interest (e.g., health, safety) and
  • there is NO reasonable, nondiscriminatory ALTERNATIVE to achieve that interest.

2) UNDULY BURDENS interstate commerce

  • a nondiscriminatory state law is VALID, UNLESS the challenging party shows that the law’s burden on interstate commerce clearly exceeds its local benefits

3) The regulation must not apply to wholly extraterritorial activity

  • A state may not regulate conduct occurring wholly beyond its borders.


More Exceptions — State can discriminate when:

  • It is necessary to an important state interest — i.e., furthers an important, non-economic state interest and no reasonable alternatives are available
  • State is market participant — state can favor its own citizens in buying or selling products, hiring labor, giving subsidies, etc. (E.g., tuition discounts at STATE universities to in-state residents)
  • Traditional govt. function — state can discriminate against non-residents if law involves performance of traditional govt. functions (eg, law enforcement, waste disposal)
  • Congress approves — state can burden insterstate commerce where Congress has unmistakenly granted permission (BE CAREFUL: It may still violate other constitutional provisions; e.g., 14th Amend. Equal Protection)
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State Taxation of Interstate Commerce


The Tenth Amendment reserves to the states any power that the Constitution does not expressly grant to the federal government, including the power to generally tax goods within their borders.

  • This power is not absolute because states must comply with other constitutional provisions (eg, commerce clause, the import-export clause, etc).
  • A state tax on property moving in interstate commerce is valid if (1) the state has a substantial nexus with the taxed property such that the property has a taxable situs in the state, (2) the tax is fairly apportioned, (3) the tax is nondiscriminatory, and (4) the tax is fairly related to benefits or services provided by the state.

State Taxation of Interstate Commerce

  • Discriminatory taxation will be STRUCK DOWN unless Congress consents,
  • and non-discriminatory taxation will be upheld unless it is UNDULY BURDENSOME

Non-discriminatory taxation is valid if the following two requirements are met:

  • Must be a substantial nexus between the taxing state and the property or activity to be taxed (no physical presence required; just non-trivial business in the state)
  • Must be a fair apportionment of tax liability among states (Example: A state may tax the in-state portion of a corporation’s revenue but cannot tax the entire world-wide activity of the corporation)

Ad Valorem (value-based) Property Taxes 2 kinds

Commodities – the goods that move from state to state.

  • States tax all commodities within their borders on a specified date (called tax day), but not goods that are merely in transit—the commodities have to come to rest in the state.
  • RULE: Pay the full tax to every state where goods are stopped for a BUSINESS PURPOSE on tax day. No taxes are due where they are merely passing thorugh
  • i.e., taxed once where they are made, again where THEY are held for sale

Instrumentalities – the transportation equipment that moves commodities (railroads, trucks, airplanes, etc.)

  • Fair apportionment of tax liability among states with a substantial nexus to the instrumentality.
  • Each state in which an instrumentality is used can tax the value of that instrumentality.


Imported Goods Taxation – The import-export clause generally prohibits state taxation of imported goods unless Congress consents or the tax is absolutely necessary for the state to execute its inspection laws. Additionally, a state tax on imported goods is valid if:

  • the federal government is still able to speak with one voice in foreign commerce
  • there is interstate harmony because the tax satisfies the Complete Auto requirementsand
  • the tax does not divert import revenue from the federal government.

Relations Among States


Interstate compacts are agreements among states.

  • If the compact affects federal rights, Congress must approve.

Full Faith and Credit Clause:

  • States do not have to follow other states’ laws, but they do have to give full faith and credit to judgment rendered by other states’ courts, so long as the rendering court had jurisdiction to render a final judgment on the merits.

State Action & Procedural DP


State Action Doctrine – under the state-action doctrine, a private actor is considered a government actor (and bound by the Constitution) when:

  • the private actor performs a traditional and exclusive government function (e.g., elections) or
  • the government is significantly involved in the private actor’s activities. (funding or licensing NOT ENOUGH).

Significant Involvement

  • Government & private actor have mutually beneficial relationship (eg, joint activity or venture)
  • Government creates nexus by affirmatively facilitating or authorizing private action (eg, police officer acting under color of law)
  • Government is pervasively intertwined in private entity’s management or control

Unclear State Action – Most state action is clear, but not always. Government cannot be significantly involved in private discrimination:

  • Government cannot facilitate private discrimination.
  • Government cannot profit from private discrimination.
  • Government cannot enforce a private agreement to discriminate.
  • But, government is not required to prevent private discrimination.

Anti-Discrimination Statutes

  • State action is irrelevant if there is anti discrimination legislation. (private conduct)

Individual Rights > Due Process >
Procedural Due Process



2 Due Process Clauses

5th Amendment applies to the Federal government.

  • provides that “[n]o person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

14th Amendment applies to States and Localities

  • provides that “no state shall make or enforce any law which shall … deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of the law.”


RULE: If person is being deprived of LIFE, LIBERTY, or PROPERTY, person shall have right to NOTICE and a HEARING

  • Deprivation requires the intentional taking away of life, liberty, or property. Notice and a hearing are NOT REQUIRED when there is an accident.
  • Random negligence by a state employee does NOT constitute a deprivation of life, liberty, or property (e.g., death by a municipal garbage truck) You can just pursue tort action.
  • The challenging party has the initial burden of showing that he/she has a protected life, liberty, or property interest at stake

1) Has there been a deprevation of LIFE, LIBERTY or PROPERTY?

Life: Death penalty

Liberty: loss of significant freedom of action or freedom provided by Const. or statute (e.g., institutionalization, govt. restriction of fundamental rights)

  • Physical confinement, probation and parole, physical injury, any restriction on legal rights. Injury to reputation is NOT a loss of liberty.

PROPERTY: a legitimate claim or entitlement to a benefit under law, which goes unfulfilled

  • E.g., public school attendance, welfare
  • government licenses, jobs, benefits, (public, not private)
  • make sure government job/benefit was legitimately EARNED/ENTITLED first
  • A mere expectation of continued employment or benefit does not suffice
  • Government jobs are entitled ONLY when the government says so—such as by providing a contractual term or discharge only “for cause”


2) What Procedures Required? NOTICE and a HEARING – determined by balancing:

  • Importance of the individual interest involved, and Value of procedural safeguards to that interest, VS.
  • Govt. interest (i.e., fiscal or administrative efficiency)

Timing of the hearings

  • Sometimes, a hearing must occur before the deprivation if its for very important essential things (Terminating welfare benefits; non-emergency revocations of driver’s licenses.)
  • Sometimes, the hearing CAN occur after the action, so long as the hearing is prompt and fair (less important things)

1) Civil forfeiture actions – Government deprives an individual of his/her property interest by seizing property allegedly used in criminal activity. Personal property may be seized PRIOR to providing notice and a hearing when:

  • the seizure serves a significant government interest
  • that interest would be frustrated by advance notice of the seizure and
  • the seizure is performed by the government.

Government benefits

  • The state must give notice and hold a hearing PRIOR to terminating WELFARE benefits.
  • In cases of terminating disability benefits, the state must give prior notice, but only a post-termination evidentiary hearing is required.

Student Dismissal From Public School

  • Academic dismissal – Student NOT entitled to a hearing regarding academic dismissal from a public institution of higher learning.
  • Disciplinary suspension – Student ENTITLED to notice and a hearing unless students continued presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or disrupts the academic process. The necessary notice and rudimentary hearing can follow as soon as practicable.

Public Employee: FOR CAUSE – When a public employee can only be fired for cause, procedural due process generally requires that the employee receive

  • (1) notice of any alleged misconduct,
  • (2) a pre-termination hearing to respond to the allegation, and
  • (3) a post-termination evidentiary hearing to determine if the dismissal was warranted.

Must be given some opportunity to be heard PRIOR to discharge UNLESS there is a significant reason not to keep the employee on the job. Then the discharge can come first with a subsequent hearing that is prompt and provides reinstatement with back pay (fair).

procedural - right to appeal and fight


Individual Rights > Due Process >
Substantive Due Process

recognize issue + what scrutiny applies


Protects Rights that are implicit in the concept of ordered liberty.

Statutes that deprive fundamental RIGHTS

  • Affects Everyone


Standards of Review – Depends on WHAT RIGHTS are being deprived.

1) Fundamental right = STRICT Scrutiny

  • Government has the burden to prove law is NECESSARY to achieve COMPELLING Interest
  • The law must be the least restrictive means to achieve a compelling governmental interest.

2) Non-fundamental right = RATIONAL Basis

  • Plaintiff has burden to show law is NOT RATIONALLY RELATED to a LEGITIMATE interest.
  • i.e., that the law is arbitrary or irrational.




  • 18 and over
  • Poll tax is unconstitutional
  • States permitted to prohibit felons—even those unconditionally released from prison—from voting in elections.
  • Congress controls the residency requirements for presidential elections.

1) State Restrictions on Congressional Elections – States can regulate the time, place, and manner of congressional elections (e.g., by establishing voting sites).

  • Congress has the power to OVERRIDE those state laws by supplanting them with federal law.

2) State Restrictions on State Elections – State electoral regulations must comply with the Fourteenth Amendment equal protection and Due Process clauses.

Standard of review – depends on whether the burden imposed is ordinary (RATIONAL basis) or severe or discriminatory (STRICT scrutiny).

  • Ordinary (nondiscriminatory) Examples:
  • Voter registration; Photo-ID requirement; Disallowing write-in voting; 30-90 day waiting period to participate in election
  • Severe (discriminatory) Examples:
  • Poll tax; Disallowing third-party candidacies; Property-ownership requirement; over 3 month waiting period to participate in election

Ballot access (running for office)

  • States can impose greater requirements for candidates to be listed on a ballot, such as longer residency, filing fees, and nomination petitions, so long as serious candidates can reasonably comply.
  • If the requirements become so onerous that they effectively bar access to the ballot, then they are UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
  • States CANNOT require open primaries (i.e., one in which you do not have to be registered as a member of the particular party to participate in the primary).

3) INTERSTATE TRAVEL & SETTLEMENT (travel out of state)

  • Fundamental right to travel from state to state. Includes the right to be treated equally to native-born citizens with respect to state benefits for those who wish to become permanent residents.
  • Durational residency requirements can burden the right to interstate travel when they deny basic necessities of life to newcomers of the state. If a state’s law burdens a person’s right to interstate travel, then law is subject to STRICT scrutiny.
  • States can impose REASONABLE residency requirements (1-3 Months) on the receipt of benefits or political participation. (Basic Necessities)
  • EXCEPTIONS for in-state tuition and divorce jurisdiction


  • Marriage
  • Contraception
  • Parental rights – Right to custody of one’s children; Right to keep family together; Right to control children’s upbringing; to raise children send to private or religious education. Can lose rights through abandonment, abuse, neglect
  • Family relations – related persons’ right to reside together in a single household
  • Obscene material in your own home – not child porn.
  • Sexual intimacy – not a fundamental right, but SCOTUS has stated gov has no legitimate interest in regulating non-commercial sexual intimacy
  • Refusal of medical treatment – not a fundamental right but liberty interest involved.


Abortion is NOT a fundamental right anymoreRATIONAL basis review.

Second Amendment – Right to bear arms – The test is historical. Firearm regulations are valid only if they fit the history of the Second Amendment.

  • Accepted – Banning firearms in schools, government buildings, and other sensitive locations is widely accepted, as is prohibiting possession by felons.
  • NOT Accepted – The government cannot require individuals who wish to get licenses to carry firearms to show that they had some special need for self-defense. Everyone has that right.

Will never ban the right completely in the Q, will only affect it in some way

2 Due Process Clauses

  • 5th Amendment applies to the Federal government.
  • 14th Amendment applies to States and Localities.

Individual Rights > Equal Protection


State action – The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment provides that “no state shall … deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” This clause applies only to states and localities.

  • When a State statute (the government) treats SOME people differently from other people. Theme is PEOPLE, once we know statute refers to people, see who the people are who are being treated differently.
  • To trigger strict or intermediate scrutiny under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, there must be discriminatory INTENT on the part of the government.
  • Discriminatory Intent can be on the face of the law itself.
  • If not facially discriminatory, The fact that legislation has a disparate effect on people of different races, genders, etc., without intent, is not sufficient to trigger strict or intermediate scrutiny. Instead, proof of discriminatory motive or intent is required

Federal Action – Applied to the federal government via the DUE PROCESS Clause of the 5th Amendment. thereby making discrimination by the federal government subject to review under the same standards as discrimination by the states


Standards of Review – Depends on WHO is being treated differently. Being treated differently based on their:

A) Race, Ethnicity, National Origin

  • STRICT Scrutiny = Government has the burden to prove law is NECESSARY to achieve COMPELLING Interest
  • The law must be the least restrictive means to achieve a compelling governmental interest.

B) Gender, Legitimacy *

  • INTERM Scrutiny = Government has burden to prove law is NARROWLY tailored to a SUBSTANTIAL Government Interest

C) Everyone Else

  • RATIONAL basis = Plaintiff has burden to show law is NOT RATIONALLY RELATED to a LEGITIMATE interest.
  • i.e., that the law is arbitrary or unreasonable.



FEDERAL Law (5th amendment EP) – RATIONAL Basis Review

  • Congress has plenary (i.e., exclusive) authority over noncitizens, immigration, and naturalization
  • Plaintiff must show that the law is not rationally related to a legitimate government interest—i.e., that the law is arbitrary or unreasonable

STATE Law (14th Amendment EP) – STRICT SCRUTINY

  • CANNOT require U.S. citizenship for access to PRIVATE EMPLOYMENT or for GOVERNMENT BENEFITS

Political Function ExceptionRATIONAL Basis

  • States MAY require U.S. citizenship for participation in Government functions
  • voting, serving on a jury, and working in any kind of government law enforcement position including probation and parole officers, or as a public school teacher
  • Laws have been upheld as preventing noncitizens from having a direct effect on the functioning of the government.

2 type of questions for EP (1) recognize issue (2) what scrutiny applies

Alienage - Non-U.S. Citizen

  • Alienage – Under Article I of the Constitution, Congress has plenary (i.e., exclusive) authority over immigration and naturalization, so federal laws based on U.S. citizenship are presumptively constitutional and subject to rational basis review.

Illegitimacy - illigitimate children (out of wedlock at birth)


Equal Protection



A) Race, Alienage, National Origin – laws that disadvantage minorities will be struck down.

  • Discriminatory INTENT is required
  • not enough to show a disproportionate impact

1) Discriminatory Intent: A law can intentionally discriminate:

  • on its face – the language of the law distinguishes between different classes (intent presumed)
  • in its application – a facially neutral law is purposefully applied differently to different classes or
  • in its motive – an otherwise neutral law was enacted to disproportionately impact a protected class.

2) Affirmative Action – Triggers Strict Scrutiny. Requires COMPELLING interest.

  • SPECIFIC past discrimination: Affirmative action is VALID when it corrects SPECIFIC past discrimination by the specific department or agency now engaged in affirmative action.

B) Gender, Legitimacy


  • Gender classifications are almost always invalid (e.g., Oklahoma had a law permitting women to legally drink alcohol at a younger age than men).

Permissible examples of gender classifications:

  • Statutory rape can be gender-specific (historically); and
  • The draft.

Legitimacy – laws are almost always invalid, especially if punitive in nature.

C) Everyone Else


  • Age discrimination in employment is barred by statute, but it is not a suspect or quasi-suspect classification under the Equal Protection Clause.


  • Wealth is not a suspect or quasi-suspect classification
  • State laws that discriminate against individuals based on wealth are generally subject to RATIONAL basis scrutiny.
  • HOWEVER, STRICT SCRUTINY will be used when a state law prohibits the exercise of a FUNDAMENTAL right based on an individual’s wealth.
  • Government has to waive filing fees for indigents when charging the fees would deny a fundamental right.
  • Examples: Filing fees for Divorce; transcript for appeal of a criminal conviction; transcript for appeal of the termination of parental rights

Sexual Orientation

  • Sexual Orientation has never been held to be a fundamental right. However, the court has interpreted the 1964 Civil Rights Act to protect employees from discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation, so the issue is mostly dealt with by STATUTE.

Equal Protection


Fundamental Rights Unique to Equal Protection

1) One person, One vote:

Congressional districts (Article I, Section 2) – When states establish districts for congressional elections, they must achieve nearly precise mathematical equality between the districts. Almost exact equality (eg, < 3% variance)

State & local elections (The Fourteenth Amendment) A deviation of 10% or less between the populations of legislative districts is minor and does not violate the equal protection clause absent evidence of discrimination.

Exception: Special purpose governments – a single shot government (e.g., for distribution of water rights) can have a franchise based on that special purpose (e.g., acreage or water entitlements).

  • Basically, Allocation of the weight given to a vote on the basis of the amount of land owned may be upheld with regard to water-district elections.

2) Gerrymandering: Comes in two varieties—racial and political

Racial gerrymandering

  • Rule: Race may be a factor, but not the predominant or only factor used to draw boundary lines for state or federal legislative districts.
  • If it is a predominant factor, those boundary lines will be subject to strict scrutiny and likely invalidated on equal protection grounds.
  • A bizarrely shaped district may be evidence of a predominant racial purpose.

Political gerrymandering (drawing districts to hurt one party)

  • Never struck down.
  • The Supreme Court has not found any judicially managebale standard for implementing that guarantee—i.e., it is a non-justiciable political question.

State Election Restrictions


Ordinary Restriction - (nondiscriminatory) - Rational basis: challenger must show restriction lacks rational relationship to legitimate state interest

  • Voter registration
  • Photo-ID requirement
  • Disallowing write-in voting

Severe Restriction - (discriminatory) – Strict scrutiny: state must show restriction is necessary to achieve compelling state interest

  • Poll tax
  • Disallowing third-party candidacies
  • Property-ownership requirement

5th amendment vs. 14th amendment

good for answer choices


Question is: Who passed the law?
* 5th: Congress passed law
* 14th: State passed law

Both have to do with DP and EP, but it will be good to know for answer choices be because both can be given to us as answer choices (because the 5th or the 14th allows it)




Fifth Amendment takings applied to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment

RULE: Private property shall not be taken for PUBLIC USE without JUST COMPENSATION

  • Public use (low standard) — need only be RATIONALLY related to a conceivable public purpose. This includes taking private property to resell to another private owner for purposes of economic development.
  • Just compensationfair market value at the time of the taking.
  • Property — ALL TYPES of property. Not only land and other real property, but also tangible personal property as well as intangible property, such as contract and patent rights and trade secrets.
  • Property Interest — In addition to the transfer of a fee simple interest in property, a taking may involve an easement, leasehold interest, or a lien.


3-part analysis — to determine if a taking is constitutional, ask:

1) Has there been a taking? — two types of takings:

Possessory taking — govt. takes or occupies physical property

  • Govt. may take private property for private development
  • If the government physically occupies a private owner’s property, even a tiny portion, then a TAKING has occurred and it owes just compensation.
  • Possession or permanent physical invasion of property

Regulatory taking — govt. action that adversely affects property value; whether taking occurs depends on extent of economic interference:

  • Denial of ALL economic value = TAKING; requires compensation
  • Denial of nearly all value — depends on the social goals promoted, diminution in value to the owner, and interference with owner’s investment expectations

2) Is the taking for public use? — taking is for public use if govt. has a reasonable belief the taking will benefit the public (low standard)

  • Use will be viewed as benefitting public as long as it is rationally related to some legitimate public purpose which includes aesthetic and environmental concerns

3) Is just compensation paid? — measured in terms of loss to owner
Measured by fair market value of property at time of taking


Exaction – occurs when a local government conditions the issuance of a building/development permit on a landowner’s promise to dedicate part of the property for public use. Amounts to a TAKING requiring just compensation UNLESS the GOV’T establishes:

  • an essential nexus – the imposed condition SUBSTANTIALLY advances a LEGITIMATE government interestand
  • rough proportionality – individualized and quantifiable findings show that the proposed development’s impact on the community is roughly proportional to the imposed condition’s impact on the landowner.


  • Destruction of property or property interest (eg, easements, liens) – the government generally must provide the owner just compensation at the time of the taking.
  • EXCEPTION – Public Peril Exception - Just compensation is NOT required when the government destroys private property in response to a public peril.

Mere Regulation

  • If there is a mere regulation on property, compensation is NOT REQUIRED, even if the regulation reduces the value of the property.
  • Zoning—Not a taking and no compensation is required, so long as the zoning advances legitimate interests and does not extinguish a fundamental attribute of ownership.

Economic Impact

  • An adverse economic impact on your property from the government’s actions does not necessarily mean there has been a taking
  • (e.g., a new prison built next door to a beautiful, countryside home)

Bill of Attainder


When the government passes a law that names individual or group of people by name and levies fine/punishment/imprisonment - Unconstitutional

Often confused with EP, but when they NAME an indivual or group… it’s this.


Ex Post Facto Law


When government passes a criminal or penal law that makes conduct, that was legal at the time, retroactively illegal.

  • Or by increasing the penalty for past conduct.
  • A law that is civil in purpose is treated as a criminal law only if its punitive effect clearly overrides its civil purpose

Contract Clause


Contract Clause—Bars states from legislative impairment of existing contracts, unless there is an overriding need (something like an emergency).

  • prohibits the states from passing any law “impairing the obligation of contracts.”
  • This prohibition applies only to state legislation—not state-court decisions and not federal legislation—that retroactively impairs contractual rights.
  • It does not apply to contracts not yet entered into.

Establishment Clause


Establishment of Religion – Under the Establishment Clause, It is INVALID for a government REGULATION or ACTION to include a PREFERENCE for religion

  • Compels Government NEUTRALITY toward religion
  • This is true for laws that endorse or prefer one religion over another OR religion over non-religion.

Directly benefits or burdens a religion (Test 1: Strict Scrutiny)

  • When a law directly benefits or burdens a particular religion, Standard of review is STRICT SCRUTINY.
  • law is invalid unless the government proves that the law is necessary to achieve a compelling government interest.

Explicit religious content with “Historical practices and understandings” (Test 2: History)

  • Establishment clause challenges are generally reviewed under the historical test.
  • presumption of constitutionality for longstanding monuments, symbols, and practices with explicit religious content


Financial Aid to Religious Institutions

  • The government can only provide indirect funding— i.e., when funding flows to religious schools through individual, not government, choice

Tax exemptions for religious organizations

  • Valid as being equivalent to exemptions given to other charitable organizations

Access to Public Facilities by Religious Groups

  • If school buildings are open to various groups for club meetings or additional classes, then they must be open to religious groups on the same grounds.

Specially Created School District

  • creation of school district to serve distinctive religious population violated Establishment Clause

COERCIVE Endorsement – The Supreme Court wants to prevent COERCIVE endorsement of religion (one that might override individual choice).

  • Officially-sponsored school prayer NOT OK (Voluntary school prayer OK)
  • Inspirational Bible reading NOT OK (For literature or poetry OK)
  • Display of 10 commandments to inspire religious belief NOT OK (For historical or promoting morals purpose OK)

Nativity scenes

  • okay on public property if there is something else there to dillute the religious message (e.g., Hanukkah symbols, Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer).

Free Excercise of Religion


The free exercise clause of the First Amendment, applicable to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment, guarantees the freedom to believe in any religion or no religion at all.

  • This clause prohibits government interference with or discrimination against sincere religious beliefs or conduct.
  • As a result, the government may determine whether a professed religious belief is SINCERE—but not whether that belief is reasonable or true.


INDIVIDUAL has the right to exercise their religion in any manner they choose, as long as they do not violate the law

Government CAN’T make a law with the INTENT / PURPOSE to AFFECT religion

Targeting Religious Conduct (look for Government INTENT)

  • Strict scrutiny applies when the government purposely targets conduct because it is religious or displays religious beliefs.
  • Intent - If the law was enacted or enforced with hostility to religion, it will be struck down even if a facially neutral law

Generally applicable laws

  • a state’s neutral laws of general applicability that have an incidental impact on religious conduct are subject to rational basis review
  • no right to accomodate
  • If a law allows exemptions from generally applicable regulations, it must allow religious exemptions unless there is a compelling reason not to do so.
  • a city could not refuse to deal with a Catholic foster-child placement agency unless it agreed to serve same-sex couples
  • a tuition assistance program for preschool could not be limited to nonreligious institutions.


Ministerial Exception – The ministerial exception protects religious organizations from civil liability for employment discrimination when they hire or fire employees who serve in ministerial roles (e.g., a school teacher providing religious instruction)

  • Government cannot interfere with a religious organization’s right to shape its faith and mission.

establishment clause has withered while this has BEEFED up over the years


Individual Rights >
Freedom of Speech



1) Public Forums

  • Traditional public forum is a place historically reserved for speech activities (e.g., streets, parks, and public sidewalks around public buildings (but not airports)).
  • Designated public forum a place the government has opened for free speech activities (e.g., a civic auditorium that rents to the public).

2) Non-public forums

  • includes all kinds of government property that is not a public forum (e.g., government offices, jails, power plants, military bases, etc.).


1) Content BASED: Government regulating the WORDS/MESSAGE that we are saying. Complete shut down based on the substance of what the speech is communicating.

  • Strict Scrutiny - NECESSARY to achieve COMPELLING Interest
  • Usually STRUCK DOWN


2) Content NEUTRAL: Government regulating the TIME, PLACE, and MANNER in which speech happens. Not trying to stop the substance of the message. Must be content neutral on its face and as applied. Also, must not allow executive discretion.

PUBLIC Forum (Traditional/Designated) – INTERMEDIATE SCRUTINY

  • (1) Must be NARROWLY tailored to serve a SUBSTANTIAL government interest and
  • (2) Must leave open ample ALTERNATIVE channels of communication.


  • Any reasonable regulation of speech will be upheld
  • Content-BASED regulations PERMITTED if viewpoint-neutral


Vagueness and Overbreadth

  • Vague laws are ones that give no clear notice of what is prohibited and thus violate due process.
  • Overbroad laws are ones that go too far in regulating speech. These laws burden substantially more speech than is necessary to protect a compelling interest and thus violate the First Amendment.

Prior Restraints– a regulation of speech that occurs in advance of its expression. Prior restraints are generally presumed to be unconstitutional.

  • The burden is on the government to prove that the material to be censored is NOT protected speech.
  • Prior restraint must be the only way to accomplish a goal.

Corporations have the same First Amendment right to speak as individuals


Freedom of Expression
(Content Based Restrictions on Speech) >
Unprotected and Less Protected Expression


If the government is trying to suppress a particular message, then the law will be struck down; if the government is trying to pursue an interest unrelated to the suppression of expression, then the law will be upheld


B) Commercial Speech (e.g. advertisements)

1) POTECTED – If speech NOT misleading

  • INTERMEDIATE SCRUTINY (no greater than necessary)
  • Regulation of commercial speech must directly advance a SUBSTANTIAL government interest and be narrowly tailored to that interest.

2) UNPROTECTED – If speech is misleading or unlawful

  • Prohibited. No First Amendment Protection


C) UNPROTECTED Speech – mnemonic: FIDO

  • Fighting words
  • Incitement
  • Defamation
  • Obscenity

Certain categories of UNPROTECTED speech, such as FIDO, have historically been subject to greater government regulation without running afoul of the Constitution

  • Note: Violence is protected speech (violent video games or ads)


Obscenity – This determination is made by the Court, not the jury, and it is made according to a national standard, not a local one.

  • SEXY – Must be erotic; appeal to the prurient interest. (Gore and violence are not legally obscene).
  • SICK – Must be patently offensive to the average person in the society. The society may be the nation as a whole, or a particular state, or a major metropolitan area.
  • Standards – Must be defined by the proper standards for determining what is obscene, not vague and/or overbroad. (Tax on films displaying frontal nudity. Not a valid law because frontal nudity is not a good enough standard.)
  • Serious Value – The material must lack serious value. If material has serious value (artistic, scientific, educational, or political), it cannot be held legally obscene.


  • Minors: A lesser legal standard can be applied to minors, but the government cannot ban adult speech simply because it would be inappropriate for minors.
  • Child pornography: Can be prohibited whether or not it is legally obscene, and possession can be punished even if it is in the privacy of your own home.
  • Land use restrictions: Narrowly drawn ordinances can regulate the where of adult theatres, but cannot ban them entirely.


  • Speech is not protected if it is an incitement to immediate violence.

Fighting words – Words likely to provoke an immediate breach of the peace

  • General vulgarity is not enough.
  • Must be aimed/targeted at someone, and that person might hit back.
  • Fighting words are NOT protected speech, HOWEVER all fighting words statutes on the bar exam are unconstitutionally vague and/or overbroiad (e.g., laws against “hate speech”).


  • false statements of fact (not opinion) damaging to a person’s reputation can be prohibited.
  • Public officials and public figures can recover for defamation only on proof of knowing or reckless falsity.
  • private Plaintiffs can recover on proof of negligent falsity


  • Correct = Compelling – Strict
  • Standards = Substantial – Intermediate
  • Lately = Legitimate – Rational



No Special Privileges –The press and media have no special privileges. They have the same rights as everyone else.

  • Broadcasters may be subject to greater governmental regulation than print and other media. Broadcasters may be sanctioned, therefore, for airing “patently offensive sexual and excretory speech,” even if such speech does not qualify as obscene under the Miller test, in the interest of protecting children likely to be listening.
  • Cable Television falls somewhere between the extensive protection given to print media and the more limited protection for broadcasting. As such, a law requiring cable operators to carry local television stations is subject to intermediate scrutiny. Content-based regulations of cable broadcasts are subject to strict scrutiny, however.


The First Amendment freedom of the PRESS — press has a right to publish matters of public concern; any restriction or punishment must be narrowly tailored to further a compelling state interest of the highest order (Strict Scrutiny)

Gag orders – A judicial order prohibiting the publication of information about court proceedings. (Strict Scrutiny)

  • Such orders are subject to prior-restraint analysis.
  • Gag orders are almost always struck down because they are rarely the least restrictive means of protecting the defendant’s right to a fair trial.
  • The trial judge has other alternatives available, such as change of venue, postponement of the trial, careful voir dire, or restricting the statements of lawyers and witnesses.

Attending trials(Strict Scrutiny)

  • The public and the press both have the right to attend criminal trials, but this right is not absolute.
  • It may be outweighed if the trial judge finds an overriding interest that cannot be accommodated by less restrictive means.

No constitutional privilege to protect sources

  • A journalist has no First Amendment right to refuse to testify before a grand jury regarding the content and source of information relevant to the criminal inquiry.

Illegally obtained and private information

The First Amendment shields the media from liability for publishing information that was obtained illegally by a third party as long as the information involves a matter of public concern and the publisher neither obtained it unlawfully nor knows who did.

First Amendment conflict with state right of publicity

  • Some states recognize a right of publicity—the right of a person to control the commercial use of his or her identity.
  • The First and Fourteenth Amendments do not immunize the news media from civil liability when they broadcast a performer’s entire act without his consent, and the Constitution does not prevent a state from requiring broadcasters to compensate performers

No immunity from laws of general applicability

  • the press has no greater First Amendment rights than does the general public, i.e., there is no special privilege allowing the press to invade the rights of others.



Freedom of association: The First Amendment protects against government interference with a person’s right to associate with any group or organization. But since this right is not absolute.

General rule – Infringing upon right to associate barred unless:

  • necessary to achieve compelling interest

Subversive organization – Punishing member of subversive organization permitted if person:

  • is active member
  • knows of organization’s illegal objectives and
  • specifically intends to further them

Loyalty oath – Requiring loyalty oath for public employment permitted unless:

  • overbroad – infringes on constitutionally protected behavior or
  • vague – reasonable person would not understand oath

Forced inclusion – Interfering with organization’s discriminatory policy barred unless:

  • no significant burden on organization’s mission and
  • necessary to achieve compelling interest

Electoral process – Imposing restriction on electoral process:

  • ordinary – permitted if rationally related to legitimate interest
  • severe – barred unless necessary to achieve compelling interes
  • States cannot require open primaries (i.e., one in which you do not have to be registered as a member of the particular party to participate in the primary).



SPEECH BY GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEESGeneral rule: Government employees generally cannot be hired or fired based on any act of expression. (political party, political philosophy)

  • When a public employee is speaking pursuant to official duties, the government has great latitude to regulate that speech.
  • But when the employee is speaking as a private citizen, the government can restrict that speech ONLY if its interest in efficient government function outweighs the employee’s right to free speech.
  • Basically, Can only be fired for disrupting the workplace or not doing their jobs.

Exception: This general rule does not apply to confidential or policy making employees (e.g., the President’s cabinet officers, a judge’s clerks)


  • The use of money to support a political campaign is political speech and the regulation of that money raises First Amendment issues.

Contributions versus expenditures:

  • Contributions can be regulated, provided that the limits are not unreasonably low
  • Direct Expenditures In support of a candidate, a campaign, or a political issue cannot be regulated.
  • The rationale is prevent corruption: A candidate could theoretically act in a certain way, in exchange for a larger, direct contribution.

Independent expenditures versus coordinated expenditures:

  • Independent expenditures cannot be regulated.
  • Coordinated Expenditure is a disguised contribution (the campaign is in control) and can be regulated as contributions can be regulated.